9:34am Jun 22 2010
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( EH? D8> Should've told me that! -.- Ah, nevermind. She's a morning person, anyway. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
9:35am Jun 22 2010
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Name: Haine Collen Age: 17 Grade: Senior Dorm Mate?: Open Gender: Female S.O: Straight Crush?: Gerard Devlyson? Date: Looking Looks: This picture is of the main character from one of my favorite mangas. So nyaah if you don't like it! xD Short Persona Desc.: -lazy- Scatterbrained but kind and gentle, sometimes thick-headed and rather strong for a girl. Side Notes: Has pet corn snake [orange] named Ruuqo :d --- Name: Cain Collen Age: 17 Grade: Senior Gender: Male S.O: Straight Crush/Date: Open and lookin' : D Looks: I know lots of manga, okay? >_> Short Personality Deion: -lazy again- Much like his sister, but on a greater skill. Rather innocent and naive, too. Other: Has pet lizard that is an emerald green color, named Rissa. The lizard and Ruuqo don't get along too well.
9:41am Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Kira-It`s on the second post of page 2.))
1:56am Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 818
((New character accepted... my intro in asap... I'll also edt the ratios, and finish my bios... Any one for Aleka, Kei, Yuri or Ivan?))
9:05am Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Maara and Sissy lay asleep in their dorm. Sissy was curled up on Maara's stomach. When the san began to rise, the light came through the curtain covered window and fell onto Maara's face. She opened her eyes and yawned then looked at her clock. She sighed and placed Sissy next to her on the bed, then rolled over onto her side and went back to sleep. Sissy slept throught it all silently. ~~~ Roku was awakened by the sun as well, but quickly jumped up and started getting dressed. Jake crawled out from under his bed, and jumped up onto the matress. He yawned and curled up on Roku's pillow, then went back to sleep. Roku soon was ready and picked up Jake's collar off the ground. The moment Jake heard his tags clink together, he was running to Roku, who put his collar and leash on. Then opened the door and walked out of the room. ~~~ Moku's mourning started much like Roku's, except, Freind didn`t go back to bed, he ran around under Moku`s feet, making it difficult for his owner to get ready. Once Moku spend ten minutes trying to get Friend's collar and leash on, the two walked out of their dorm for their mourning walk. ~~~ Raine and Molly sat outside the girls' dorms, waiting for Moku and Roku. When the guys finally got to her, Raine put her hands on her hips and sighed, "You`re both late." She said angerly, but before the guys could explain themselves, she and Molly were walking away. The guys sighed and ran after them.

9:41am Jun 23 2010
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Haine was already out of her room, walking past door after door. She was impatient, and when she reached the door that she was looking for, she knocked on it. "Shh, don't disturb Rissa again, Ruuqo." Haine murmured to the snake in her pocket. He flicked out his tongue at her, and lay still. --- Cain woke up to the sound of knocking on his door. Rubbing his eyes, he answered it. "Oh, good morning, Haine." He said in a soft voice. "It's kind of early in the morning, sis-" He began, but Haine cut him off. "Well, someone has to wake up to feed Ruuqo! Did you even feed your lizard yet?" She pointed at the gl*censored* tank that contained a small emerald lizard. Cain shook his head. "Eh, I'll feed her during breakfast." --- Haine rolled her eyes. 'And you say I'm the lazy one.' She thought to herself, watching her snake coil around her hand while she waited for Cain to get ready.
10:48pm Jun 23 2010
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3:09pm Jun 24 2010
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Zaccarius let out a groan as he awakened by his dog, Sauya. He sat up and reached out, feeling around until his fingertips hit her fur. He sat there and petted her, and would have given her a glare if he didn't wear his blindfold all the time. So, instead, he just got up and clipped Sauya's harness onto her, a practice thing that he could, even though he was blind. He looked back at where Esmaius slept, hearing his soft breathing that signaled he was still asleep. So Zaccarius quietly got ready and headed out, Sauya leading the way. ________________ Esmaius, meanwhle, was laying there, feeling a bit under the weather, but figured just a few more hours of sleep would do the trick. Well, he hoped it would...
