5:56am May 22 2011
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Posts: 736
((FUUUUU! TWICE it has eaten my posts. here is the basis of them. - Merit goes in and says "So you must be nel".
- Flashback of her and Martin at 20 sitting in a cafe.
- Martin says Crispin has had many girlfriends, and now has Nel, and that she has had none.
- He says she is the perfect girl as he has met her through skype.
- Flashback ends, Merit says. "An old friend Martin told me about you."
Don't make me write it again, please 0^0))
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
5:59am May 22 2011
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Posts: 275
(Suggestion: Use Notepad, write the post, copy and paste. Edit here and done. >.> -pets Toshiro-)
10:07am May 22 2011
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Whoo~ I guess I'll lurk until the next moment starts then. x3 Hah, Wordpad is yes. I've gotten so paranoid about losing posts, myself, that I'll almost always copy into another document before I try to post 'em. Even if it's mostly because of my own sucky Internets. I've.. honestly never lost a post to the Forum itself. o3o
8:28pm May 23 2011
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Posts: 3,005
Crispin caught Nal's suspiscious glare, but not without realizing he probably deserved it. After all, it looked like quite a scene, and it especially would to Nal, who had reason to believe Crispin was unfaithful. He tensed abruptly, and the hair on his arms stood on end. "Well, this is excellent," he murmured sarcastically. Of course, now he was prone to utter anger at Simon's unwanted comment. A scowl mulled over his handsome face, and his usually whimsical features undetook a sinister tone. "Chess, huh? I was led to believe chess was a gentleman's sport. Ah, well. Not the first time I've been wrong." He sent a dark grin towards Simon, which was rather sardonic and unwanted. As far as Crispin was concerned, Simon was nothing more than an obstacle. He sped towards Nal, unleashing the strength of a band of demons. "Nal. Look at me." He peered gently into her eyes, a determined ex pression born on his face. "Do I look like I'd ever attempt to cause any more harm to you than I already have? Fate just happened to send Merit my way, and I couldn't just leave her out in the rain. She's a friend. Nothing more, I swear. You are the only person in the entire world that I do and ever will love." He sneaked a brief grimace at Simon, but once more turned to Nal. "In the park, I asked you if you still loved me. But really, it should be you asking me that same question. You've never given me reason to doubt your faithfulness, or loyalty. But I am a sick, twisted person to allow you to doubt mine." He wanted to embrace her, then and there, but he knew how upset she was, so he merely held her hand. "I don't care if I have to repeat myself a hundred million times, and you still don't get the message. I love you, I love you, I love you." He was on the very brink of tears. ((D'Aww. That almost makes up for what a scum he is. <3))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:29pm May 23 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((Also: We need to finish up soon and make a new moment by the time the page is up. Does anyone want to continue this on a seperate thread?))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
1:58am May 24 2011 (last edited on 4:26am May 24 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 275
Sighing, Nal looked up into Crispin's face. She could see the hurt in his eyes. Maybe he was truly sorry for what he had done? She was more than faithful to him. Nal was actually a very lucky girl to be with someone like Crispin.
She looked over at Merit. "Martin, eh? I think I remember him. You'd say hi for me, yeah?" Nal bit on her lip, then looked back over at Crispin.
Crispin's heart was racing. He really truly meant what he had said to Nal. He didn't want to make anymore mistakes. This girl, woman, was like a gem to him. If he lost her, there was no way anyone else could replace her. He was going to change his ways. Be more responsible and mature about his decisions and what he wanted. What he truly wanted in his life.
Nal rubbed her face roughly, unable to say anything for a few minutes. Merit stood there, feeling a little awkward. She was one of Crispin's childhood friends and was at a loss for words for the current situation. "Ah, I'm just going to step back outside..."
Crispin nodded towards his friend. "Alright, but stay under the entryway if it's raining.." "Wait.." Nal spoke up. "You can stay in here..if it is still raining. I'd hate to for you to catch a cold.." Nal could tell that the girl didn't mean any harm and now regretted on being so hostile earlier.
Merit shook her head and put a hand up. "No, it's ok. I really need to get back to my room though. I..I hope it's alright if I can say hi to Crispin some time?"
Nal nodded, giving the girl a smile. "Yeah, sure!" Both her and Crispin watched as the girl went out the door. Nal turned to her 'ex-boyfriend'. "So...You love me, do you?" She gave him a glare, wanting to smack him one good time to make him realize the pain he put her through. "Yes...I do.." Crispin replied helplessly. "Nal...My heart is breaking right now..." He couldn't plead anymore than he already had..
