5:30pm May 20 2011
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((Fake as in fake personality. XD Maybe I could be Nal's big brother that has not been mentioned and does not exist until this point I have mentioned him~))
5:42pm May 20 2011
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OoC: Is it like, every once in a while a new moment starts? o: Or is the current moment gonna be the only moment?
5:52pm May 20 2011
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Posts: 10,925
((I wanted to know the same thing as Yoshi. x3))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

6:05pm May 20 2011 (last edited on 6:28pm May 20 2011)
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Posts: 736
Merit Sighed as she stumbled out of the train and landed on her knees, her bags weighing her down. "Why the hell did I need to bring a tent?" She told herself, peeling her blooded knee fron the stoney ground beneath. wipping at the blood that slowley tricled down her pale legs she removed the stones that had embedded themselves into her knee. Muttering a few curses when she realised she had no napkin to clean her hands off with she rolled her sky blue eyes and stood. Deciding that because it was dark, and on the off chance that anyone would care this late at night, she cleaned her hands on the khaki green shorts she always seemed to wear. The Blonde haired 23 year old shrugged her camping rucksack over her shoulder and began to head for a motel, then chuckling at the stupitity of the idea. "If I can sleep in the dirt, I doubt I need to worry about a bed." She conversed with herself, heading towards the park where she would sleep for the night. Whisteling, She looked over her shoulder, only to have a camping bag block her view. The guy that pas.sed seemed to farmiliar. Merit turned and stopped. She was in dis belief. "That isn't... can't be... is it?" She gulpped. "Bloody hell, it is." "Crispin, you're all right." Smiled a 12 year old girl. "I'm gonna miss ya though." Her face dropped. The boy nudged her with his elbow as they sat on a river bank and then it turned into a minature sparing match, him ending up in the water. "Ha! beat ya!" She yelled, giggling in fits of laughter. "Hey! you cheat... Anyway, I let you win!" He replied also laughing, and splashing her with water. Merit Squealed and lept into the water landing ontop of him and pushing his head under the water. The pair now lying on the bank were panting. "Fair do's You the best mate I've ever had." Said merit, turning away blushing slightly. a tear hidden by her wet face rolled down her cheek. Sitting up and patting him on the back she sighed. "Word of advice, man up abit will ya? can't have every girl push you around." She nudged him and the two laughed again. "Merit! lets go." Called her father. Her heart sank. "Well-erm, cya." She stood and pecked him on the cheek before saluting to him and running to the car. Where ever he was going, he was in a hurry.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
6:13pm May 20 2011
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Posts: 275
(( Uuuh...I'd probably rmail Heart about it, Yoshi. owo She did start this rp. I'm just going with the flow. -goestopost- ))
6:38pm May 20 2011
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Posts: 275
(Sorry for the late post. :( )
Nal stepped out of the bathroom, robe wrapped around her body, towel in hand. She turned the radio down, thankful the music drowned out her wondering mind. She picked up her cell phone, glad the house phone didn't ring again.
Hi, hun. Call me. Mom...Nal groaned a little, frowning at the message. "Later, Mom.."
Nal. Please talk to me. Crispin. Nal's eyes stung a little and she blinked back tears. Why did he want to fix things when they were shattered to pieces? What could he want now? Nal noticed the message was sent about an hour ago.
A small sound came from her window and Nal turned towards it. She walked over, drawing the curtain back with her hand, finding Crispin standing below her window. He gave her a small apologetic smile and waved awkwardly. Sighing, Nal lifted the window and sat down beside it. "You have something to say to me?" She was becoming impatient.
6:47pm May 20 2011 (last edited on 6:47pm May 20 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
Simon chomped down on his apple in the kitchen, when he heard Nal's voice. "You have something to say to me?" He frowned. He and his sister were the only ones in the house. Why was she talking to herself? "Nal?" he asked. "who the heck are you talking to?" He walked down the hall and peeked into Nal's room. He then walked in completely, though he knew Nal hated it when he went into her room, and looked out the window. "Who's that, little sis, and why is he throwing rocks at your window?" he asked, standing over Nal, a full foot taller. Simon was basically a male, taller Nal, two years older than her. Some people thought they were twins, because of all of their similarities. "If he's bothering you, I can kick his ass," Simon whispered in Nal's ear.
