12:11pm Jul 16 2010
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Bethany got up from her seat, and grabbed her bag. She was glad this was over. ----------- Vincent put his ear phones back in and continued to listen to his music. ------------------ Bethany shot up and got her things.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:23pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 12:24pm Jul 16 2010)
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Posts: 7,187
"An hour I'll never get back. But at least i know who to go to when I have problems." James said sarcastically, pulling his book bag onto his shoulder and turning up his iPod. "Yerah! I can't wait for cla$s!" Necilia said excitedly as she put on her book bag. "You are so weird." James told her, still sitting and waiting for the place to clear of all the students. Necilia jumped up, "Hey, you comin'?" She asked, looking down at him. "Nah. You go ahead, I'm gonna wait." He said, putting the other ear phone into his ear. "Ok." Necilia started to move with the mas$ of students. James stood up and watched as the rest of the kids pas$ed slowly. He sighed and started traveling up the bleachers instead, moving ahead of all of the students easily. He flipped through the music on his iPod, searching for one that he liked. He got stares and murmured from students he pas$ed, he ever heard on ask if he was a goth he ignored it and kept going.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:24pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((Skip to end of the day?))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:43pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 7,187
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:46pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 7,620
12:58pm Jul 16 2010
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((Mkay, and you should all go to Beverly's "party". oUo)) It was 10 minutes until the end of school. Beverly had gotten her things and was looking at all of the students in the hallway. "Hey everyone! It'd be great if you went to my party tonight!" She smiled and handed people invitations . ((lol. Random))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
1:01pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(Lev can help James in Russian? ;D
-was asleeep-)
1:03pm Jul 16 2010
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Anarion grabbed his bag and him and his brother started to walk to the door along with there good friend utsu who always had a smile
1:07pm Jul 16 2010
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Necilia came up to James with a huge grin on her face. "Hey look what I got!" She said on the other side of his blue metal locker door. "How did you know where my locker was?" James asked, putting things up into his locker. "Because i certainly didn't tell you." He said, closing it. "Look!" She said, having him a piece of paper, ignoring his question. "What is it?" He asked, looking at the paper then her. "Just open it already!" Necilia whined, jumping a little. James opened the paper and was quiet for a few minutes. "A party." It wasn't a question, but a statement. "yeah! I wanna go James! please?" James looked at her then put the paper in his nearly empty book bag. "Ok..." he said reluctantly. Necilia squealed and hugged him. "Thanks!"
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:08pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 1:26pm Jul 16 2010)
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Posts: 7,187
(( Is Lev Russian? o.x -half asleep myself- XD Yeah, that would be cool =D ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:12pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 3,002
(( I've always wanted to live in Russia. But I'm stuck wih Texas.))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
1:15pm Jul 16 2010
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(anarion can speak japanese)
1:16pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 7,187
(( lol The gras$ is always greener on the other side ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:27pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(Lev is indeed Russian. C;
And a big teddy-bear.
And at what time is the party?)
2:46pm Jul 16 2010
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:55pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(Well. Lev and Alice might be a bit late. Lev is teaching her Russian, and she is teaching him Spanish, at 5 o'clock. Ono)
2:56pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 7,620
(wow thats awesome to be taught russian)
3:02pm Jul 16 2010
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:13pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 11,785
And Lev will teach anyone who wants to learn. Cx)
3:13pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 3:14pm Jul 16 2010)
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Posts: 7,187
James adjusted his bookbag and headed for the front of the school. "Wait for me." Necilia said, walking beside him. James threw his arm around Necilia's shoulders and pulled her close while they walked. "I wouldn't leave my little sis in his torture chamber." Necilia giggled. James pushed the front doors open, the sun blinding them both for a few seconds and walked down the stairs. "What times the party?" Necilia asked, too excited to think about anything else. "6. Didn't you read the invitation you gave me?" James asked. "No. Not really. All I read was 'You're Invited!" Necilia laughed. "Of course you didn't." James sighed as they came up to his bike. He gave her the helmet, Necilia looked at him funny as he swung his head over. "Put it on." james said, as if he were talking to a stupid person. "You got away with it this morning because we were late, not this time." Necilia put the helmet and and climbed on, clipping it as James revved the engine. "Hold on." He said and lifted his arms for her. "Why don't you have to wear one?" Necilia asked. "Because theres only one. And if we crash, I'd rather get hurt than you." He said, he took off as soon as she was secure.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~