Im not just (Teen highschool Romance) an ordinary girl

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2:17pm Jul 13 2010

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((i changed my grade. im a junior now. :)  ))


2:17pm Jul 13 2010

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Paradise was one of the first people to arrive at school, she went to locker 564 and started puting all her books in her locker. Then went to homeroom ( i guess... you can change that if you want lol)  and sat down in the far end corner in the back of the room. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

2:28pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 2,338
Alice found the locker and opened it she put her stuff in it and went to her home room.


3:24pm Jul 13 2010

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Bethany noticed the girl only 1 locker away from her. She glanced over to her, thn grabbed her books and strutted to homeroom. "Histroy. Yippee. :P"
Vincent grabbed his things and headed to mah, his homeroom. " Ooh! Math..." He grabbed his textbook and rushed to clas.s.
((Braindead. :P))

Why the cloud, Sunny?

3:27pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 5,997

(  I always get brain dead, the second school starts in RP's lol ))

Paradise sat in her seat, slouched. Watching all the people around her talking. She never noticed how alone she was, but to her, that wasn't depressing. She liked it that way. But what she didn't like was how crowded the cl*censored*room was. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

3:28pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 7,187

James waved his hand just in front of his nose irritably, frowning and letting a small moan of reluctance escape his lips. Necilia giggled and continued to tickle his nose with the hail on her pointer finger, watching her slowly surface from sleep. 

"Go away..." he groaned and turned over. "Wake up! You're gonna be late for school!" Necilia said, jumping up and down on his bed on her knees. "Hey guess what?" He asked groggily, "What?" She said excitedly. "Shut up." He said, turning back over to face her. She crossed her arms and pouted, "You're so mean James." Necilia said, looking at him.

James opened his eyes and looked at her, "I know." He said, pushing himself up. "I forgive you!" She said happily, got up and left. "Breakfast is ready!" She called over her shoulder as she left. James got up and opened his drawers, pulling out random things and throwing them across the room to put on. Everything was black, his favorite color.

After he got changed (he is dressed the same way in his picture ^^) he went downstairs to find Necilia eating a bowl of coco Puffs, her favorite cerial. (She's dressed the same as her picture ^^) 

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

3:30pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 7,187
(( Sorry, I tend to post long messages ^^ ))

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

3:33pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 3,002
Bethany sat next to a girl with pale creamy hair, colored with vibrant highlights of pink and blue. (Paradise)
"Hello." She smiled at the girl, then took out a large book with an image with a war on it.
Vincent smiled, and sat at a desk. He twiddled his fingers until the teacher introduced herself as Mrs. Berkerson.

Why the cloud, Sunny?

3:33pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 5,997
(( That's a good thing haha )) If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

3:34pm Jul 13 2010

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Name: Lev (Russian boy name meaning Lion.)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Grade: Junior
S/O: Gay
Personality: Lev is a hopeless Russian romantic who is not afraid to show how he feels. He's sweet and cuddly as a teddy-bear, and loves to talk with friends.
History: Um. That's been left behind in Russia, kthx.
Crush: Open
Lev is very tall for his age and has blue eyes that are such a rich shade of blue they are often mistaken for violet. He has pale blond hair that is cut just above his shoulders in the back, but is longer towards the front and is cut kinda shaggily. He is almost always seen with a smile, as well as his trademark scarf, which is a striped pattern of red and black. He also tries to fit in by wearing normal clothes like T-shirts and jeans, but just can't get out of wearing his heavy boots.
He is also a very well-built boy and has quite a bit of strength on his side, not to mention how tall he is. He has a few scar criss-crossing his back from a past he refuses to reveal.

Name: Nahuel (Mapuche name meaning Tiger. Pronounced Nah-well.)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Grade: Junior
S/O: Bisexual
Personality: Nahuel is a calm, mysterious person that doesn't talk much. He is often seen reading by himself or drawing in a sketchbook.
History: He was born a happy child, but he was born frail. He got stronger as he got older and made friends, but he would still often get ill. One day when he was eight years old, his so-called friends pulled a prank that nearly killed him. You see, he has an allergy to fish and peanuts, and they had given him a disgusting peanut-butter and halibut sandwich. He went into anaphalactic shock and had to be rushed to the hospital. Not one of those kids ever apologized, or even spoke to him at all, so he drifted away and gradually grew antisocial, letting out his emotions in the forms of variouw objects, ranging from flowers to pixies, and dogs to dragons. He has grown to be quite the detailed artist over the years.
Crush: open.
Nahuel is rather tall and has long blond hair that is streaked with black, as well as these really pretty brown eyes. He is built kind of healthy, but is still thought of as frail. He tends to wear darker colors, as well as bondage pants. He refuses to even touch skinny He is also rarely seen without his sketchbook, a pencil, an outlining pen, and a few erasers stashed in his pockets.

