7:57am Jan 4 2011
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Alex was surprised by the hug, but took it without a word, a little ashamed that he secretly needed the comfort at all. He pulled himself closed, listening to Kyin, he always knew what to say. After he was finished Alex was quiet, burying his past once again and forgetting about the black, feathery appendages hidden away on his back. "Kay." He whispered and pulled away and turned away from Kyin to wipe half shed tears and to calm himself before he turned back. After all, demons weren't supposed to cry. He sighed, finally composed himself and turned back around to face the other again. "Sure you can carry me?" He asked, "I don't feel like falling to my death today." He said, but to his old self again. He couldn't allow himself to linger on that stuff, it caused wrinkles.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:06pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Kurohoshi smiled when Malice greeted him, dipping his head slightly. "I have a...'thing', as the younger generations put it, for respect." he drifted past Malice, his tails and ears appearing as soon as he knew no humans would be able to see him. Following the demons he could sense, he found his way to the living room, curling his tails around himself to make room as he sat down. He smoothed out his kimono, ears twitching lightly. It was rather...nice here.
6:41pm Jan 4 2011
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Kyin nodded. "Don't go doubting my strength." He turned Alex around, his back was to Kyin. He wrapped his arm around his wait and chest. "You have curves, for a male demon.." He spread his wings out full length and flapped them stronger than the last time. He pulled Alex closer as they took to the sky. He smiled, liking the feeling again. "Anyways, what direction should we head? I don't want to head into a whole freakin' flock of those angels.. Although, breaking haloes is ery fun.." He smiled and let his tail swish. "So Alex, you shouldn't worry about your past anyways. There has to be a way for you to get your wings back.." He smiled and flew higher, just above some low lying clouds. "Does it look like a thunder storm may be here? Riku is deathly scared of thunder."
6:54pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Kial crossed his arms and pouted. "You're such a meanie, Haku!" he hollered in the other room. He pouted some more and plopped on the couch, next to Kurohoshi. Haku rolled his eyes again, sighing. "Shuch up," He called from the room he was in. Kial's answer was a loud 'neeeeehhhh!'.
8:33pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 554
(( xD Ruru.What irony.Seems like everything I do, you do.Jack likes Alex or he will that is.<3The funnier thing is Lucien is also deathly afraid of thunder,loud noises,gun shots or even the sound of fireworks.o3o ))
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
8:48pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 5,542
(momo, for real?! XD i forgot about that in teh bio.. And Kyin is just a flirt. XD he's not permanent until Kutsobaki gets his butt back in the picture.. He is just helping Ales atm. His wing thing.. And Kyin is starving..)
9:05pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 554
(( Lol and yes for reals.xD Tomorrow I'm having a 'pity party' as my friend calls it.I has 40$ to spend on food.This out grocery list so far.Red bag Doritos,Blue bag Doritos,Reeses,Cookie dough ice cream,Green mint choco chip ice cream,Cupcake ice cream,Plain chips,Dr. Pepper,Pepsi,Sunkist,Half cheese and half pepperoni pizza and Rainbow sherbert. We always get all the money we can buy loads of food to gorge if we're feeling down.It's like a tradition now. ))
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
9:18pm Jan 4 2011 (last edited on 11:07pm Jan 4 2011)
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Posts: 5,542
(lolz.. THat's one awesome list.. I'd feel like a little piggy if I ate all that tyho.. XD Tsu-chan.. You should have used this song... Lyrics are in teh vid... i know.. they may be hard to se.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYWnU41GpeQ&feature=related)
1:19am Jan 5 2011
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Posts: 7,187
[[ Used that song for who? o3o ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:32am Jan 5 2011
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Posts: 7,187
