8:51pm Jul 27 2010
8:52pm Jul 27 2010
9:01pm Jul 27 2010
[[I need to learn how to moonwalk =A= lol
And I remember when I was a little kid I used to pick out the Lucky Charms then feed the rest of the cereal to my dog o3o]]
9:17pm Jul 27 2010
((LOL. I tried to teach my friend to moonwalk. Didnt work out too well. XD
I dont think I've ever had Lucky charms...))
9:21pm Jul 27 2010
[[Lol, it probably wouldn't work out too well for me either xD I have a weird sense of coordination.
*gasp* The Leprechaun King has never had Lucky Charms?! D:]]
9:23pm Jul 27 2010
((I learned on accident; aint got no hand-eye coordination. A have a pretty gudt point-and-shoot though.....
Nope. Never. *sniff*
Must think up epic RP...))
9:56pm Jul 27 2010
10:00pm Jul 27 2010
I phail. XD Thing cut my title off. LOL))
11:19pm Jul 27 2010
"Never bring that horrid drink here again."
"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:59pm Jul 27 2010
12:14am Jul 28 2010
12:21am Jul 28 2010
((Woohoo!! Yay!
*watches flailing*))