12:01am May 21 2011 (last edited on 12:02am May 21 2011)
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Posts: 3,005
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
12:01am May 21 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((Wow, this has been very active. Awesome, full. That'll do it. Yoshi and Paige: That all depends how this works out. Of course, since the current moment gives us little to work with, yes, I'd like to do other moments, with other people starting them. However, they'd probably be on different threads. For instance, I may label a new moment as "RRM Part 2." I am open to suggestions, of course, and am glad you find this to be interesting.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
12:20am May 21 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((Okay. Toshiro, Crispin can't reply to Merit because he is at Nal's house like a creeper. Lol. Still, the post itself is fine. Good job. I also want to make clear to everyone that there will be a lot of powerplaying (pp) in this roleplay, and it is entirely allowed, and encouraged, actually. Just don't do anything stupid, like killing characters without permission, or you will be kicked from the thread. I am alright with others moderately using swear words, but you will notice, I will bleep mine out, due to personal beliefs. Let me emphasize that you may use any language as long as it coincides with Recreatu forum policies.)) Crispin laughed slightly, his finely tuned ears hearing Simon's booming "whisper." He looked at Simon, who looked incredibly similar to Nal. She never told me she had a brother. He was fairly tall, probably several inches taller than Crispin. Although, Crispin was also rather muscular, so they'd most likely tie up were they to fight. Why am I sizing him up? "There is no need for any @**-kicking." A somber glow in his eyes paved the way for a more sincere conversation. "I just really hope you know how sorry I am. I can't stress it enough. I don't expect anything, but I don't want you to hurt." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. ((If you haven't noticed, my character's personal thoughts are usually italicized.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
1:47am May 21 2011
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Posts: 275
Letting out a soft groan, Nal turned to her older brother. "Really? You're going to resort to violence?.." Then again, it wasn't such a bad idea. Crispin did hurt her after all. "Well, I don't know what you're planning on doing, but do. Not. Go. Outside. Understand, Simon?" Nal glared at him, then turned away from the window, pushing him out of the room. "I have to get dressed. Go away.." "But..Nal!" Simon squirmed, trying to turn back around to hollar out of the window. "No! Go away!" Frustrated, she finally got her door closed and locked it, even though she could hear Simon complaining and threatening her that he was going to go downstairs. "Yeah...right." Frowning, Nal moved back over to the window, pulling the curtain back again. He was still down there. The window was still open. Crouching down, Nal stuck her head out the window slightly. "What is it, Crispin?" Her voice was tired, having a hurt and annoyed tone to it. "Allison called me. Sob story there, right?" The sarcasm was thick in her voice. She wanted him to go away. Forget her, even. She needed better. He needed better. Nal knew, knew, that she was way out of her league with a guy like Crispin. As if this little mishap was going to save him. Once was enough, right?

2:05am May 21 2011
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Posts: 3,005
The rain started pouring down heavier than before. "Nal..." He whined. "Please. I came all this way to make sure you were okay. Not to seduce you." He flashed her an attempt at a smile. "And, if you are intending to change, I probably shouldn't be standing right here." Even in the rock-bottom moments, Crispin was always a comedian. As soon as the hilarity came, though, it left. Crispin once more resumed his pouting. "If you don't love me, which you clearly don't, can I at least comfort you? As a friend?" He muttered, quizically. "If Crispin hurt you, than I don't want to be Crispin. He's a jerk, and I never want anything to do with him." Crispin realized he sounded like an old romance novel, but he didn't care. Tears started brimming in his eyes. By now, the rain was intolerable. As much as it seemed wrong, Crispin knew he had to come inside. He gestured at his clothes to Nal. "Uh. I feel like such a **** right now, but could I come in...?" He asked quietly.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
2:24am May 21 2011
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Posts: 275
Nal narrowed her eyes down at him, unsure of what to do. The guy was practically throwing his heart down and stomping it down into the ground for her. Sighing, feeling defeated, more so of herself, she reliented. "Fine..I need to get dressed. Simon will answer the door. You'll have to deal with him.." She shut the window again as the rain had started to pour down once more. Quickly, Nal shut the curtains and went to work in putting clothes on. She slipped on some loose fitted red plaid pajama bottoms with a black t-shirt, then worked her hair with the towel, getting it semi-dry. She unlocked and opened her door, finding Simon standing in the hallway, eating on another apple. Nal raised a brow at him, curious. "You've...been standing here this whole time?" "Yup." "Overhearing my conversations with him?" "Righty-o" "Ihateyou" Nal said, tight-lipped. Simon laughed a little, shaking his pointer finger at her. "Dear, dear sister. I love you so. You're funny. Shall I go let him in? I need a good bit of boxing practice right about now." Nal bit the inside of her cheek, trying to ignore her brother's snide comments. "Whatever, Simon. Just let him in...UNHARMED, of course...I'll be in the kitchen." She moved past him, quickly making her way to her destination.

