8:23am Jul 19 2010
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((lol ikr but we are on early)0
8:25am Jul 19 2010
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:28am Jul 19 2010
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11:28am Jul 19 2010
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After many more teens had entered, Beverly closed the door and walked up the stairs. She flipped a switch in the wall and music started blaring. -=------ "Uh, hi." He smiled akwardly. "Im Vincent, is that a russian tone?"
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:39pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 12:54pm Jul 19 2010)
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Posts: 11,785
"Yes," Lev answered with a small smile. "It is my native language, so I tend to...slip and speak Russian instead of English..." he explained as he played with the end of his scarf. "At my other school here in Amerika, people were not as...accepting as they seem to be here..." He smiled a bit more. "I am already teaching a girl named Alice Russian, and learning Spanish in return!" he said happily. "Oh! Menya zavut Lev," he said with a kind, friendly smile.
12:52pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 3,002
"I never liked Spanish. I aways wanted to learn German, or Russian." He smiled, maybe he was making a friend. He bobbed his head with the beat of the loud music. "What is your favorite kind of music?" He asked, trying to start a conversation.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
1:05pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 11,785
"Well, I like anything, really," Lev answered thoughtfully, then grinned. "But I think I like rock the best. It has more drums in it than other genres, and I love to play the drums," he added.
(Yup. A tidbit from another roleplay. Lev wants to be a drummer. Cx)
1:30pm Jul 19 2010
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"I like Heavy Metal, Alterbative, or rock. I like Greenday, and Nirvana the most." He smied
Why the cloud, Sunny?
1:43pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Lev grinned even wider. "I love Green Day's music!" he said happily, excited to have found something they had in common. He then glanced around the room and pouted, tilting his head. "People should be dancing now, da?" he asked.
Nahuel was seated upon a different couch, already drawing away.
1:53pm Jul 19 2010
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"I guess. But. eh, im not a hit with...people." He frowned and started getting up. "You want some punch?" He asked. ------------ Beverly sat down next to Nahuel, trying not to mess up his dawing. She smiled watching his hand move across the paper.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:08pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 11,785
"Da! Spasibo!" Lev said happily. "Er...Yes, thank you," he corrected himself, grinning awkwardly.
Nahuel looked up when he smelled Beverly's lip-gloss, brown eyes moving to focus on her. "...Hello," he said, then blinked. "In the food....there are no fish or peanut products, yes?" he asked, needing to make sure because of his severe allergies.
4:16pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 3,002
"No fish, no peanuts. I made sure myself. I don't like either of those things." She smiled, she got back up. "Punch?" She asked grabbing some clean cups from a table. ------------ "Mkay." He walked off, and grabbed some cups. He waited until until the girl in front of him was finished and poured some punch into his and Lev's cups. He carried them carefully to the couch and set his on a coaster. He handed Lev his cup. "Here." He smiled.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:31pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 7,187
Necilia was still bothering James. "Do something! Anything!!" Necilias bagged, shaking James' arm. "Like what?" James asked irritably, deciding to stop ignoring her because that certainly wasn't working. "You're a really good dancer!" James grimaced, dance for these people? "I'll dance when I go ice skating in hell." He said, his accent thick, making the american saying sound different. "I saw you dance that one time... at that competition? You were awesome." Necilia said, puuling James again. "I bet they'll play some music on your iPod if you dance." "Necilia... Necilia!" James argued, trying to not make a bigger scene than he already was. "Please? Please just go have fun... leave me alone! I only came because you ca't drive. Ok? Please?" He said, people looking at him, he hated begging. Necilia let go of him again. "Wh-what happened to that girl that you saw when we got here?" James asked. "Oh... she found her boyfriend and I didn't want to be a third wheel..." Necilia explained.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:33pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 7,620
Zata frowned at the boys and sighed"lazy"she said walking off.She smiled hearing the music and sighed happily.
4:33pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 3,002
A senior walked up to the stereo, "Beverly told me to take any song requests!" He yelled, his voice bellowing throughout the house.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:42pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 7,187
Necilia smiled wickedly, seeing a headphone dangling from the pocket on his skeleton hoodie. "No... Even if you request a song i won't dance." James groled, backing into the corner again. Ok!" Necilia said, snatching his iPod and zigzagging though the crowd. "Hiya!" She said to the senior, batting her eyes. "Could you paly song number 53?" She asked, handing him the iPod. (( you can choose whatever song you like XD I just put a number lol ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:44pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 7,620
Zata saw the girl with the ipod"why didnt i have that idea"she said in a whisper.Curse her voice.It was too kidish,
4:47pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 3,002
"Sure." He plugged in a cord into the stereo, and the other end into the ipod. My Chemical Romance - "I'm Not Okay [I Promise]" started to shake the house with noise. "Once the song is over you'll get the iPod back."
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:50pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Lev grinned. "Thanks!" he said happily before taking a drink.
Not that it'll do much to the Russian. Cx)
Nahuel nodded. "I'm severly allergic to both," he stated, continuing to draw.
(Lolol. Ouo)
4:53pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 3,002
(( Omg. It should O.O It is. Some kid did it.)) "He took a sip of the punch, does this taste weird to you?" He took another drink, "Tastes strange."
Why the cloud, Sunny?