8:31am Mar 12 2010
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Sevenstar walked into the clearing, A beautiful new day, she thought as the sun began to rise. The sky was turning a soft blue. Sevenstar glided her paw across the sand, making lines. A snap came from behind her, "Rainpaw.." she meowed Quietly. Best as if I better get my sleeping deputy up and awake. Sevenstar stood up and padded over to the warriors den Careful not to disturb the other warriors, she whispered "Cougarstealth, time to get up." Then she poked him with her paw until his eyes were open. "Come, Cougarstealth Rainpaw is awake already." (( Rainclan lives on a beach, at the ocean, and there is a deep jungle behind there camp.))
8:32am Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( mai post tis stuck...so bump))
11:02am Mar 12 2010
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Cougarstealth awoke from his colourful dream, full of sight to the always black world. “Yes Sevenstar.” He mewed and padded out of the warrior den. He lifted his nose and scented the air, warm, humid and with a salty tang from the ocean. He opened his mouth ad tasted the air hoping to find out who was around. Upon drawing that breath he caught the scent of his apprentice Rainpaw. The large she cat stood by the entrance to the camp waiting eagerly to go out and train. He smiled when he sensed her enthusiasm, “Come you lug. Lets head out” Violentpaw watched Cougarstealth and Rainpaw walk out of the camp for training. He bounded over to Sevenstar and asked, “May we go out and train Sevenstar?” His violet eyes blazed as he waited for an answer. Violetgaze awoke on basking rocks and snarled at himself, I stayed out all night! What will Sevenstar think? He leapt off and headed towards the camp catching a vole on the way back. Goldenfur awoke in the warriors den and headed towards the nursery where his mate, Silverflame, and kits, Featherkit, Snowkit, Leopardkit and Redkit, were resting. The kits had been born a quarter moon ago.(is that okay?) They were beautiful. He quickly slid in to the nursery and laid down beside his mate, purring as he licked her ear.
5:48pm Mar 12 2010 (last edited on 9:18am Mar 13 2010)
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"Yes sure, Violentpaw." Sevenstar meowed, then beaconed Violentpaw with her tail. "This is good that you are up just as early as Rainpaw, normally you sleep in until normal cats wake up." Sevenstar joked. "i thought it would be good to see how well your hunting is going, okay? I need you to catch as much prey as you can until you see the sun hit the middle of the sky, it is like an hunting as.sessment but not quite yet." sevenstar meowed, "Begin!" she meowed, No to see why Violetgaze was outside of the warriors den all night. Pheonixstar padded back to camp, "Violetgaze, why were you outside all night?" Rainpaw jumped into the air, "What are we going to train for today?!" she squealed , "I love training but I don't love changing the moss in the elders den eewww.." she hissed. Come down! You might explode! "Hello Goldenfur," meowed Silverflame, "Snowkit is up early again." she meowed happily, "Just like you." Snowkit bounded around the nursery. "You know it is surprising she hasn't spoken yet, after all the other kits have.." she meowed, "I can speak," meowed snowkit, "Ok then, but she doesn't get into trouble like all the other kits have, like when they ventured out to try fresh-kill, she stayed back while the other's were throwing up yarrow and mouse..." ((yea east that is ok))
8:50am Mar 13 2010
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9:19am Mar 13 2010
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"Hi frostpaw!" meowed mistpool, "What are you training for today?" asked the silver she cat.
9:14am Mar 14 2010
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12:36pm Mar 14 2010
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Frostpaw blinked at Mistpool. "I want to do battle practice today." She said decisively. "Although I need to find Poisonheart first. See you." She said with a flick of her ears, then padded towards the Warrior's den. "Poisonheart?" She mewed, poking her head inside the dim-lit den, glancing around for the black and white she-cat.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:01pm Mar 14 2010
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Poisonheart opened her eyes,"Yes, time for training already?" Poisonheart meowed "I guess we should do that now," she meowed then walked out of the warriors den, her eyes blazed. "Lets train in the clearing, it is battle training today." meowed Poisonheart. "If a cat grabs you by your scruff what do you do? What if the cat is bigger and stronger than you?" she growled in a low voice. "What if it is a fox?".