3:26pm Jun 24 2010 (last edited on 3:27pm Jun 24 2010)
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Posts: 192
Yawning, Peyton opened her eyes as she forced herself up and out of bed. It was rather early, but she decided to hold a small rally in the park to bring awareness of the positon the Earth was in. Some would call her a tree-hugger; that she was. With a p*censored*ion. Everything in her little dorm was energy efficient; the bulbs, the windows. Slipping into her clothing, she grabbed an orange and headed out the door. She walked outside, breathing in the refreshing morning air and then made her way to the park, going behind her little table. Handing out flyers, which yes, were bio-degradable, so even if people littered it wouldn't harm the environment. "Save the Earth! Little things you do can help greatly!"
She said, handing out flyers to random people p*censored*ing by. It was a great thing to do in the morning before she had to get to cl@ss. She couldn't possibly be late.
Status; Online. C:
3:45pm Jun 24 2010
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Zaccarius inhaled deeply the instant Sauya led him outside, smiling lightly. "Just what I needed to wake up. Thanks, girl," he told his seeing-eye husky. He hated being blind, but there was an advantage to it. Sauya could go anywhere with him, which meant she never had to be left behind. He was sure his beloved dog loved that she never had to be separated form Zaccarius, since she was the one who helped him get around without running into everything.
12:16pm Jun 25 2010 (last edited on 12:17pm Jun 25 2010)
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Posts: 192
Peyton continued to hand out flyers about the enviroment, giving people little tips about how to save energy and whatnot. Despite the constant 'Shuddup!' and 'Nerd!' that was thrown her way, she was smiling. Why was she smiling? She wasn't too sure, but she knew that someone of the millions of people that she handed flyers to had to be paying attention and making a small difference. Even if it was something silly like using both sides of looseleaf paper or putting your coke can in the recycle bin, it was something. And knowing that she was helping make that difference was up-lifting. She paused and looked at her watch. "Hm. I still have time...help the Earth! It's where you live, and unless you want to move to Mars or Venus, I suggest you start helping it." She called, handing out more flyers. OhOhSea:: x.x Braindead. D:
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11:02am Jul 7 2010
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((Tid, please fix your post. I cannot read it.)) Kei had been upfor a while, reading so she didn't eake up Maara. Dante lying silently at herfeet.
~~~ Ryu had left the dorm long before his room mate, Roku did. He and Shadow were sitting under a tree, appearently waiting for Maara.
~~~ Aleka sighed as she hooked Jack and Alex's leashs on their harnesses. Her mind was any where but with the dogs... She seemed to not be able to control her thoughts when they drifted (depressingly) to Maara and her brother.... And how long they'd loved eachoter.... She sighed again and left the dorm, her two dogs walking nicely at her side. ~~~ Yuri sat by herwidow stroking her female Sbyssian, Storm, who was purring loudly. ~~~ Gerad sat at a picnic bentch, waiting for his sister.... ~~~ Ivan was awoken by the bright light if the sun inhi room. He got up out of bed long enough to groan and pul the "black out blinds" ove the blindless windo and go back to sleep. ((Sorry.... Intro fail.))
1:02pm Jul 7 2010
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( *headdesk* Uhm, so, what do we do, Keres? D8 )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
1:27pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 818
((Interact?...... IDflippenK......))
1:30pm Jul 7 2010
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( o_____o Uhm. As soon as I add a male character. -.- I killed the other one. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
1:37pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 818
((Yuri, Kei, Gerard, Ivan and Aleka are all open.... So yeah.... XD))
2:11pm Jul 7 2010
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( My stomach hurts. ;-; Okay. o___o I'm having trouble picking a character. ;-; I was thinking about using Daran/Samael or Severin, but, like. e.o They come from a poor-as.s family, and they don't have the best grades... Okay, maybe Daran/Samael does, but. e.o They're...from the same family. )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
2:31pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 818
((Do you have pics for them?))
2:33pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( For both, yes. ono Why, do you want to see? o___o )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
2:55pm Jul 7 2010
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Posts: 818
((Maybe I can help you decide. ^_^))