3:34pm Jul 14 2010
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alice nodded "yeah guess so." she said. "i kind of like school but just being here is what i don't like. i kind of enjoy learning" she shrugged smiling.
3:35pm Jul 14 2010
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Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:38pm Jul 14 2010
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3:46pm Jul 14 2010
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(( Necilia could talk to Vincent if he's lonely ^^ )) "If you're not gonna eat it, get rid of it." James said, gettin up. "Its a waste and it stinks." He said, rounding the table to leave. Necilia threw her tray away and followed James. "Do you know were the meeting thingy place is?" She asked. "Yeah. Why?" James asked her from over his shoulder. " 'Cause I don't. Can I follow you?" She asked sweetly. "You kinda already are." He said, pointing out that she had attached herself to his arm. "Hey, why don't you have any frineds?" Necilia asked. "Why don't you?" James countered flatly. "No! I mean it! And I do have friends! I just haven't seen them yet." Necilia said. "I don't have frends because it's a waste of time. As soon as i get comfortable and trust someone we get handed off to someone else agan." James said. Necilia frowned, "But its always good to have friends!" "No. Its painful. Drop it." James growled. Necilia looked down as they walked, she didn't expect that from James.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:48pm Jul 14 2010
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(( Vincent's gay, so don't get too close. XD))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
3:50pm Jul 14 2010
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(( Lady - Can Paradise like James? Like not right now but later...)) Paradise knew just where the court yard was and was the first one there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Eddie was completly lost from where the court yard was, so he casually started following everyone else. (( fail...sorry lol :) ))
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3:53pm Jul 14 2010
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(( nono: I know X3 Earth: Uh... James is gay xD Bu I guess she can? lol ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:55pm Jul 14 2010
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(( OO mmkay, never mindd hahahahaahaha)
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4:00pm Jul 14 2010
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(( Yeah lol XD ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:01pm Jul 14 2010
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If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}
4:02pm Jul 14 2010
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(( sorry, lol XD ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:03pm Jul 14 2010
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(My only social one is Lev. XD)
Lev blinked and got up, padding out of the cafeteria curiously. He followed his little paper to the courtyard, loosening his scarf a bit as he noted the temperature.
Nahuel packed up his artistry things and headed out to the courtyard with a sigh, shaking his head. Every year, the same darn thing.
Almon stood and headed outside, soon getting too warm in his hoodie and longsleeves. He let out a sigh, trying to move over to a less populated area and removing his hoodie, this causing his shirt to lift up and show the various kinds of scars that littered his abdomem, ranging from burns to gashes, some down with a serrated blade. Praying nobody had glanced over and seen them, he folded up his hoodie around his notebook, hugging them to his chest.
He fixed his hair over the left side of his face again to hide the scar there, not wanting people to ask about them and make him revisit his past.
4:03pm Jul 14 2010
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(( No its fine lol, but i feel like im spamming the thread so...bye i guess lol)
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4:05pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 4:08pm Jul 14 2010)
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(( I know X3 )) "Kill joy." Necilia grumbled. "Pain." James answered, wriggling his arm and making her loose her balance. "Why are you being so mean?" Necilia asked, letting go. James didn't answer her. "Hmph! I'll find someone else to talk to!" James laughed, "I doubt anyone but me can put up with that." He poked Necilia's lips. "Oh!" She stamped off. James felt sorry for whoever was unlucky enough to cross Necilia's path. James walked out into the court yard, surprised to find only one other girl there but found a seat anyway. he hoped it wouldn't be too crowded or take to long for this. It was hot out. Necilia saw a guy that was by himself and went up to him, she was just that kind of person. "Hey! Why are you all alone?" She asked, not beating around the bush. (Thats Vincent, sorry, kinda braindead XD)
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:09pm Jul 14 2010
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Alice followed the guy outside. she didn't know really where she was going but she just followed the crowd. ((she just moved there this year)) ------ arya walked outside with a skip in her step. she loved being outside and she loved talking to the pricipal. she like that principal and he would always talk to her whne she was in the hallways or on her way to the bus so she knew that he liked her too. Arya smiled to herself for no reason at all.
4:20pm Jul 14 2010
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(Lev just moved to the country a couple years ago. XD)
Lev sat down when he reached the courtyard, grinning happily as he got himself all comfortable.
Nahuel sat down as well and flipped to a clean page in his sketchbool, now deciding to draw a tiger to represent himself.
Almom wandered over and sat down, placing his things on his lap as he drummed his fingers before sighing and pushing up his sleeve to look at the many scars that criss-crossed the skin, tracing only the ones he made himself, dead blue eyes focusing forward, yet not really looking at anything at all.
Almon can have a flashback from when his high daddy raped him at eight years old and spazz out, and everyone in the dressing room at that time can see all of his physical scars.
Or the Gym teacher can force Almon to dress out. What are the gym uniforms like? Ouo)
4:25pm Jul 14 2010
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Eddie saw Almon, and thought maybe he should try talking to him again. He walked over and sat down, and said. "Hey Almon." While he sat down, he saw from the corner of his eye the scars. He tried not to say anything, but looked at him with worried eyes. "How'd you get those?" ------------------------------------------------- Paradise sat by herself, as far as she could from everyone else. She slid farther in her seat, waiting impatiently for them to start and finish.
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4:27pm Jul 14 2010
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((okay now im scared, lolz)) Alice sat down next to the guy she was talking to. "i'm sorry if i'm like following you around but you seem like a nice guy" she said turning to him "I'm alice." she told him holding out her hand. ---- Arya found a seat near the front and got ready to whatever the principal had to say.
4:28pm Jul 14 2010
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(( Wait...Why are you scared?))
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4:31pm Jul 14 2010
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((did you read what rika put. im just kind of scared now))