7:00pm Mar 14 2010
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((eklipse they are a week old. They wont be able to speak... Meh whatever its a roleplay :P)) ((Can I play Leopardkit?)) Goldenfur purred at his mate and flicked his tail. "I will see you after patrol" he bent down and licked each of his kits.Leopardkit was dozing, his paws and tail twitching. Goldernfur bent his head and licked his only son twice and drew his tail aross the four. "Goodbye my dears" he mwed to his little she-kits. Vioentpaw shifted anxiously from paw to paw. He was almost ready to be a warrior. How much longer? He questioned himself. Hearing Sevenstar say, "yes Violentpaw" he dashed off and stumbled into Violetgaze who seemed to be in a foul mood. His older brother glared at him, their lavender eyes blazed. Violetgaze dropped his vole on the fresh kill pile and spoke calmly to his leader, "I'm sorry Sevenstar." he gulped, "I went out for a walk last night. I was stressed and I laid down on the Basking Rocks and I fell asleep. Sorry" he hung his head witing for her to speak. Sensing the cats walking by Cougarstealth meowed to Rainpaw, "We'll have your first hunting as.sessment today" he smiled as he sensed her happiness, "And from there we'll seee what we need to work on"
9:42pm Mar 14 2010
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(( I told them to speak so deh did! .....yea you can play him.. )) Snowkit starred at him oddly. "Who was that?" she meowed out loud as Goldenfur walked out of the den. "He is our father Mousebrain." growled Flamekit. Soo ree Flamekit maybe I should go join Starclan would that make you feel better? "That is fine, but don't let it happen again please." meowed Sevenstar, her silver and Red eyes blazed then grew softer, "What are you stressed about?" she meowed curiously. Rainpaw's eyes widened, "Yess! My first as.sessment! Hahahahahaahaaaa! I am so happy!" she meowed. Maybe I should keep my feelings to myself, I don't want to look like a hyper kit at my warriors ceremony.. she thought then calmed down. "When do I start?" she meowed trying to hide her excitement.
9:46pm Mar 14 2010
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Violetgaze spoke softly, his light gray pelt blowing softly in the breeze, "Violentpaw. He keeps having dreams. he hasn't told anyone else yet. They involve something about death" he shook his head and looked away. Watching his brohter scramble out for his as.sessment. Cougarstealth mwed softly, Go hunt. Come back at Sunhigh"
11:12pm Mar 14 2010
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Frostpaw padded alongside her, trying to match her larger stride. "When another cat grabs your scruff, you have to try to detatch them." She mewed. "Twisting or bucking them off works best. When they're bigger and stronger, try to throw them off your back- the heavier they are, the easier they become unbalanced."
She blinked, glancing skyward thoughtfully. "A fox? Foxes don't grab your scruff. They go for your throat." She frowned. "But foxes are faster and stronger than cats. So instead we have to use our size as an advantage- dodging their attacks, then striking a blow right afterwards. If you're trying to get away... climb a tree. If you ran into a burrow they would just dig you out." She decided. Then she looked at Poisonheart. "That's how I would fight it, anyways." They reached the clearing as Frostpaw finished speaking, and she bounded to one side of it, tail twitching excitedly.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
9:21am Mar 15 2010 (last edited on 7:29pm Mar 15 2010)
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Sevenstar narowed her eyes. "Interesting..... and he Train's to be a Warrior?" meowed Sevenstar. "If he gets anymore please notify me; anything with death is not a good thing." Sevenstar meowed then walked back to her apprentice. "Ok! I will start......now!" Meowed Rainpaw and she ran off into the forest, wind at her feet, she felt like she could do anything. "very good, you will become a Warrior sooner than I have thought." Growled Poisonheart. as she padded beside her apprentice. ((Dustfeather-When should Frostpaw's as.sessments be? ))
5:05pm Mar 15 2010
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((Rainfeather? Who's she :P)) Leopardkit awoke as his father left, just in time to see hiw golden tail . Leaping out at it herolled into the paws of Sevenstar and looked at his leader with a soft innoecnt face.
5:06pm Mar 15 2010 (last edited on 5:07pm Mar 15 2010)
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(( At least half a moon from this point, and then a few days afterwards can be her Warriors ceremony, maybe? :3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:31pm Mar 15 2010
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(( sure! )) "Hello Leopardkit," meowed Sevenstar, "What are you going to do today?" she asked nicely. He looks so innocent I wont send him back to the nursery...yet..
7:37pm Mar 15 2010
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"Umm..." said the little tom, thinking about what to do, "Play." he said with a cute voice.
7:44pm Mar 15 2010
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Rainpaw bounded into the camp and dropped her 4 catches on the freshkill pile, "Leopardkit you are soo cute!" meowed Rainpaw, "I have to go.. I have to finish my as.sessment." she meowed at last, I wish I could spent more time with these kits... NO! I have to become a warrior first! she argued in her head. Sevenstar looked at Rainpaw who has dashed off to finish her as.sessment. "Leopardkit please Return to the nursery I am sure Silverflame would like to know where you are." Meowed Sevenstar, I remember when I was a kit...
7:50pm Mar 15 2010
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"OKay" mewed the cheerful tom kit. His spotted tail curved up as he bounded back towards his siters and mother. Walking into the nursery he lept on Redkit, his favourite out of the sisters and batted her ears.