I will not [Wolf] be tamed [Roleplay]

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1:41pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 2,338
((sorry about that.. i was really braindead and i din't know what to post))


1:47pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,551
OOC: That's all right. Braindeadness is a good excuse xD


2:03pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,060
ooc; I feel like adding another character.
And I'll being in Crisis later on, I just don't know how to bring her in right now. But I will... :P


2:24pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 12,384

Ash landed not too far from Alpin, Krash, and Serah. Her wings dissappeared as she landed. "Hey," She said, but otherwise said nothing. She glanced around boredly.

((My brain fails me today)) 


4:01pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 1,299

     ((Ugh, sorry. I hate when I post once and become instantly unable to know what else to do.))

     Lunari stood for several long minutes, thinking about how terrible he had been at catching that one deer. No wonder nobody bothers even caring about me hunting with them. Lunari shook his head in dismay. I'm such a fool! The Tane wolf turned his head back in the direction of where the Ikaros Clan's camp was, where some of the other Pack members were. Lunari started to pad towards the direction of the camp. Maybe I can catch a rabbit on the way back, so I don't feel like a failure, he thought miserably to himself.


7:37pm Jul 23 2010

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Posts: 5,512

Krash took a nervous step away from the huge Dire wolf, Alpin, but kept studying him, "My name is Krash." she blinked once, "and I'm not a dog if thats what your thinking." she said, "I was once a member of a different pack, a long ways away from here." she said. Why are his eyes different colors? She wondered, and her eyes showed her curiosity. Her fear slipped away and she took a tiny step forward.


Kuro watched the loner curiously. She looks like a Vesta wolf, but her eyes show the wisdom of a Senka wolf, and her beauty would match once. And her wings, they are feathery, like a birds. He sat down and tilted his head. He notcied she was staring into Alpin's eyes, as if she was looking into his soul. Kuro looked at her eyes, they were a bright emerald green. then he glanced over at Alpin, to see how he would react to the boldness of this new loner. He had also noticed that she no longer showed fear of either Alpin or his own size. they no longer intimidated her.


2:10pm Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 5,512
((bump :D))


5:05pm Jul 25 2010

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Posts: 1,551

OOC: I'm posting. ^^


5:20pm Jul 25 2010 (last edited on 5:40pm Jul 25 2010)

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Posts: 1,551

"My name is Krash, and I'm not a dog if that's what you're thinking." Alpin felt surprise surge through him. His ear twitched. He had never met such a bold young female wolf. "I was once a member of a different pack, a long ways from here." Alpin did not ask questions why Krash was a loner; he knew that the past was the past and he had the distinct feeling that this wolf was good. He gave a smile (a rare smile, at that) as he saw a question form in Krash's eyes. Many were curious about his strange multi-coloured eyes. "I wasn't born with different coloured eyes. During a fight, a dog scratched my left eye and it got infected. It turned blue, as you can see. But now I can hardly see out of this eye." 


 Serah took a look at Amala's left shoulder. "This is a deep wound," she murmured. They were sitting right on the edge of the clearing, where it was a bit shaded. "I am worried that it will get infected if I don't treat it now," she continued, "So be still." She put her nose against the deep bite marks. رزcېدلئ ستاسو ټپونه  , she thought to herself. She felt a bit of energy slowly flow into Amala's wound. Serah inspected the wound; the bleeding had stopped. "How does it feel now?" She saw Amala stare at the wound. 

"It doesn't hurt now," she answered. 


Amala felt slightly unnerved as Serah continued to stare, with her deep, earthy green eyes, into Amala's soul, it felt like. Amala felt nervous now.

"What I want to know," Serah said, "is how that dog who attacked you was able to get in so many wounds in so short a time when I know you're a better fighter than that." The question stung Amala; so Serah was onto her. Amala had been surprised that the Vesta wolf had been a dog and had wanted to speak. She was caught, so foolishly, by surprise.

"I'm sorry," Amala said, her tail hanging low, "I was surprised when the Vesta wolf said he was a dog." 

"And that is why you didn't want to attack?" Serah said, her voice surprisingly gentle. Amala looked up into Serah's kind eyes. She licked Amala's ear.

"I won't tell anyone how you want to be a-" Serah's voice was suddenly cut off as Ash landed near them. Amala was caught by surprise.

"A-ash," she stammered.  


9:15pm Jul 25 2010

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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Bump ^_^


9:18pm Jul 25 2010

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Posts: 12,384


9:27pm Jul 25 2010

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Posts: 12,384
"A-ash," Ash stared at them suspicously. "What?" Ash asked, very suspicous now. Why  did she stammer? Something must be up... she thought suspicously, her eyes narrowing. Her stare turned into a glare, as she went through all of the possibilities in her head.


