1:43pm Jul 14 2010
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(Nahuel and Almon are alone at lunch as well, and Almon is kind of having a bit of a mental breakdown at a lunch table and nobody has noticed.
Nahuel is just drawing. XD)
1:45pm Jul 14 2010
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(( Rika - im going to make a new charrie too, he'll notice after i make the bio :)) ))
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1:45pm Jul 14 2010
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(( Imma annoy Nahuel. >:O))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
1:52pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 1:54pm Jul 14 2010)
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Name: Beverley Hills
Age: 18 Gender: Female
Grade: Senior
S/O: Straight.
Personality: She perky, and has tons of confidence. She also thinks she's the hottest girl on Earth. History: Her father is a surgeon, and her mother stays at home. She grew up with money, and lives in a 3 story house. Crush: Nahuel http://media.photobucket.com/image/Pink%20anime%20girl/sasukes_girl01/anime%2520girls/61bd0981.jpg
Why the cloud, Sunny?
1:57pm Jul 14 2010
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Poor Nahuel.
And the name Beverly Hills made me laugh. XD)
1:57pm Jul 14 2010
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Name: Eddie Age:17 Gender:Male Grade:Junior S/O: Straight Personality:Eddie's very social and outgoing. He'd rather be with atleast one person and not by himself. He has a very sensitive side to him also. His worst weakness is the girl he likes. He can talk to anyone he wants, but when it comes to a girl he likes he'll get very nervous. History: NOthing Important Crush: OPEN Looks~http://img511.imageshack.us/i/anime66bz7.jpg/
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2:00pm Jul 14 2010
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Eddie was to busy taking a test, that he missed alot of time for lunch. He quickly bought something to eat, then looked to where he should sit. He saw a guy sitting by himself, Eddie knew he hated sitting by himself, so he decided to sit next to the new kid. He sat beside him and said. " Hey." He gave a second look at him and noticed his 'mental breakdown'. "Hey man, are you okay?!" He started to nugde him just a bit. Worried he might just burst.
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2:15pm Jul 14 2010
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Almon flinched away from the touch, lifting his head to stare at the red-haired boy before him, trying to calm his shallowed breathing as the sleeve on his raised arm slid down just enough to show just a few of the scars that marred his pale skin, the ones closest to his wrists being his self-mutilation.
"I-I'm fine!" he choked out, the strange look on his face mirroring the look of a frightened child, though his eyes remained blank and dead. He wanted to stop these terrible flashbacks...
2:15pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 2:16pm Jul 14 2010)
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Beverly strutted into the cafeteria with her 2 inch heels. "Beverly, Has arrived!" She yelled, holding up her Prada bag. She saw a boy drawing something. She satd won next to him. "Hey, youre cute." She smiled at the boy. "What's your name?"She crossed her legs and coated her lips with "Coconut Paradise" Lip gloss.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:19pm Jul 14 2010
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(( I just realized my charrie does have red hair....haha)) Eddie started to get alittle nervous, but he wasn't just going to leave him here. "Do you want to go to the nurse? I'll take you." He tried to touch his arm gently, to calm his nerves. He saw the scars on his wrist, usually he would probably say something. But it didn't seem like a good time.
If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}
2:26pm Jul 14 2010
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((i know it might be late but do you mind if i join i havent done a highschool rp in ages.))
2:32pm Jul 14 2010
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Nahuel paused in his drawing of a wilting rose to glance up at the girl who had introduced herself as 'Beverly'. "My name is Nahuel. It means Tiger in Mapuche," he stated calmly through his black-streaked blond hair, deep brown eyes calm.
Almon shook his head furiously, moving away from the touch. In doing so, he had pulled his hand away from his hidden eye, this movement causing his black hair to shift away from it to show a slash right over his eye, caused by a knife held by his dead mother.
"I..don't like...being touched..." Almon said, continuing to stare at the redhead as the flashbacks finally started to recede, the boy calming down rather quickly afterwards. "No physical contact," he stated, hurriedly pulling his sleeve back down.
2:33pm Jul 14 2010
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Alice sat down next to the guy she asked. she was quiet. and kind of cranky. but hopefully it would p*censored*.((brain dead))
2:38pm Jul 14 2010
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Eddie nodded. Noticing him calming down. " Yeah i don't get really physical with guys, but i know what you mean.." He said, just trying to lighten the mood. It was more of a joke really. But just incase that 'joke' made it more awkward he said. "I mean, i'll make sure i don't do that again." He gave him a more serious look, so he understood. Then smiled.
If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}
2:44pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 2:45pm Jul 14 2010)
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Beverly glanced at the picture of the rose. "Hey, youre good!"She excalimed. "You wanna come to a party tonight?" She asked, smiling with her coconut lips. "All of you are invited to my party tonight!" She squealed across the lunchroom. People strated chatting and murmuring. Things like, "Im so going!", or, "What, nobodys going to her party."
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:45pm Jul 14 2010
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Lev tilted his head curiously, looking down at the girl worriedly. "Ty v poryadke?" he asked, automatically speaking in Russian. When he caught it he looked apologetic. "I mean, are you okay?"
2:51pm Jul 14 2010
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"I'm fine." alice said to him. she looked at him and smiled. ((can alice have a crush on lev??))
2:53pm Jul 14 2010
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(*waits for answer*)
2:54pm Jul 14 2010
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((what she said))
2:54pm Jul 14 2010
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