8:32pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 4:25pm Aug 13 2011)
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If I die young, bury me in satin Lay me down on a bed of roses Sink me in the river, at dawn Send me away with the words of a love song
Uh oh, uh oh
Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh and Life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no Ain't even grey, but she buries her baby
The sharp knife of a short life, well I've had just enough time
If I die young, bury me in satin Lay me down on a bed of roses Sink me in the river, at dawn Send me away with the words of a love song
The sharp knife of a short life, well I've had just enough time
And I'll be wearing white, when I come into your kingdom I'm as green as the ring on my little, cold finger, I've Never known the lovin' of a man But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand, there's a Boy here in town who says he'll love me forever, Who would have thought forever could be severed by The sharp knife of a short life, well, I've had, just enough time
So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls What I never did is done
A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell them for a dollar They're worth so much more after I'm a goner And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singin' Funny when you're dead how people start listenin'
If I die young, bury me in satin Lay me down on a bed of roses Sink me in the river, at dawn Send me away with the words of a love song
Uh oh (uh, oh) The ballad of a dove (uh, oh) Go with peace and love Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket Save them for a time when you're really gonna need them, oh
The sharp knife of a short life, well I've had, just enough time
So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls
- If I Die Young, The Band Perry --- Katrina Envy has capture the heart of Zakeru Tokage, but they've always just been friends. When Zakeru finally decides to work up the nerve to tell Katrina his feelings about her, she dies. He's heartbroken, but a mysterious woman in town travels to town and she hears word of Katrina's death. She seeks out ___* and tells him she may be able to bring Katrina back...~ Of course, that'll all develop. ^^; --- If you're interested, this is a 1x1. I will be Katrina and you will come up for the boy/lover for her. <3 I will also be playing the mysterious woman. And you must be literate. And...give me an idea of what you want the ages to be. :3
hello my name is elder price
8:38pm Jul 28 2011
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:40pm Jul 28 2011
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Ooc; Yessums. c: Do whatever with your bio ~
hello my name is elder price
8:41pm Jul 28 2011
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OoC:// :3 Bio will be up soon.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:44pm Jul 28 2011
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Name; Zakeru Tokage Nickname; Lizard Age; Eighteen Gender; Male Appearance; Zakeru has light gray hair that looks white in certain lights and the locks have two black stripes that frame his face. His hair ends at his jawline. His eyes are somewhat strange. Light orange irises with a dark red circle around his black pupils. And people often make fun of him for them. Zakeru is tall, standing at six foot three, has dark tawny skin, and can move quietly as the wind, despite his frame. He is also muscular, if that counts for anything. His clothes are something most people would not expect him to wear. Black fishnet covers his torso and it ends at his hips and his wrists as it circles around his neck in a T-shirt like collar. Covering the fishnet is a tight black t-shirt with a slightly stretched collar and the crimson anarchy symbol on the back. The shirt ends at his waist. Starting just below the fishnet are tight black jeans that end at his ankles. The knees are ripped slightly and he has two chains on his left side. One is slightly smaller than the other. Covering his feet are black converse. Also, Zakeru always wears black eyeliner around his orange eyes and will sometimes wear black polish on his fingernails. Personality; Zakeru is basically quiet unless he needs to say something of somewhat importance. He has a calm temperament and a slow fuse, but when that fuse snaps, he is rather dangerous to be around. Though, he his easy to calm down through being blind folded. Despite some anger issues, he is very protective and will sometimes get himself hurt to save those he cares about. Crush; Katrina Envy Other; Zakeru has a very, very rare genetic mutation – that unfortunately as no name – that allows him to heal a little faster than the average human. For example, a deep cut would turn into a scar in around four days when it would take the average human a lot longer. [[ If this isn't alright, please let me know and I will get rid of it. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:49pm Jul 28 2011