9:51pm Jul 25 2010

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Posts: 12,384
((Is it just me, or did I use 'suspicous' too many times in that post?))


9:52pm Jul 25 2010

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Posts: 1,551
"What?" Ash said, her voice clearly suspicious. Amala looked at Ash; she was a large, female Dire wolf who was so large and powerful looking that Amala felt small-- well, much smaller than usual.
"I'm sorry," she said calmly, regaining her composure. She wagged her tail in a friendly manner and started to pant. "You just startled me." When she had to be, Amala was a pretty good actor.
Serah stood by Amala. So she wants to become a dog she thought. Our very own beta female wolf. Serah wasn't very surprised, however. Amala had always leaned more towards peace, and had always been curious to learn about humans. Now Serah began to notice how Amala tended to defend the dogs and when fighting with them, always fought defensively. Serah leaned more towards peace as well, and hated harming anyone; however, she wanted to remain part of the pack. Alpin knew this about her, and how she vowed never to kill another fellow wolf... Her eyes darkened a bit in memory, but she brushed it away. Liking humans and being tamed shouldn't be treated as a sin Serah thought. But the other side had a good point too; the humans did kill wolves. And because of that, wolves fought back. Humans used the wood of the forest where wolves lived in. Wolves fought back. And it all began with wolves and humans liking each other. How it had all turned out. Serah walked up and stared Ash in the eye, looking to her kindly. 
"I had just finished healing her wounds. She didn't hear you coming," Serah said, dipping her head in greeting.  


9:53pm Jul 25 2010

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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Rofl, I noticed that too. xD


10:05pm Jul 25 2010

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Posts: 12,384
Ash hesitated for a second, then said "Okay, then." and walked off. Im going to have to keep a eye on Amala, she thought, still suspicous but concealing it now. As soon as she was out of sight,  she turned into a mere shadow, hiding and eavesdropping.


10:19pm Jul 25 2010

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Posts: 1,060
Name: Kai
Age: Equivalent to an 11 year old human in dog years. So maybe 11 months in dog terms, more or less.
Gender: Female
Wolf or "Dog": Wolf
Species of wolf: Senka
Rank: Pack Member
Appearance: Kai's fur is a deep brown colour, similar to that of forest soil. Her fur becomes a darker shade around her paws, but it looks very smudged and the change in shade is hardly noticeable. Her fur is silky and soft, although it doesn't really shine when hit by sunlight. Her eyes are emerald green and usually shining with curiousity. Kai has a rather lithe figure. She has long, wiry legs and couldn't make bubblewrap pop if she stood on top of it(lol I couldn't make it pop either XD). Aside from that, she is very sturdy and hard to throw off, but she still mainly uses common sense and speed/stamina when in a battle.
Personality: Roleplay it out--
Other: She admires Serah, a lot. |D


10:20pm Jul 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,060
ooc; Okay I typed that up under a lot of pressure. xD
I'll post later since I have to go out right now.
That is all lol


10:22pm Jul 25 2010

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Posts: 1,551
OOC: Awesome, Shad :D


10:39pm Jul 25 2010

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Posts: 1,551
Serah brushed up against Amala closely as Ash walked away. "If you ever... Make your decision, Alpin will not act too kindly towards you. He's already about to order that every dog and human be killed on sight." Serah's tone of voice was serious. Amala's misty blue eyes flickered with fear- and anger. 
"No!" she said. "That means a full out war between the Ikaros clan and the humans." Serah's eyes were grave. She agreed with what Amala said. 
"I thought you would want to know before you made any decisions. You must decide who you will fight for... And I am worried for you," Serah said. "Alpin knows where I stand. I do not care if wolves leave the pack and become dogs. But I would never be content if I left the pack." Amala's eyes were the saddest in the world, and her spirits were down. The sun was beginning to set. 
"It should not be so hard," Serah continued gently, "for the dogs since they just like humans. But we wolves have our pride. So do the humans. Pride seems to get in the way, and the want for battle." Amala finally looked up, a determined look on her face.
"I can't stay in this pack. I'm nothing but a burden. My interest in dogs and humans is great and my loyalty to the Ikaros clan is wavering. I'm leaving- tonight," she said. Her voice had a hint of steel in it. Neither Serah nor Amala noticed the Dire wolf melted in the shadows, watching and listening to every word they spoke. 
"Then go," Serah whispered, "And may luck go with you." She watched as the all too fragile Kasumi wolf turn around and run directly into the forest, heading towards the scent of the humans. Amala looked like but a wisp of mist, disappearing into the trees of Ebony Forest. 
Serah felt older now than ever before. She felt sorrow. She wanted to howl, but she held it in. As the moon started to rise, as the wolves started to become energized; the time when the wolves were most feared, the sound of a small wolf's pawsteps faded into the quickly leaving day.  

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