Name: Almon (Hebrew name meaning Forsaken.)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Grade: Senior
S/O: Bisexual, but he's afraid of close relationships.
Personality: Almon is a distant person that always seems to be either depressed or afraid of his own shadow. He is also a cutter, and the reasons why will be revealed in his history. He seems to avoid physical contact at whatever cost, and always wears long sleeves and jeans. Sometimes he'll suddenly get all spacy with a look of frozen terror on his face. He's also quite sadistic and masochistic. And sometimes he will go into a state of shock, or just start crying out of nowhere, flashbacks popping into his head.
History: Almon was born into a family full of issues. His mother was an alcoholic, while his father was a druggy. He'd often have to sit in the same room as his father, and when the man got high, he'd get angry and take it out on his son in many ways. In fact, one day when Almon was only ten years old, his father got high off of coke laced with Angel Dust and raped him soon afterwards.

His mother was no better since she was almost constantly drunk. She would beat him, sometimes even cut him with a knife, when she wasn't fighting with Almon's father.

One day, when little Almon was twelve, his mother and father got into a heated argument that ended with his father shooting his mother, then himself, while Almon watched. He was soon taken to a foster home, where he stayed for two years, seeming very happy.

While he was there, he'd even had a girlfriend that he got very close to and loved, but on the day he went to tell her that he was being sent to another foster home, he found her making out with some other guy. It absolutely broke his heart.

Then, when he was settled into the next foster home he managed to get another girlfriend that he loved. And again Almon ended up heartbroken when he found her with someone else. All of his heartbreak and his very troubled childhood led this teenager to start cutting himself, wanting to just...make it all go away.

Now he's in another foster home, and has to undergo therapy regularly with the school's guidance counselor because he was caught cutting himself with the blade from a hand-held pencil sharpener at his last school. For the past fee years, he has also taken to writing, his chosen form of expressing himself.
Crush: Fff. Yeah, right.
Almon has shoulder length black hair tipped with a pure white, his bangs parted to cover the whole right side of his face. He has pale blue eyes that appear to be totally emotionless, as well as pale skin. He wears a long-sleeve black shirt covered by a loose black hoodie decorated with skulls, as well as black jeans. His shoe of choice is sneakers, because if he has one of his little fits they are easier to run in. He is also rarely seen without his notebook. And he still stashes a razor in his Beware.

(No highschool is complete without some seriously screwed up kid, a foreign kid, and a flat-out goth. C:
And these bios took FOREVER because my phone kept closing out the Internet when I was looking for pics, so I did deions instead.
And to show you how long this took...when I started, there were only 15 posts in the whole RP.

OH AND. LEV AND ALMON ARE NEW TO THE SCHOOL. And if Almon's past is too much, just let me know.)


3:36pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 5,997

" Hi..." She said, but it sounded more of a mumble. Only Paradise understood the fact that her voice is naturally like that.

(( I think im a sophomore, and your junior, do they have the same cl*censored*es? I don't care, i was just wondering. )) If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

3:37pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 3,002
Accepted Rika. :D
Just post an introduction.

Why the cloud, Sunny?

3:38pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 3,002
((Yes, at some highschool they mix the sophomores with other grades. Atleast mine does...))
"Are you new here?" She asked, trying to start a conversation with the mumbling girl.

Why the cloud, Sunny?

3:39pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 5,997

"No..." She wasn't really surprised that this girl thought that though. "Last year i was..." She said, not making eye contact.

(( O ok hehe i think mine does too...:P )) If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

3:44pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 3,002
Bethany stopped speaking, she supposed that the girl didn't want to talk. The teacher started speaking "Today we will learn about the American Revolution...." All the other words faded after that sentence. She didn't really care for history. "And I wan' tyou all to have a project finished by Friday." He stopped talking at wrote something on the board. "Huh?" Bethany asked,she hadn't heard a thing. :P

Why the cloud, Sunny?

3:47pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 5,997
Paradise spoke alittle louder for her to hear, but not loud enough for the teacher. "Project Friday..." She said. Arms crossed. Face frowned. Acting like she didn't say a thing. If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

3:50pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 3,002
"Yeah...Uh, thanks?" She took out a binder and made a note of the as.signment. She stuffed the binder back under her seat and then looked at Paradise, who looked upset.

Why the cloud, Sunny?

3:54pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 2,338
alice raced into her home room which was math. she sat next to a guy with grayish hair and bright blue eyes. she sat in silence through most of the cl*censored*. it was boring. she was very enejetic but she didn't like school that much. but she didn't like summer at all either. math was her favorite subject but she knew this year was going to stink as last year did. she was doing her best to keep her 4.0 average and she had all freshman and sophmore year. she prayed she could keep it up until her graduating day so she could finally satisfy her parents.


3:55pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 5,997

Paradise nodded her head, when she said thanks. When she saw her take a note of it, she thought it would be a good idea. She did the same.

(( sorry, i don't ALWAYS do one or two lines, this was just a fail lol) If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

3:58pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 3,002
((It's okay.))
"Uh...Hi." He smiled, but he wasn't at all attracted to her. Not that she wasn't pretty, but... He wrote down some math stuff in her notebook, and took notes of what the techer was saying.
((Im pretty much out of ideas right now. :P))

Why the cloud, Sunny?
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