2:41am May 21 2011
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Posts: 736
Deciding that it was the most interesting thing to do, she marked the direction he was heading in. It wouldn't take long for her to find her barings. "Looks like a motel it is." She told herself, following him slightly, then braking off from the persuit to hed towards a motel. The thick crustedn paint was peeling off the walls and the 'O' in Motel was flickering. "How cliche." she chuckled, heding towards the office that had a written sign that said key sales only. Who ever was working here tonight either didn't know how to work the coffee machine or was too lazy to do so. "$5.50, a bit exccessive." She muttered under her breath. the obease man behind the counter slapped a key down on the counter. "Pay in the morning." He gruffled with a 66deep monotone voice as he typed in a few numbers on a clocking machine. Ground floot. Room 16. Coincidental. "He-hey Merit, we shouldn't go in there." Gulped a nervous Crispin watching as Merit crawled under the wire fencing that had a red danger sign on it. An old abandoned Motel that seemed perfectly stable was no place for children. Too many rooms to explore, treasure to find, ofcourse not. " Crispin, nouts gonna happen, is it!" She yelled back, now standing on the roof of an old impounded bently smushed up against another car. "Yea Crispy, live a little, summers nearly over and she isn't gonna be here for much longer now is she?" Smirked a satisfied Martin, deciding to take the hig route and climb over the top of the fence rather than through it. Crispin watched as the two entered the relm of motel and started running rowards one of the many open doors. Deciding that he couldn't win this war, he followed the two into the derilict lot. Jumping up onto a pile of old smelly matresses she palced her hands on her hips like superman in many of the comics. "The one who finds... a mouse wins." She smiled jumpind down off the matresses, her fair hair whipping about her face and then stumbling as she landed. The two lads strted laughing at her and imitting her for laughs like young adolecence did. Serching in serperate rooms, Merit headed for room 16. An old double bed frame took up most the space. She clapped her hand over her mouth when a mouse ran across the room and into the bathroom. "guys, have a look at this." She whispered the boys both having exited their rooms went to room 16. The three poked their head into the bathroom to see several baby mice piling ontop of each other before scampering away at the sight of the three monsters. Throwing her bag onto the bed, she checked the bathroom. rodent free. Jogging out of the room and locking it behind her, she started to hed in the direction she had seen her old friend go in. Without searching too hard she eventually relocated him. He was standing outside a window. looking up, all Merit could see from this distance, nd with such dim lightling couldn't make out if someone was there or not. "Hey Crispin! Have you manned up yet?" She called to him, un-aware of the scene her had just been through.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
10:33am May 21 2011 (last edited on 10:34am May 21 2011)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: I kinda like the idea of all the moments staying on the same thread. x3 Like, maybe there could be an approximate time or post limit for each moment. If a moment seems like it'll be able to reach a good finishing point within its limit, then a new one could start. If not, that moment could get its own thread and become a full-on roleplay, then a new moment would start here. Then the new thread could be linked from this one, so there's always a central hub for 'em. Just an idea. I guess it seems to me like otherwise they wouldn't really be moments. 'S like calling a story a one-shot, then giving it ten chapters. xD
12:39pm May 21 2011 (last edited on 12:50pm May 21 2011)
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Posts: 736
((I think Yoshi has a good idea going on there. Edit oo' -derp-))
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
12:44pm May 21 2011 (last edited on 1:51pm May 21 2011)
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Posts: 10,925
(( Yeah, I originally thought that this thread was kinda like what Yoshi just said. It would be way cool if it was :u))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:25pm May 21 2011 (last edited on 3:27pm May 21 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
"Unharmed is not in my vocabulary," Simon said, crossing his arms over his chest. Nal glared at him, but it didn't really work, because her mouth was in a slight smile. "You know what I mean," she said, and she turned to go into the kitchen. Simon turned to Crispin. "I hear you're bothering my sister," he said, grinning. "I seem to be more protective over her than mom. Interesting, huh?" he just stood there, not letting Crispen pass, but not hurting him, either. "So?" Crispen said, in a slightly sneering voice. "So, I don't want her to get hurt by a jerk like you. White goes first. Make your move." Crispen just stood there. What the **** was this guy talking about? Then he realized it. He was talking about chess. Apparently Crispen was a white chesspiece. "Peace or fight. Your choice, my dear man."
