OOC: Some of you already know this, but I'll be gone for part of today and the whole day tomorrow. The rest of my summer's pretty much free. It's just everything's happening over this particular weekend. I'm posting now, so you guys won't be left on a cliff hanger xD This'll be a bit of a longer post.
Remember, 4/5 lines for a minimum post, alright?
And I'm making it so wolves and humans can understand each other when they talk. O.o It's just easier that way.
BiC: Alpin gave a curt nod towards Kuro. "I believe that you could have. Thank you for telling me all of this," he said. "And for your loyalty." Alpin was not the type of alpha male to not give out praise to a brave and loyal wolf when it should be given.
"They're really big," Krash whispered, her voice a bit nervous. "Which one's the Alpha?" Serah's earthy green eyes sparkled with amusement. That is what I thought when I first joined this pack as well. She Remembered back to the days when she was but a loner. She had been born a loner and had always been lonely. It was her desire to always be part of a pack. She remembered seeing Alpin the first time (though then he was only the beta male) and being frightened. "Alpin is the one with the multi-coloured eyes," she answered.
Amala limped alongside Mordecai. "Need any help?" he asked her. "Who attacked you?" Amala was silent for a moment. She didn't want to point fingers to the wolf that had attacked her, but she knew that by now, half the Ikaros Clan would know it was a dog. "A dog attacked me. A Vesta wolf. He attacked me before I had any time to react." It hadn't been a fair fight, in Amala's eyes."Oh, there's Serah-" Amala suddenly said, then broke off. Who was that other wolf? "...With some loner..." Her eyes now glowed with curiosity. She started to run towards the healer, then winced.Ow. She decided not to run until her wounds had been taken care of. She then continued to limp as fast as she could towards the two wolves, who looked as though they were waiting to talk with Alpin. She gave a bark to let them know that she was there. Both Serah and Alpin looked over to her.
Serah glanced over towards the direction of where she heard the bark-- it was Amala and Mordecai, entering the clearing. She could see that Amala was fairly ripped up and was limping.She was attacked Serah thought. She ran over to the injured wolf, leaving the loner behind to talk with Alpin [hahaha xD]. She circled around Amala, viewing all of the wounds that she had received. "Nothing I can't fix." she said after a second. "I see it was a Vesta wolf that attacked you. The scratch marks you received are also burnt. This will make it easier to heal, though." Serah could tell all of this at but one glance; it was a skill that came with lots of experience.
She swept her tail across Amala's left side and murmured a few chosen words; slowly, the cuts healed over. The fur around it was still singed and one could tell that she had been attacked, but the wounds themselves were gone. "The only thing that worries me is that bite to your shoulder,"Serah said, But I've seen worse. Come this way." Amala and Serah walked slowly across the clearing towards the place where Serah treated most injured wolves.
Alpin was now left alone (though Kuro and Mordecai were nearby), just now noticing Serah and another wolf. Serah left, though, to tend to Amala's wounds. Alpin gazed at the loner. It was a female wolf, a Ferid wolf. She was beautiful, and that was an understatement. She looks one or two years younger than me. She must be wanting to join the Ikaros Clan. So long as she had never been a dog before, Alpin would let her in. There was something about her that made him feel smaller, somehow; it was her eyes. He felt them pierce his very being, his soul. They were full of wisdom; it was strange to see that look on a wolf so young. He saw that look in Serah's eyes a lot, but she was an old, experienced wolf, and a healer at that. After a while, he spoke. "Welcome to the Ikaros Clan. What is your name?"
Chi was walking through the forest; she stopped when she saw on the ground wolf tracks... And blood. Hopefully it was not my future dog that was injured she thought to herself absently. I must tame it soon before... Her eyes grew dark. She must not think of that. [mwahahaha a plot twist is coming up in the future >3] She ran her hand through her ebony hair. Her heart was set on this one female wolf. It was small, so small, and fragile looking. But it had been graceful when it ran. And there was something about Kasumi wolves that Chi had always admired. Maybe it was the fact that they looked like they were made out of mist. When they walked, it looked like they weren't even touching the ground. They were fast, and could teleport; just like Chi herself. To her, this wolf was a perfect match with her. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she jumped when she felt warm fur against her hand. She looked down and saw that a huge, fierce Vesta wolf was brushing against her side. It had brick red coloured fur and its wings were just beginning to disappear. Its eyes, not hostile, looked up to her and it gave a sigh through its nose.
"Hello, human," it said in a happy-go-lucky voice. It let its tongue loll out of its mouth. A friendly Vesta wolf? Chi thought to herself, extremely interested.
"Hello, human," Sirius said, brushing his body against the human. He was being friendly for a reason. He liked humans. And he wanted to know why this human was wandering so close to the heart of the forest.
"And what's a Vesta wolf like you acting so friendly towards a human like me?" the human asked. Sirius swished his tail from side to side and gave a toothy grin, showing his sharp teeth.
"I'm a dog, and I have a name. I am Sirius, now an outcast from my pack because I declared that I would fight alongside the humans," he said. "But enough of that. I was just so curious as to why you were so close to coming face to face with a certain pack of wolves who I know won't be so happy to see your face." The human looked surprised at this, and then gave a smile.
"I came this far to find and tame a certain wolf... A fragile looking Kasumi wolf who seems to have a habit of spying on humans," she answered. Sirius's eyes narrowed now. A fragile looking Kasumi wolf. It couldn't be... But it fit. It was the small she-wolf that he had attacked. It couldn't be that that wolf was interested in humans and wanted to become a dog? He knew that he himself had started spying on humans just before he became a dog. He wouldn't tell this human that though. But he wanted more information now. When he had been flying, he had seen on the outskirts of the forest something menacing.
"I see. I have one more question. I want to know what the status of the human hunters are currently. I saw something recently in the human territory that I didn't quite like..." He saw the glimmer in the human's eye change.
"Let's just say," the human said, "that is why I want to tame that wolf quickly, before anything... Happens."