She sighed, flopping her arms to her side. "Well. Second chances are very rare...And..I do...love you, Crispin. But!" She held the guy off as he was trying to wrap his arms around her in pure happiness. "Wait! But, if you do -any- stupid crap like this again. You're gone. Ok? No, quit! Hahah!" Crispin had begun to playfully tickle Nal into his arms, then almost as if it was the end of the world, grasped her arms and through them around his shoulders. He took his hands, holding the sides of her neck and face lightly and brought his lips down upon hers.
After a few minutes, Crispin broke the tender kiss and moment. "Never again...I love you, Nal. So, very much." Nal stared back up at him. "And I to you, Crispin..Oh, so, very much." They grinned at each other and embraced once more.
-------------- (Different moment not too long in the future, different character)
In the past few days, the city had been bogged down by rain. People scampered here and there to their work or just got out and about, bearing the weather with ease. Sitting in the front seat of his beat up, gray 1969 Chevrolet Chevelle SS, Jackson stared out the window. He listened intently to the rain. The sound of it on his roof was like a soft melody. He had the heater on, his engine purring softly as he waited to turn off into the street. That didn't happen though. He decided to sit there for a few more minutes.
The guy was down on his luck almost. No place to stay, squatting in old buildings that had barely in usage left in them. Jackson had a future for himself. He was in college, studying to be a programmer. Until everything started to fall apart...Both of his parents were killed in a freak plane crash coming home from their vacation in Hawaii. Yeah, he was of middle-class, but his parents taught him well about being independent and wanting to earn his own.
After the funeral, his grades began slipping and soon he had to opt out for a job to keep himself from starving. Jackson worked two or three jobs, earning a little bit here and there, but it wasn't enough. Now it was only down to one job that paid minimum and he was barely getting enough even for gas.
The guy sighed and leaned his head back against his seat. To most people that knew his parents, they would find their son entirely different from them. He dressed and acted like someone from an entirely different family. Jackson was a rocker. Dressed in converses, dark jeans, band t-shirts, the occasional designer t-shirts, and he always wore his leather jacket. It was like his pride, next to his car. No matter how junked up it was, Jackson's car was his pride. His dad bought him the model, and with no help the kid had it working in no time.
A smile had come to Jackson's face remembering how proud his dad was of him in finishing the project. The guy's eyes stung with oncoming tears and he quickly leaned over and turned the radio on. The sound of Staind filled the interior and Jackson was glad of it. He sang along to the chorus of the song:
Like voices in the rain. Like a song without a name. Like angel's wings and whisperings. Of love we lost and found along the way.

4:32am May 24 2011
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Posts: 275
(Edited post.)
4:44pm May 24 2011
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Posts: 3,005
Water monotonously spurned the grimy asphalt streets. Rain sounded different in the "Big Apple." It sung a bitter tale of the dankest places in life, where the sun was nonexistant, and clouds perpetually loomed overhead. The songbird was forbidden by rain, and only scowling ravens and infectious pigeons dared to scamper upon the univiting ground. This was the only world Avery Vaughn ever knew, unless you included an occasional park bench. Her story was not ridden with violence, but with neglect, and unlike so many others who lay in her bed with fear of the night, she lacked a bed to do so in. Oftentimes, the homeless band together in a sort of disjointed "family." This was not the case for Avery, who was all alone in the world. Years ago, she used to wait for the rainbow after the rain. Only recently did she discover that the rain seemed to never end. Actually, Avery did have a family, so to speak. Of course, he wasn't human, but that didn't matter. She was grateful for Everett, her ugly, wire-haired cat. Everett was rather old, and a strange blue-toned shade of silver. His hair was grossly matted, and he was ridden with fleas and had a grotesque scar that misformed his left ear. Avery, however, was glad she had him, all the same. It was a nontypical family, agreed. A feeble, flaxen-haired eleven-year-old, and her cat. Avery was smarter than most passerbys granted her, and was often able to smuggle food from those more fortunate through clever means. Therefore, she managed to get by on the scanty food she stole. However, this night, Avery was unfortunate and had not come across an opportunity for theivery. So, she wandered the desolate New York City streets, looking for someone to take pity upon her. Unsatisfied, and horribly tired, she saw a car, leisurely resting in the middle of a forlorn street. She eased near the car slowly, hoping no one would be inside, and she could take temporary refuge. However, she realized she had no such luck, and there was a boy there already. She frowned miserably, and sat on a nearby sidewalk, drenched.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
5:17pm May 24 2011 (last edited on 6:00pm May 24 2011)
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Posts: 10,925