8:34pm May 21 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((Haha, Yosh. I see your logic. Alright, it's settled. How about each moment ends once it reaches a good stopping point, somewhere on the third or fourth page? Opinions?)) He smiled, satisfied that Nal cared for him enough to allow him entry. She left, and he continued towards the front door. Crispin, still standing in the rain, was greeted by a familiar voice. It was terribly dark outside, and he couldn't see much of anything. He wandered around in the darkness, hands outstretched, and attempted to locate this person. After three or so minutes of unsuccessful searching, he warily gave up. He began backing up towards the door, slightly terrified of this strange being who knew his name. As he neared the front door, however, his back made contact with another body. He quickly turned around and his childhood friend, Merit, materialized. "Long time, no see, Mer-bear." He chuckled slightly, feigning level-headedness. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I am in the middle of crisis... You know what? I'm sure Nal will let you in.." He mused, not realizing Merit had no clue who Nal was. "Hey, stay outside for a second." He whispered, happy that he was reunited with Merit, but upset that it had to be now. Crispin scuttled inside, only to be greeted by the lanky, and teasing, Simon. "I'm not exactly a pro at chess, nor am I attempting to break Nal's heart. I also find it alarming that you consider me dear to you. However, I suppose I will have to feign that I am totally fine with you pushing me around for the moment, because we have a severe problem." Crispin whispered, and gestured to the door. "Come out, Merit." Crispin shook his head, and stared ashamedly at the ground, as if he had done wrong.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
3:17am May 22 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 275
( I'd rather not have seperate threads for just one RP like this. We could just mark different occassions in the rp when needed. Moments are going to change anyway...But that's my own opinion. Also, I guess I'm slightly confused about what you guys want to do. >.>; Also, sorry for the late post. )
Nal stood in the kitchen doorway, holding onto a mug of warm tea. She would always fix herself some whenever she was dealing with a problem. That problem tonight was Crispin. She thought about what she was going to say to him, figuring that she could at least -try- to give him another chance. Hey, if it worked for her mom, it could work for her, right? Except...neither Nal's and Simon's parents never got back together. Their mom was always gushing over their 'stepfather'. Poor Dad was still living by himself, but was making due with his work as a writer. It kept him busy.
Moving from the interior of the kitchen to its doorway, Nal spotted Simon standing with Crispin at the entrance. She could hear their voices but couldn't make out what they were saying. She sipped her tea, preparing to grab Crispin and lead him up to her room so they could talk. Unfortunately, that plan was in ruins in seconds. Crispin called out to someone who stepped through the threshold.
Nal almost dropped her tea. Another one? Who the...Then Nal remembered. That must be Merit. She thought, sending a glare to both of them as she quietly made her way back into the kitchen.
"Ah, I see. So, you expect Nal to talk to you now that you have another girl by your side?" Simon scoffed, smiling sarcastically at both of them. He nodded furiously, shaking his finger at them like he did Nal at most times when he thought she was being absurd. He shook his head. "You know what. " He clapped his hands together and took a step back. "Why don't you both come in and just explain it all to her? But if you touch her..especially you." Simon pointed a finger in Crispin's face. "I'll send you both flying out the door. Now, if you'll excuse me...I have a chess game to finish." Simon then turned and headed towards the living area where his computer still lay on the coffee table. As he passed the kitchen entrance, he bellowed out to his sister, "They're in here. Deal with it."
Nal, on the other hand, didn't want to 'deal with it'. She gripped her mug tightly, trying to control her anger. She furiously poured the tea out into the sink and sent the mug inside it. Moving briskly, Nal walked out of the kitchen and into the foyer to confront her ex and his...so-called friend. She let out a sigh. "Ah, well...I see that you brought another friend. Would you like to talk now or should I get my brother to kick both your asses out, hm?" She smiled a little, irked by their presence.
