4:02pm Jul 13 2010
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James walked past the table and grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. "You're not having breakfast?" Necilia asked around a mouthful of cereal. "Nope. Now hurry or you'll make us late." He said, leaning against the arch in the kitchen. "Ugh! You're so... mean!" She said, swallowing to she didn't choke. "I can't finish all of it! It's a big bowl." She said. "Why did you fix such a big bowl after telling me we were going to be late?" he asked, patronizingly. "Because I'm hungry and coco puffs are my favorite!" She answered, then sighed. "Now I'm gonna have to pour it out..." It picked it up, dumped the milk into the sink then threw away the puffs. "Goodbye... sweet.. coco puffs." She said mellodramatically. "Oh! come on!" James said, waving his hands. "Its rude to interupt a funeral you know." She said sadly, looking into the trash can. "Whatever! Meet you outside when you're done mourning your breakfast!" He said, then walked out the door. Necilia sighed again then turned to get her bookbag.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:02pm Jul 13 2010
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( Me too. Should we just like...skip to lunch?"
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4:04pm Jul 13 2010
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(( Lady - I don't know why, but that intro made me laugh :O lol))
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4:04pm Jul 13 2010
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:10pm Jul 13 2010
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Necilia ran down to James' motorcycle and jumped on. James revved the engine and took off, popping a quick wheelie and was off to school. They pulled into school before they were late and hurried inside. "See ya!" Necilia called and waved at James as she headed to her cl*censored*. "Bye." He said back and watched her disappear into the crowd of school students. James walked slowly to his cl*censored*, hands in his pockets, moving out of the way as others ran to theirs. he thought it was stupid to run to cl*censored*, besides, he had nothing to worry about. Last year he had completed extra credits, so this year he didn't have as many clases and most other students. So if he was late he could stay longer and complete them after he was supposed to leave if he had to.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:15pm Jul 13 2010
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Paradise forgot to bring money today, so she couldn't buy lunch. So instead she got her writing books, and went off to a table she always sat at by herself. Her favorite thing to do at lunch was to write. Its been a routine ever since she's figured noone's really going to want to talk to someone like her. She thought for a moment, and then started writing again.
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4:16pm Jul 13 2010
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The lunch bell rang, and Bethany jumped as she heard the "bring!". She heard children murmuring, and shuffling out of the door. "Well...Bye." She grabbe her bag an walked out of the door. Shewalked a few yards, then stepped into the cafeteria. She got a tray and selcted some chicken tenders. She grabbed a bottle of water, then sat down at an empty table. -------------- Vincent rushed out as he heard the bell for lunch. He walked to the cafeteria, then picked out a burrito and some juice. He sat down next to Bethany, he knew her from summer. "Hey." ------- "Uh...hi" She said as she glanced at the boy she slightly noticed.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:21pm Jul 13 2010
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alice walked down the hall once the lunch bell had rund. she followed everyone that looked like a junior and soon found the lunch room she looked around and walked towards the first empty table she found. ((i'm going to make a new character.))
4:23pm Jul 13 2010
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:25pm Jul 13 2010
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Name:Arya Age:17 Gender:female Grade:junior S/O:bisexual Personality:she is ver laid back and can be hyper too. she loves to hang out with random people and is not afraid to talk to a person she doesnt know. she loves to read and write and she always keeps a notebook or a book with her. History:she has a life like a normal teenager.in other words theres nothing really important.
Crush:none Looks~
4:27pm Jul 13 2010
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:34pm Jul 13 2010
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Paradise looked at everyone that was around, everyone had a friend. or more then a friend, whatever. She looked at herself all alone at her own table, she always told her self that she liked it this way, but she was just trying to keep herself from just dropping out of school, and doing things everyone else wanted her to do in this world to make friends. She didn't want to play denial about how much she didn't care. This was her second year here, and she still was sitting by herself. She decided to leave the cafeteria and go to the library. Its quiet, so she doesn't have to envy and hate everyone who had a friend to talk to. She walked through the hallway, face frowned, head down. When she found the library, she walked in quietly,and took a place in the back to write more.
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4:35pm Jul 13 2010
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The day went by fast for necilia, she even got a 100 on three of the tests she'd gotten back so far today. She literally skipped to the lunchroom, halfway there she bumped into James. "Hey! Who's your day?" She asked happily, looping her arm with his. "Boring." he said flatly. "Mine's gone by so quick! i can't believe it! And i've made such good scores on my tests lately." She said, beaming. "Lucky. A teacher lost my work so I'll have to do it again, another hasn't been graded and I got called out for flicking the teacher with a hornet." He said, looking straight ahead. "Did you flick a teacher?!" Necilia said, surprised as they walked into the lunchroom. heads turned to look at Necilia and James due to her outburst. "No. Don't make such a scene." he hissed at her. "Well sorry Mr. Anit-social." Necilia cooed.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:36pm Jul 13 2010
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(( earth: Cool! I wanted someone else enjoyed it ^^ ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:38pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 5,997
((( HEHE :P))
If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}
4:39pm Jul 13 2010
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((YAY!!im at the school and everthing already. i dont feel like typing everything)) Arya wlked into the lunch room. she looked around and saw a very pretty girl sitting at a table by herself. she walked up to her and asked "do you mind if i sit here?" ------- alice looked up. "sure, i guess." she replied to her. she didn't mind people sitting with her but she usually liked to sit alone. she thought it was odd that the girl had a book in her hand. "why did you bring a book to lunch?" she asked. ------- "oh, i always bring a book to lunch. and if it isn't a book than its a note book." she smiled. "this is one of my favorite books." she said looking at the little book. "the theif of always, by clive barker. It's a great book. its about this kid who gets really bored one day and then her gets taken to this house. It's called the house of always. he lives there for a week or something like that but thing is every day at the house seems like a year. they have spring in the morning and then summer. then they have holloween and thanksgiving and at the end of the day they have christmas. then it ll starts over agin. you should read it sometime." Arya explained.