Living in New York City, homeless people were definitely not rare. But Sienna had never seen a hobo so young. Her mother always told her not to give any money to those types of people, because they could just be scamming you. However, this little girl, who looked no more than twelve, did not look capable of such a thing, and so Sienna began to walk in her general direction. As she came closer to the small figure, she noticed the girl's light-colored hair, and found herself wishing hers was the same. Not that she didn't like her own dark strawberry-blonde, almost-red color that people called unique, but she always had wanted blonde hair. Sienna was seventeen. She wasn't an idiot. And, because of that, she was really worried that this girl wasn't what she looked like. What if some dude was paying her to go around, pick-pocketing the wealthy (which was what Sienna technically was)? Or if she was crazy, and a serial killer? The thing about New York was that you never knew. And you never would know. Sienna may have lived here her entire life, but things about NYC still surprised her. But still she went, clutching her umbrella tight, walking as fast as she could without running on her long, skinny legs. That was another thing about Sienna. She was long and lean. Many people asked if she was in track, or if she played basketball. She had done sports when she was a kid, but stopped to focus on music; more specifically, the flute. When Sienna had reached the little girl, she sat down next to her on the wet curb, holding the umbrella over both of their heads. Not that it would help, anyway. The girl was drenched, head-to-toe. "Do you need somethin', sweetie?" Sienna asked her politely.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

5:45pm May 24 2011
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Posts: 736
Within the droplets of water that fell like the beads in the rain stick, Ian pulled the collar up on his trench coat. his ussually thick head of brown hair now appear like a teen boy, too concerned with his appearance rather than his grades. Strolling through the streets of New york, Ian shoved his gloved hands into his pockets as a brisk wind pricked his finger tips. His ex-girlfriend whom had kicked him out only moments ago had failed to recolect that it was he who payed the rent, so instead of returning to the building to defend his post, he decided she was not worth the effort. He was pretty sure that she was seeing other people also know as Lilly upstairs. With nowhere to go, Ian decided to wander the night away. despite being the gloomier side of the magestic city, it still retained some air of nobility. The torch of of liberty could be seen through the thick of the weather for several hunderd yards before it dissapeared below the high rise infront of him. Faced, with a car, child and woman, payed no heed to the child as she had stolen his sandwich earlier that day.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
5:56pm May 24 2011 (last edited on 5:56pm May 24 2011)
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Posts: 6
ooc// Perhaps after my finals are over, I would like to join in the next scenario ^-^
(¨`°v°´¨) .(_.^._).
6:33pm May 24 2011
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Avery smiled deceptively at the girl, who seemed considerably older than herself, and much too generous for her own good. Avery wasn't evil incarnate or anything, but she was fairly sly for her age. She was also quite intelligent, considering she hadn't attended school a day in her life, and was aware that more pathetic sob stories get a heck of a lot more pity. She batted her eyelashes gently, and gazed directly into the woman's eyes. Another thing was that Avery knew was how adorable she was. She seemed to be the very epitome of cuteness, with long, bleach blonde ringlets that cascaded down her pale face, and then past her shoulders. Her eyes were cornflower blue, and were accentuated by her abnormally long eyelashes. She was very short, and very thin, which was majorly due to her lifestyle, and she was equipped with a button-shaped, upturned nose, and small dimples on either side of her plump rose lips. She masterfully made those who bothered to care fall in love with her at first sight. In fact, if she didn't have such endearing features, she'd probably cease to exist. "Yes, ma'am. I don't mean to bother you, but could you spare a meal? I am very hungry, and I haven't eaten for quite a while." Her smile broadened affectionately, and she did a sort of half curtsie, as much as her seating position permitted. It was true, she looked quite polite, and she didn't seem to overdo it. Her voice was akin to chiming bells. Out of the corner of her eye, she took note of a familiar-faced man. She couldn't quite remember where she'd seen him, but she wondered if she should worry. He didn't look like a policeman, or someone from the many child protective services, but he wasn't another bum, either.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:34pm May 24 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((And cool, soytea.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:49pm May 24 2011 (last edited on 3:08pm May 25 2011)
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Posts: 10,925
