1. Please be semi-lit (at least).
2. I do not care how many characters you have, but keep control of ALL OF THEM.
3. Please keep gender ratios even.
4. I encourage romance, even more so same-gender couples.
5. I am the main owner of this thread, I will pick one or two CO-owners later.
6. Please post your bio to join, do not ask.
7. When poswting please ost in size three, and keep your post centered.
8. All character must be seniors, so all of them are like 17/18... Unless your chracter skipped a grade.
9. No insta-dates... I don't mind insta crushes, but don't get mad when the other person doesn't return the feeling.
10. You may not have one of your characters crushing on, or dating another one of your characters.
11. When dding new characyer, please simply post6 them in your origanal bio post, it keeps the threaad clean and orderly.
*I ill add and/or edit the rules as needed.*
Bio Skelly
Grade: Senior
Dorm Mate?:
Short Persona Desc.:
Side Notes:
Males: 8
Females: 9
Straight Males: 6
Straight Females: 4
Bi Males: 3
Bi Females: 3
Gay Males:
Lesbians: 2
Pansexual Males: 1
Well, all the students live on the school grounds, cut off from every one else, this is a boarding school after all....
It's close to the end of the school year, and PROM is comming up. Every one is frantic in their looking for a date for the biggest dance of high school.
Will you get a date? Or will you lock yourself in your dorm room on the splendid night?
((I have a twist, if you want to get in on it, mail me... You may or may not be able to be included in the twist... I only need a few people.
My characters
Name: Ryu Hundenacht
Age: 18, almost 19
Grade: Senior
Dorm Mate?: (open)
Gender: male
Crush?: Maara?
Date: Probably Maara...
Short Persona Desc.: Kind, caring, relaxed... Fairly reserved.... Just get to know him....
Side Notes: His sister is Aleka. He is part of the twist.
His Pets:
Shadow- Male American Pit Bull Terrier

Name: Ivan Van Nacht
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Dorm Mate?: (open)
Gender: Male
S.O: Straight
Crush?: Open
Date: Looking
Short Persona Desc.: He is a lot like Ryu... But he also likes to have fun and is a bit harder to make mad...
Side Notes: He is part of my twist...
Name: Yuri Valentyne
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
Dorm Mate?: Open
Gender: female
S.O: lesbian
Crush?: open
Date: looking

Short Persona Desc.: She is punky and wouldn't ever back down from a fight... (Get to know her...)
Side Notes: N/A
Her Pets:
Storm- The Abyssian.

Name: Aleka Hundtenacht
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
Dorm Mate?: (open)
Gender: female
S.O: Lesbian
Crush?: Open
Date: Looking
Short Persona Desc.: She is fairly carefree and laid back... But she will always speak her mind...
Side Notes: Her brotheris Ryu. She is also part of the twist.
Her Pets:
Jack- Male Hovawart

Alex- Female American Pit Bull Terrier

Name: Gerard Devylson and Kei Devylson
Age: 17 for both.
Grade: Seniors
Dorm Mate?: (Open for both)
Gender: Mlae and Female
S.O: Straight, Bi.
Crush?: Open for both.
Date: Lookng for both.
Short Persona Desc.: Gerard is some-what quiet... But he likes to have fun and is always watching after his sister.
Kei loves to have fun... She isn't overly bubbly, but she kinda fits in with every one...
Side Notes: Theu're brother and sister.
Kei's Pets:
Dante- Male Akita Inu