3:17pm Jul 16 2010
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(That works. OuO)
3:18pm Jul 16 2010
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(can lev maybe teach utsu)
3:32pm Jul 16 2010
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(Anyone who asks to be taught will be taught because Lev is too nice to say no. XD)
3:33pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 7,620
(yay XD)
3:42pm Jul 16 2010
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(( IDK what to do XDD ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:13am Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 7,187
bump ^^
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:11pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:05pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(Skip to the party maybe?)
5:20pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 7,187
(( That works! =D ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:14pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 3,002
((Mkay. :D)) Beverly looked at her watch, only 5 mintes until the party. She heard a car drive up and quickly opened the door. She saw a girl who looked vaguely familiar get out of the car. "Hello!" She squeeled as the girl walked in. ---------------------
Beverly got out of her car and walked on the walkway to the large house before her. "Hello." She nodded to beverly and smiled. Shelooked around for a moment and decided to sit down. ------------------ Vincent was lucky enough to get a ride from one of his older buddies to Berverly's party. He opened his car door and smiled at the driving teen. "Pick me up later, Ronnie." He said as he walked up the steps. Some other cars started to pull up, so he hurried and went inside. He was amazed at the beauty of the house. "Nice." He said as he walked quietly to one of the couches.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
10:52pm Jul 18 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Lev padded in after a few moments, looking quite amazed by the sheer size and beauty of the place, purplish eyes wide. "Vau... Kak kraviso..." he said softly in Russian as he adjusted his scarf awkwardly. He moved in and sat on the couch. He looked over at the other boy sitting there and smiled kindly. "Privet," he greeted, then blinked and glanced down. "I mean, hello," he corrected.
Nahuel drifted into the building, of course wearing his usual clothing and carrying his sketchbook. He glanced around, brown eyes betraying nothing of what went on inside. It was...certainly interesting.
Almon walked in, his visible blue eye glancing around. He wasn't even sure why he'd come... Maybe he was hoping for Eddie to be there...? He'd been the first person to talk to him in a while...and though he wasn't very good with conversation, Almon had enjoyed it.
1:11am Jul 19 2010
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"Mein Name ist Necilia." Necilia said to James, he laughed. "What?" Necilia asked, hugging him tightly, the wind making her ponytail whip around wildly. "You. You trying to speak German with a british accent... just sounds weird." James said, zig zaggingb between the cars on the road. "Oh yeah? Well you should try... wow." Necilia said as they pulled up in front of the house. "Is this the right house?" She asked. Yup." James said, turning off the bike. Necilia slid off and pulled her helmet off and out in on the seat as James got off. James headed toward the house, Necilia hesitated then followed behind him, pulling her hair out of the ponytail. "Aren't you the one that wanted to come to this party?" James asked as he walked up the stairs. "Yeah... but I'm.... nervous." Necilia said, standing behind him. "You? nervous? Thats a first." James said. "Just knock on the door!" James knocked on the door and went inside when it was opened for him, Necilia followed closely behind. James' face lit up when he entered the house, letting a small whistle escape his lips as he looked around briefly. "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore lil' sis." James said to Necilia. Necilia nodded, looking around too. She spotted someone that she knew from school and squealed, making a big scene and then the other girl squealed and they hugged each other. James sighed and found a quiet-ish corner to stand in near the couch in the living room.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:21am Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 7,620
Zataname sqeeled as sh looked at the invitation.She rode with kakarion and anarion to the party.She was so excited she hadnt really been to parties that often and barely knew anyone at the school.She was suprised she was invited.She looked out the window with a huge smile on her face.She wondred if she would meet alot of people there.She barely spoke because her voice sounded like an adorable little girls voice.She didnt like it all that much she was a teen with a voice of a 5 year old.It was so embarrasing to her.She made a sigh and looked away from the window.She didnt know if she should speak at all.Afterall who would want to talk to a girl with that kind of voice.Atleast she was lucky to have Anarion and Kakarion as her friends they were friendssince kindergarden. ---------------------------------------------------------- Anarion was in the back seat of the all silver camaro.He wasnt really siked about going to the party.He didnt know anyone there except his brother and his friend Zata.He plugged in his ipod and turned it to skillet.He closed his eyes and put his head back enjoying his center of peace.He opened his eyes again looking out the window.They seemed to be nearly there.He saw alot of peole at one house going in.He made a low growl and put his ipod away. ---------------------------------------------------------- Kakarion parked his camaro on the other side of the street.He wasnt too sure about this party but Zata wanted to go so he really didnt have a choice in the matter.He took the key out of ignition and they all got out the car headed to the house.

7:36am Jul 19 2010
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What.... am I doing here? James asked, looking around the room. There was so many people here, he didn't like doing this kind of thing. He's never done this kind of thing. he's never been into parties are being around large groups of people. He was only here because Necilia wanted to come so bad, and he hated that. She was so open and out there, not afraid to be there and he hid behind his words. He sighed, shifting from one foot to the other and watched the various people dance and laugh and talk. Not only that, but everyone was wearing different colors. Bright or multicolored, and there he was. BAM! The guy in black. He almost laughed at his realization.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:43am Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 7,620
(lol) Kakarion hit the losk on the car and the lights lit up and the locks were locked.He sighed and him and his brother followed the skipping Zata into the house handing the inventations as they walked in.Zata had a smile seeing the people dance looking like a rainbow.Except this one guy who was wearing black.another part of the ranbow..She thought giggling.She looked at the brothers who didnt really seem into the party she nudged them and they looked at her with a sigh"come on guys lighten up"she said with a whisper so no one would hear her adorable five year old voice. Kakarion looked at her and raised an eyebrow"Well you wanted to come".He huffed and took a seat on the couch.His brother followed sute and they both just relaxed.
7:54am Jul 19 2010
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(( lol XD )) Necilia came rushing back to James, excited. "Oh! This is so much fun!" She squealed, jumping a little and grabbing a hold onto his arm. "Why aren't you dancing?" She asked, looking at the people behind her. Or talking or... anything?" She asked. "Because..." James said quietly, why did she attract so much attention? "I... am a wall flower." James said with a crooked grin. "Yeah, a dead one." Necilia scoffed. "Dance with me!" "No! nope, not happening." James said as she started to pull him forward. "When did you get so strong?" He asked, "I don't know. Its probably because you never eat anymore." Necilia said. "Necilia... I swear to god if you drag me out there...." He tried to think of a good threat but nothing came up. "Lets just say that the cops are gonna have a hard time finding your body!!" He hissed. Necilia giggled and let him go. "You look like a cat thats about to gets its annual bath." nmecilia said, giggling some more. "And you're the only person i know that would say i look like a cat." James replied, going back to his corner. "Thats because i'm the only person you know." Necilia replied.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:04am Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 7,620
(LOL a cat) Zata huffed at the boys.She went over to kakarion"Your a bad influence on your litle brother.".Anarion looked up at her and raised an eyebrow"He would know how to influence if it struck him in the brain".Kakarion looked at him"and your the all mighty influencer you couldnt influence a fish".Anarion growled.Zata sighed"come on guys have fun".Kakarion looked up at her"we are".He put his head back.Zata poked him in his neck.He jerked his neck forward"i told you not to do that zata".He hissed.Zata huffed"Then have some fun once in your life..like now!"she hissed back.anarion looked at them"Could you keep it down listening to ipod"he said calmly.Zata snatched his ipod.
8:08am Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 7,187
(( I love the way my charas interact with each other <333 ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:12am Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 7,620
((me too lol))
8:20am Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 7,187
(( I wish someone else were here XD So i don't feel like i'm taking over the RP lol ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~