Sienna studied the small girl for a moment. Boy, she was a cute kid. The way her hair swooped down her face in ringlets, down to her big dimples engraved in her cheeks when she smiled. Even if Sienna wasn't that generous, it'd be pretty hard to ignore this little girl. She's going to be gorgeous when she gets older, Sienna thought to herself. Then the girl spoke, in a clear, high voice that was like bells. She had asked for food. But she had done it politely. She had even called Sienna ma'am, something she wasn't quite used to aside from that one boy in her biology class that was from Kentucky and always greeted Sienna as 'ma'am,' adding a tip of his cowboy-like hat. Sienna liked that. As soon as the word 'food' was spoken, she began digging in her favorite, black button-up coat pockets, knowing that she had a granola bar and a baggie full of mini pretzels from her lunch. She found what she was looking for, and set the food on the girl's lap. "Here you are," Sienna said sweetly. "Sorry it's not much of a meal, but here...get yourself a hot dog or something at a food stand." She handed the child a ten-dollar bill that she had pulled out from her dark skinny jeans pocket. Sienna's emerald green eyes didn't look away from the child, waiting for some sort of reaction. She had hoped that she didn't come off as too gullible to the kid. That would be embarrassing.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

10:41pm May 24 2011
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Posts: 3,005
Avery looked at the money, the air in her mouth falling stale. Her lips hung curtly, and her eyes erupted into much larger orbs. This was much more than Avery needed-- come to mind, this was more than she had ever owned at one point in time. Ten whole dollars. She was absolutely ecstatic, despite the monotonous shrill of the rain in the background. Without thinking, she embraced the woman in front of her, so tightly she herself could barely breathe. "Thank you. So much," she chirped, a smile creeping up on her face. She could buy so much more than just a hot dog with this. "I can't ever repay you, you realize..." She rambled, not wanting to seem rude, but not wanting to give back the money, either. As she was saying this, she struggled to open the bag of mini pretzels, hoping they'd be soft enough for her elderly cat to chew. "Here, Everett," she chimed, offering the cat a pretzel, which he devoured greedily. She continued giving the cat individual pretzels, and, realizing the cat would continue to want them, she laid the bag on the ground under the umbrella for Everett to eat. It was strange, but Avery felt comforted by the woman's presence. It was as if her family had expanded, dramatically. Plenty of girls lived with their moms and their pet cat. She was so close to being normal... Avery snapped out of it. This was just some considerate stranger she had just met on the street. She didn't even know her name. "My name is Avery. I don't know my last name," she drawled pitifully.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
3:37pm May 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,005
((Bump. C'mon, guys.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
5:13pm May 25 2011 (last edited on 10:59pm May 25 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 275
(Sorry for the late post.) Jackson lifted his head from the seat and turned the radio down. The rain had slacked off a good bit, but the weather wasn't going to get any better. Jackson panned the area in front of him and beside him, noticing a small girl walking up to the car. He gave her a look, surprised at how young she was and in poverty. It was a sad sight to see in this city. Jackson sighed, shaking his head and slipped off his jacket. He had nothing to give her. He'd let her get into the car with him to get warm, but to most that would look inappropriate. He was old enough to be a considered a child molestor or worse if he was caught doing such an innocent thing as giving shelter to someone much younger than him. He just kept his eyes on her, making sure nobody was going to run up and snatch her up. He looked away for a moment, noticing a man on the other side of the street. Jackson saw that he took a glance at the girl, who had company now, a slimmer, older girl with an umbrella, but turned away and continued to walk down the street. Turning the radio up again, Jackson noticed the girl with the umbrella had given the younger one some food, delighted to see someone who wasn't so cold-hearted. "Hopefully she'll get some shelter soon as well." He mumbled, putting the car into drive and carefully made his way out into the street. It was a good thing he lived in the less busy part of the city, but the most dangerous. Jackson made his way around a block, pulling up into an abandoned carlot that was never disturbed by anybody except for a few street rats that didn't even bother with stealing anything but food. Jackson killed the car and got out. He reached in quickly and slipped his jacket on, shivering against the chill of the evening. He found the large tarp and threw it over his baby, making it looked like the thing didn't work at all. Hey, can't be too careful. It was New York City, after all. After standing there for a few minutes, contemplating, Jackson made his way into the building next to the carlot to waste away the night.

3:19pm May 26 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((Bump. Can't do much with that.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
11:02am May 27 2011
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Posts: 3,005
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
3:36pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Nyeh. Sorry for kind of disappearing after taking so much interest, hah. I've been.. lazy in the past couple days, I guess. x3 I'll try joining into this moment soon.