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Name: Katrina Envy Aliases/Nicknames: Kay or Katri (Pronounced Kay-tree) Gender: Female Age: Seventeen Personality: Katrina is the type of girl who will do anything to admire the earth around her, going through life slowly instead of rushing through everything like most others seem to do. She tries to see the beauty in all things. When it comes to her favorites, the sky has her love. She is pretty chipper, but keeps a cool about her that keeps her cheery attitude less irritating to others. ~ Listening to Owl City so it was bound to be all nature-lovey. xD History: She is a fairly new character so I don't exactly have one for her. One will probably form in the role-play. D: Appearance: Katrina's most prominent feature is something you tend to notice after getting to know her. The girl's movements are never swift nor quirky; instead, they are controlled and graceful. Her straw blonde hair has natural copper highlights in them and her typical cut is a side swepped bang followed by layers in her hair. Though it's complimenting when it's down, she always has her locks tied up in a pony tail. As for her body type, she doesn't have much prominent muscle to her. Katrina can often be described as frail looking, her thin arms and legs making her seem garishly skinny. Though she lacks physical strength, Katrina has a quick wit that can come out sharply on her tongue. Other: She absolutely adores hang-gliding. xD
hello my name is elder price
9:12pm Jul 28 2011
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:43pm Jul 28 2011
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Ooc; I'll start typing an intro. Right now, I'm making generic bios -which I've procrastinated- for all of my characters. x_x
hello my name is elder price
9:45pm Jul 28 2011
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OoC:// |3 Those are fun to make. I have two that I can use, but so far, they are just free-for-all and whatever-I-can-think-of for them. [has 70+ chars, but most of them are really old]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:08pm Jul 28 2011
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Ooc; I absolutely loathe making bios. XD Bic; Katrina shoved her iPod Touch into her pocket and set one ear bud into her right ear. The other, she left to dangle by her side as she made her way around the kitchen counter. She grabbed an apple as she passed and waved a good-bye to her mother as she cracked open the front door. If I die young, bury me in satin. Lay me down on a bed of roses, the song played in her ears and she hummed softly to the tune. Her light brown eyes found her red Mercedes-Benz convertible sitting in the driveway. "Finally back from the shop," she said with a smile as she hopped down the front steps to her house. Instead of going to the car, she opened up the garage and felt a blast of summer heat flow through her hair as it rushed out of the garage. She wrinkled her nose at the musty smell as she walked into the garage. Her gaze lingered over a few things that sparked her interest momentarily, a gardening shovel, a few old beach buckets. Only one thing made her smile broaden on her face when she finally found it; her glider. She reached up onto the wall where the folded-up hang-glider hung from a nail sticking out from the wall. She pulled it free of the nail with a flick of her wrist and then hefted it under her shoulder as she walked out of the garage. She was practically bouncing with bliss as she opened the back door to her car and gingerly placed the glider inside. After slamming the back door, she opened up the driver's side, stepped in, and pressed her keys into the ignition. The engine purred gratefully under her touch and she felt relieved to hear the engine working again. She shifted the car out of park and headed out of her driveway, humming to herself as she continued down the street. An old Jesse McCartney song came on her iPod and she pulled it out of her pocket to turn it off. She threw it onto the passenger seat and thought as she drove. A quirky smile tugged at her lips and she fished her phone out of her other pocket. She pulled the car over to the side of the road; she was still in the neighborhood, and dialed her friend, Zakeru's number. She found her thoughts wandering for a moment and when she came back to reality, she realized she didn't know if he had picked up or not. "Hey, it's Kat. I finally got the car back from the shop and I'm going hang-gliding. Can I drag your butt with me to the mountain this time?" she asked, not knowing if he had even picked up or not. Ooc; Go Katri...
