name (first and last) : riley star/ jolt star
team (listed below) : team 4/team 4
age (pokemon years): 10/ 16
pokemon type (no legendariys) : shiny unbreon/jolteon
moves (no made up moves) : jolt: thunder fang, quick attack, thunder shock, thunder/ riley: quick attack, tackle, mean look, confuse ray.
gender (M or F) : male/ male
history (optional) : ...
personality (must have atleast 1 flaw) : riley: hes pretty young, but he is sweet and kind. he sometimes shy, and pretty clumsy./ jolt: hes very smart, and is sometimes mean. hes kind of bossy to his little brother riley.
pic (if one) : ![](
deion(if no picture, must have deion) : ...
team mates (must have atleast one) : jolt/riley
crush (dont have to have one, but it is encuraged) : open/open