Alex was suddenly unsure if he want to leave the ground of not without the use of his own wings. It just seemed like jumping out of a plain with a parachute that only worked half of the time. He couldn't do anything now that the ground was getting farther away but wrap his arms around Kyins shoulders. Though he was nervous about being off of the ground, being in the air was... familiar. Even if he couldn't remember it from before he woke up in that human hospital. "Try the city," He suggested, they usually stay together in places were demons usually didn't go. "If you're up for a challenge.." He added. He knew that there was no way for him to get his wings back and that Kyin was only trying to cheer him up. "Dont treat me like a child, Kyin. Theres no way for me to get my wings back and it doesn't really help to think that its possible when it isn't." Alex responded, not trying to be mean. He just didn't want to talk about it anymore, his past was obviously a touchy subject for the demon. - Malice chuckled and closed the door behind Kurohoshi. He went back to talk to Leo, he was surprised that Leo had shown up though he had sent an invitation to any and all demons that would come. "Leo~" He said, addressing the newborn on the couch. Leo shifted his green gaze toward his elder, purple hair falling in and covering face. "Malice?" He responded, his voice sounded curious and respectful, but his posture and facial ex pression was blank. "Hows your Master?" Malice asked, he'd met her once and she was all that pleasant to be around. He was glad she hadn't shown up. Leo tilted his head slightly, a few seconds pas$ed before he finally opened his mouth to speak, his lips were actually rather full for a male. "I killed her." He answer simply. Malice raised his eye brows, "Ah... Good for you." He responded, it wasn't hard to see that Malice hadn't liked the woman himself. "...I suppose..." Leo responded. Malice could see that this was going nowhere and decided to get out now. "Well," He started. "If you'll excuse me." And with that he slipped into the other room.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:13am Jan 5 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Kyin smiled and looked at Alex. "Man, come on, cutie... You don't have to be so mean. I'm sorry for trying to cheer you up. Don't be sop mean to me. And don't put uyour hands near my hair.. I'm scared you'll pull on it.." He smiled and flew toward the city. He looked at the demon he was holding. "I;m not going to drop you.. Just enjoy your time you have in the air again. It's actually pretty nice." Kyin landed on a tall building, his wings folding back into his back and disappearing. His canines and tail stayed, as well as his stubby horns. He smiled and stretched. "Well, don't be mean to me, neh?" He smiled and gently kissed Alex on the lips. His lips are suprisingly full and soft... for a uaully cold demon.. He pulled back.
9:54am Jan 5 2011
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Posts: 582
I here voices and they always boss me around XD
3:50pm Jan 5 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Kurohoshi's ears pricked up as another demon sat beside him. He appeared to be bickering with someone else. His eyes narrowed slightly when the male beside him made a very childish, very disrespectful noise. He was about to say something when Malice walkedin to speak with a violet-haired demon that Kurohoshi didn't think he'd seen before.
When Malice left again, the kitsune decided to try and speak with this new demon. "Hello," he said, left ear twitching once.
4:29pm Jan 5 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Kial muttered something illegable to himself before turning to Kurohoshi. "Err, hi," He said quietly. I must seem like an idiot to him, if he saw all that. He thought bitterly. "I'm Kial...You?" He introduced himself. Haku peeked around the corner once he heard another voice. He shrugged and continued what he was doing.
5:37pm Jan 5 2011 (last edited on 5:51pm Jan 5 2011)
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Posts: 5,542
(zo, when Kyin get's back, he'll show Kail he isn't straight... Or whichever one thought he was straight. XD oh yeah, Rika, Riku needs Rika to reply cuz Riku can't move... XD)
5:59pm Jan 5 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Yeah, Kial thinks he's straight. xD He fails. ))
6:04pm Jan 5 2011
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Posts: 5,542
(yeah. Kyin will show him he aint. Riku would do it, but he's busy....)
6:10pm Jan 5 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(Kurohoshi's gonna show Leo he's not straight. XD)
6:10pm Jan 5 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Lol. ))
6:19pm Jan 5 2011 (last edited on 6:20pm Jan 5 2011)
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Posts: 5,542
(leo is Tsunade's character or another person? And tsu-chan, you should have used the song for Malice. Or Rika could have used it for Mordekia considering how old he is and how like... yeah.. i can't explain..)