hello my name is elder price
10:49pm Jul 28 2011
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Zakeru snoozed in his bed with his head under one of the pillows. His gray hair fanned around his head slightly while the other half obscured his closed orange eyes. He shifted in his sleep while mumbling something incoherent under his breath. Then, something small and hyperactive jumped onto his bed; causing the eighteen-year-old's eyes to snap open. "Zakeru... Come play with me!" the small something whined in a slightly high-pitched voice. "Please! Zackari is being a big, fat meanie!" It took Zakeru a few moments to realized his kid brother, Trisdane, was talking to him since the younger boy called his twin a meanie. Zakeru chuckled and lightly flicked Trisdane on the nose as the older boy shifted into a sitting position. Trisdane held his nose with his small, four-year-old hands and gave a half-hearted glare to his older brother with clear blue eyes. "Now why is your brother being a 'big, fat meanie'?" Zakeru asked as he leaned closer to his younger brother. "He won't let me play on his DSi even though I asked really nicely!" Trisdane whined. Zakeru sighed. "Where is your's?" he asked; the younger boy shrugged. "Then go find yours and maybe Zackari won't be a 'big, fat meanie' anymore, hm?" Trisdane nodded slowly and muttered mutinously under his breath as he slid off his older brother's bed and walked out the open door. The gray-haired teen sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. Since he was up; he might as well get dressed. Swinging his legs to one side of his bed, he pushed himself off and staggered slightly into is closet. Zakeru closed the door and started to dress himself for the day. He got almost all his clothes on -- except for his t-shirt -- when he heard his phone ring from the other room. Grumbling about who could be calling him this early, he stalked out of his closet; pausing only to open the door. He picked up his Windows Phone -- which was on his nightstand -- and checked the caller ID. It was Katrina. His orange eyes widened slightly and he accepted the call before placing it to his ear. "Hey, Katr-" he started, but was cut off by his female friend. "Hey, it's Kat. I finally got the car back from the shop and I'm going hang-gliding. Can I drag your butt with me to the mountain this time?" Her voice had asked. Zakeru's spirits rose slightly. She got her car back? Wonderful! And she wanted him to come with her to the mountain. "Does this mean I get to try hang-gliding or do I get to watch you?" he asked as he slipped his black Anarchy shirt on -- shifting the phone to get his other arm through the open sleeve. With his free hand, he scooped up the black Skullcandy headphones from the nightstand before stuffing them into his pant's pockets as he walked out of his room; closing the door behind him.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:55pm Jul 28 2011
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"Oh, I'm glad I wasn't talking to myself. Did I wake you up, by any chance? You sound all tired and I'll let you try gliding if you want, but you better not chicken out after I get us strapped up," she teased as she pulled the car off of the side of the road. Instead of heading to the mountains, she took a right out of her neighborhood and moseyed her way down the street. "So I'm guessing you'll come. Scratch that, you're coming. I'm picking you up now so be ready," she said before she hung up. She tossed the phone back onto the passenger seat and turned onto another street. After a few more minutes of traversing more roads, she made her way to Zakeru's house. Of course, she hadn't really thought about what she was doing, the route so familiar to her. She probably could have done it blind-folded; not that she would try. When she pulled up to his house, she honked the horn and set her foot on the brakes.
hello my name is elder price
11:11pm Jul 28 2011
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Zakeru chuckled slightly when Katri asked if she had woken him up since he sounded tired. He was tempted to say that his kid brother had woken him up by canon-balling onto his bed, but he withheld that as she continued to talk. A smile curved his lips when she already decided that he was coming and that she was on her way. His mouth open to say something, but his phone beeped; indicating the call had ended. "So much for saying 'See ya soon, Zakeru'," he said as he cleared the call and placing the phone in the pocket with the headphones. Making his way to the kitchen, he opened the pantry and pulled out a granola breakfast bar. He pulled back the shiny aluminium wrapper and polished it off rather quickly. He had also just drained whatever was left in the orange juice carton when he heard a car horn honking from the front. Tossing the carton in the garbage can, he half-jogged to the front door before slipping on his untied converse. He crouched to tie them quickly before leaving through the front door. His parents didn't care what he did anymore; just as along as he was home at curfew. Which was 1 am the next morning. Zakeru jogged down the walkway and slowed his pace as he reached Katrina in her red Mercedes-Benz. He glanced at the passanger seat and smirked slightly. "I thought phones made cup-holder status; not passanger-seat status," he said teasingly as he leaned up against the side door.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:20pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 11:21pm Jul 28 2011)
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"My phone is more important than the lowly cup-holder ones; it deserves the passenger-seat status," she replied coyly, but all the same, she snatched the phone from the seat. She also grabbed her iPod from the seat and stuck them both in a cup holder. "Well, now it's demoted," she said as she popped open the locks to the doors. "Oh," she blinked as she peered up at him as he leaned against the door. "I forgot to say good morning," she said with a wink. "Get in and we'll get to gliding faster," she hedged, suddenly wanting to get to the mountains and finally glide after all that time of being cooped up in her house. Well, she had seen Zakeru during the time, but gliding was her passion and she had to admit, she'd missed it. Ooc; Edit. Parents kicking me off. I'll reply tomorrow. //reluctant.
