Im not just (Teen highschool Romance) an ordinary girl

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12:16am Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 11,785
(Yay for awkward mornings. XD
OHLOL. SHOULD AARON SOMEHOW BE OVER AT JAMES'S HOUSE? It'd be hilarious if they woke up next to eachother.)


12:41am Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 7,187

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

12:42am Jul 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,187
(( Yeah! And Necilia be acting like nothings wrong X3 ))

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

12:52pm Jul 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
(Yes. X3
And...what exactly will they have done? ;D)


6:10pm Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 3,002
(( I went to Sixflags yesterday, and didn't get on. DX ))

Why the cloud, Sunny?

6:28pm Jul 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,187
(( Things? :x ))

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

6:43pm Jul 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,002
(( Dirty things. o.O))

Why the cloud, Sunny?

6:44pm Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 3,002
((Rawr. Braindead))
Vincent starting kissing Lev, he wrapped his arms around his waist and neck, pulling him tighter.

Why the cloud, Sunny?

9:38pm Jul 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,187
(( Dirty things. O3O ))

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

9:46pm Jul 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,002

Why the cloud, Sunny?

10:34pm Jul 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Lev wrapped his arms around Vincent in return, tilting his head slightly into the kiss, his deep blue eyes slipping closed.

(I had to go back to page 2 to find his eye-color. XD)


11:56pm Jul 24 2010

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Posts: 3,002
After about 15 seconds, Vincent pulled his mouth away from Lev's to breathe. "My friends coming to pick me up in a little..." He hadn't relized his friend had called him four times already, and Vincent hadn't answered.
(( Maybe Vincent could come home with Lev. XD))

Why the cloud, Sunny?

1:10am Jul 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,187

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

1:12am Jul 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,002

Why the cloud, Sunny?

3:16am Jul 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
I hope Vincent won't mind Lev's slightly less than sane Russian parents. XD)

Lev tilted his head slightly, blinking once. "Cherez nekotoroe vremya...?" he asked in Russian with a small pout, realizing what he'd done a few moments later. "A little while...?" he translated, glancing away, a little embaras-sed about randomly going into Russian.



1:12pm Jul 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,002
Vincent dug his phone from his pocket, reading the time. 11:30, his friend was supposed  to be here at 10:45. Just as he was about to cal his friend back, his phone shut down, the battery had died. He had no way home, and his parents were away on vacation. "Well...My friend isn't picking me up..." He frowned, "Do you think, maybe, I could stay with you for the night?"

Why the cloud, Sunny?

2:13pm Jul 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,002
(( Surprisingly the name Bethany wasn't taken. Now I have Bethany too. :D))

Why the cloud, Sunny?

2:17pm Jul 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Lev grinned. "Da! Of course you can!" he said happily, blue eyes lighting up before he pulled out his own cell phone, dialing his home number. When his mother picked up, he grinned wider. "Mama, ya nesu drugu dromoi. Razve eto horosho?" he said in Russian, falling silent for a moment as his mother spoke. "Net, eto ne devochka, i ne my me sdelali nichego. Yemu nuzhno mesto, chtoby ostat'sya segodnya, ptomu chto yego telefon umer, i on ne mozhet svyazat'sya s lyubym," he said, then paused for a bit again. "Ladno. Do skorogo."

He looked at Vincent after he closed his phone. "My mom does not know much English, so I have to speak Russia at home. My father knows a little, but only enough to get by at his job," he explained, sliding his phone back into his pocket. "My mom is on her way to come get us," he added, adjusting his striped scarf with a kind smile.

(In order: Mom, I'm bringing a friend home with me. Is that alright?

No, it's a girl and no we haven't done anything. He needs a place to stay tonight because his phone died and he can't contact anyone.
Okay. See you soon.)


2:20pm Jul 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,002
"Okay." He smiled widely, and picked up his cup and went to throw it away. He tossed it into the trash can and sat back next to Lev.

Why the cloud, Sunny?

7:02pm Jul 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,002

Why the cloud, Sunny?
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