1:29pm Jul 23 2010
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(9lol shes totally lost)) He sighed and put a hand on her shoulder"Look your drunk maybe you need to go sit down"He gave a re*censored*uring smile.
1:29pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 1:30pm Jul 23 2010)
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1:36pm Jul 23 2010
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((Lol. xDD Poor Kakarion. At least she's capable of thinking. xDDD And seeing.)) Selene blinked. "How am I drunk? All I drank was punch. It did taste weird, though."
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
1:39pm Jul 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 7,620
He raised an eyebrow"Well if it tasted funny why would you continue to drink it..think about it"he removed his hand and saw anarion. ((lol ikr))
1:44pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 4,914
Selene ignored how he was looking at someone else and said, "Well, first of all, my brother drank some too. And second..." She faltered. "And second, it was fine later. Actually pretty good." It was kind of abnormal, because Selene didn't like punch.
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
1:49pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 7,620
He sighed"Fine then have it your way"he walked p*censored*ed her.
1:59pm Jul 23 2010
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Selene was getting bored, and she was curious, so she decided to follow him.
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
2:02pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 7,620
He looked back at her and stopped without turning his head"Why are you following me"
2:09pm Jul 23 2010
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Selene frowned. "What, I can't follow someone around without having a reason?" She asked, "But yeah, because I'm bored and I can't find my brother anywhere."
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
2:12pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 7,620
He smirked and kept walking reaching anarion who had Zata and was glaring at Zach.
2:17pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 2:18pm Jul 23 2010)
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Selene followed Kakarion, and zoned out on the way. She accidentally crashed into a table, which snapped her back into reality.
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
2:19pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 7,620
He grabbed her before she fell and took her hand"you ok"
2:23pm Jul 23 2010
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Selene blinked and stared at Kakarion. "Yeah, I'm okay." She paused for a minute, thinking. "You know, if I'm going to follow you around, I would need your name." ((Omg I can't wait until they catch up to Anarion and they all start fighting or something and I get to use both of my characters at once. xDD))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
2:24pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 7,620
((lol ikr)0 He sighed"Kakarion"he said dragging her behind him.
2:30pm Jul 23 2010
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She shrugged. "I'm Selene."
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
2:31pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 7,620
He looked back at her"pleasure"he said kakarion and selene got to Zach and Zata.He let selene go and looked at zata"what are you doing"he asked her firmly.
2:34pm Jul 23 2010
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Selene and Zach started staring at each other in silence. Selene was the one to speak first. "WHAT are you DOING? I've been looking forever for you!" She yelled.
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
2:37pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 7,620
Zata blushed"wel..i.".Kakarion looked at her displeased"Come on Zata were leaving"he said.Anarion nodded in agreement.
2:40pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 4,914
Selene sighed. Zach didn't say anything, just stare at her, so she decided to drag him away. "Come on," She grumbled. "We're going home. And you have a LOT of explaining to do." ((Omg now I want to skip to morning, but everyone has to agree first. |D))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
2:42pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 7,620
Zata got up sadly and walked with anarion having his arm over her shoulders"Its ok Zata it is a party afterall".Kakarion huffed as they walked out the door.