hello my name is elder price
11:27pm Jul 28 2011
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OoC:// D: I'm probably going to get off soon anyways. Too tired. This post might be a phail... BiC:// Zakeru grinned; his orange eyes twinkling slightly at his friends antics. She really loved hang-gliding. Stepping back from the unlocked side door, he opened it and slid into the passanger seat as he closed the door behind him. No sooner than the door had closed, Zakeru was already buckling up. "Better safe than sorry!" was his father's favourite saying whenever they did something that required safety equipment. "Wainting on you know, Katri," he teased at her as he ran his fingers through his gray and black hair. Though, in this morning light, his gray hair looked as white as freshly fallen snow.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:58am Jul 29 2011
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Katrina didn't even bother to wait until he scrambled to get his seat belt on. the moment he shut the door behind him, she stepped on the gas lightly and pulled a U-turn to get out of the neighborhood. Once she got on the main road, (which is typically deserted) she sped up. To be honest with herself, she was about ten over the speed limit, but she had just gotten her car back and wanted some fun. Although, she really didn't want to scare Zakeru with her reckless driving no matter how many times she'd done it before. Reluctantly, she slowed down and kept herself to the speed limit, fingers thrumming impatiently against the steering wheel. "If you can manage with me on my glider, it's big enough for both of us, maybe you could get your own." she said with a smile. The road up to the mountains really wasn't that long. After a while of being on the main road, its straight and smooth asphalt nothing compared to what was coming, she banked off and drove up a dirt road. The car rocked as it bumped over sand pits and the tires crunched under strewn pieces of gravel. After going at an incline for a while on the road, the span of forest before them grew too dense for the Mercedes to travel. She stopped the car and made sure to put the safety brake on just in case the car decided it wanted to roll back down the hill. "Alrighty. The cliff edge is only two minutes away now," she said as she pointed through the windshield to a part of the forest. "That path'll take us there," she said as she pointed to another dense part of the forest.
hello my name is elder price
9:51pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; bump
hello my name is elder price
9:53pm Jul 29 2011
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Zakeru nearly hit the dash when Katrina start acting like a reckless, drunk driver. He tensed up and nearly put a hand on the dask before she slowed the speed the car was going. Once the vehicle was going the speed limit, he relaxed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. In his head, he counted to ten three times to attempt to convice himself not to hurt the woman he loved. He was also so deep in his thoughts he didn't hear what Katrina had said and he didn't come out of it until he was jerked forward by the uneven ground. "Ah, sh!t," he muttered as he tensed up slightly to keep himself from jerking forward far enough to hit the dash. When the car stopped, he turned his attention to Katrina when she started talking about where the cliff was and how far away it was from their current position. Two minutes away and past a dense part of the forest. Fun. "Then let's get moving. Need help with your glider?" he asked.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:06pm Jul 29 2011 (last edited on 10:36pm Jul 29 2011)
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Katrina nearly leaped from the seat with obvious excitement. "Nah, I got it," she said at Zakeru's mention of help. She opened the door to the back seat of the car and wrapped both hands around her glider. Despite the rods that held it together in flight, it folded up rather nicely and was extremely easy to carry. She slammed the cR door shut with her foot and entered the forest from the area she had pointed at while they had still been in the car. She double-checked the area before actually heading in to the lush forest. Even though it seemed tricky and overgrown from outside, there were many natural trails that wound easily through the better part of the wood; Katrina knew all of them. "This way," she urged as she stepped over a fallen tree. She knew he would follow and even if she were to walk ahead, he'd still be able to see her at the cliff edge. Like a small wall, the forest opened up once again to a secluded clearing that overlooked a cliff edge. She walked straight to the edge and peered den, her body knowing naturally when she would lose her balance if she went too far. Instead of tumbling off the cliff, she dropped her glider to the ground and began to unfold it.
hello my name is elder price
10:14pm Jul 29 2011
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OoC:// Teh Dragon has to go. Will post sometime tomorrow.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.