4:41pm Jul 13 2010
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Bethany quickly ate her food, and with around 25 minutes left for lunch, she walked out of school. She didnt say bye to the boy,Vincent, but she didn't care. She walked down the sideqalk and into the park. She sat under a tree and took out her phone. She texted a few people, then took out a notebook and her history textbook. She started writing about the war. ------ Vincent saw the girl leave, then walked to another table.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:41pm Jul 13 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((thats actually a really good book!!))
4:44pm Jul 13 2010
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Lev blinked at his schedule as he headed into the building, first heading to his locker. Number 324... He smiled a bit and just kept going on his merry little way, humming a Russian folk song under his breath, heavy boots clomping against the polished tile floors. He found his locker and opened it up, then placed his backpack into it. He pulled out a couple notebooks, a couple pencils, then headed off to where he had to go first. "Matematike," he said in Russian. "Math..."
So he headed off, humming once more to his merry little self. And before he knew it it was lunch time. So, following the numbers on his little sheet, he headed off to the cafeteria, adjusting his scarf. He was actually surprised that nobody had made him take it off yet.
Upon entering the cafeteria he moved to an empty table and looked around curiously, deep blue eyes scanning the room so the Russian boy could memorize where everything was. He grinned, quite happy to be around people again. And in such a wonderfully warm place, too!
Nahuel was late. On his first day.
Not that he particularly cared much. He just strode towards the cafeteria, remembering where is was from his previous years here at the school. In his arms he held his sketchbook, drawing utensils stashed away in his pockets.
When he entered the cafeteria, he went straight towards the nearest empty table. He flipped his sketchbook open and pulled out a pencil and an eraser, starting to sketch out the beginnings of what looked to be a wilting rose, brown eyes focused on the page in front of him.
That was how he spent all of his time lately; drawing his life away. He gave the slightest of smiles as his pencil danced over the paper, bringing substance from nothing.
Almon walked out of the guidance counselor's office with a sigh, notebook held up to his chest like a precious artifact, meant to be protected. He closed his eyes as he walked, his stride a bit off. He appeared to limp a little, but it was to be expected if you knew what he had gone through.
He soon foumd himself in the cafeteria, where many other people had already gathered. Suddenly feeling self-concious, he adjusted his hoodie to make sure both it and his shirt covered all of both his arms, down to the wrists.
He drifted towards an empty table and sat down, flipping his notebook open and starting to write almost immediately, his visible pale blue eye staring down at the paper.
The way he sat said a lot about Almon. He was generally kind of slouched over and was constantly messing with something, the pale blue eyes that reflected an individual who had died inside staring straight ahead, yet not really looking at anything, or even paying attention.
In fact, by the time he had met with the guidance counselor, he had already had two very minor panic attacks. He didn't remember them ever being this close together, though...
Almon believed that, as he grew older, his suppressed memories were flooding back, just rescarring him each time.
He set his pencil down slowly after a few moments, lifting that same hand to his heart as he eyes widened, his free hand clutching at the seat beneath him for dear life, another series of flashbacks flashing through his mind. His eyes started tearing up, the teen ducking his head to hide it behind a veil of his black hair, biting down on his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood as he tried to force the unwelcome past back into the very back of his mind. He hoped this wouldn't happen every time he met with the guidance counselor, otherwise he'd simply stop going.
"Stop it..." he whispered, his pale face contorting into a grimace as the hand he had over his heart flew up to his hidden eye, covering it as an old scar left behind by his mother's knife started to throb for the first time since he was nine. "Stop....put the knife down, Mommy...." he murmured, breathing becoming erratic.
Now he knew for a fact that he was having another one of his 'fits' --so called this by the psychiatrist hired by his foster-parents. He had to get out of there before it got too bad, but he could't make himself move. He knew kids were going to tease him about this, call him a psychopath, a loony...
As if refusing to dress out in Gym wasn't going to be enough...he had to have an episode before Gym even started!
(Lol. I've noticed that my longest posts are usually cruel towards my characters. Maybe I'm an unconcious sadist? That would explain why I put my charries through all kinds of hell.
And if this is late, I don't care. I am NOT editing this monster on my phone!)

4:46pm Jul 13 2010
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"Just get your food." James replied and un looped his arm. "You're not eating again?" Necilia asked, worried. "Nope. Don't feel like waiting in line for food that will crawl off your plate if you don't eat it fast enough. Besides.... I'm not hungry." He finished his small speech, standing in the middle of the lunchroom. He noticed he was the only one wearing nothing but black with black hair to match. This made his odd golden eyes stand out completely. "EEWWW!" Necilia said, shivering, "Why do you have to say thing like that! You made me lose my appetite!" She squealed unhappily. "You should have lost your appetite as soon as we walked in. I did you a favor." he said, looking at her. He turned and sat at a random table without even looking to see if anyone else was sitting there, "I'll wait here." He said finally.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~