6:22pm Jan 5 2011
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(Leo is Tsunade's charry. ouo)
6:24pm Jan 5 2011 (last edited on 12:57am Jan 6 2011)
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Posts: 5,542
(oh dear.. Wonder how far that'll go. XD Rika, Riku needs posty... And where is everybody.)
12:35pm Jan 6 2011
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Posts: 411
(DX I hate my house...)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
2:49am Jan 7 2011
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Posts: 5,542
(where is everybody..... Nobody wants to rp this anymore??)
7:47am Jan 7 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( I'm here. ^^))
11:50am Jan 7 2011
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Posts: 411
(I want to but I have no access to internet at home, so I have to wait for School, a Friend's, or my Dads.)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
5:54pm Jan 7 2011
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Posts: 554
(( Grounded from computer til Wednesday so I'll try to go to the library to post tomorrow. ))
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
10:14pm Jan 7 2011
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Posts: 1,015
(whup. O_O Where are we? I can only rp every saturday. D: faill)
10:50pm Jan 7 2011
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Posts: 7,187
[[ Hey Cas :D I was about to send you an Rmail >3< Nothing has really happened o3o I also suggest to Rpers that they should go back and read the posts~ Your last post was on page 8 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:18pm Jan 7 2011
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Posts: 7,187
Alex frowned, he wasn't being mean... and he wasn't going to pull his hair either. He was just providing himself with something to grab onto when he fell from the sky. But it was nice up here and he could see everything. He reluctantly let go of Kyin's neck but traveled south and rested on his chest, the other was still around him but over his shoulder instead. He looked down at the humans and other creatures that traveled in human disguises below them and beamed. Everything looked so small! The wind in the air created naturally and from Kyin moving forward played with his golden locks, whipping it gently. Even his wings reacted to being in the air, possibly from mental instincts in Alex, and slipped out from their hiding place under his sweater. He was only slightly disappointed when they landed but Kyin couldn't fly forever and they were hunting. Not cruising the skies after all. Though he did think it was slightly odd that Kyin didn't put him down when they did touch ground. The kiss was a surprise but Alex reacted while he could anyway, kissing the other demon back and resting his hand that wasn't wrapped around his shoulder to gently caress from the dip in his neck up to his jaw. And then it as over and Alex blinked slowly. - Leo watched Malice leave quietly, his eyes following him. He was a newborn and had killed a... extremely old and powerful demoness, but he was now surrounded by not just one but many elders and it did, in fact, make him nervous. He felt himself show slight signs of being so as well. Knees felt that if he stood they wouldn't support him and his palms were delicately sweaty but not unnaturally, noticeably so. But on the outside he looked calm and steady. his attention was drawn to another addressing him. He inclined his head to the other, hair shifting ever so slightly over his half hidden face, his eyes closed automatically and opened against once he lifted his head. "Hello." He responded, He was respectful, whether he looked like it or not. In all honesty, Leo did not expect a demoness to be in Malice's home since Malice was so openly and comfortably gay.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:36pm Jan 7 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Kyin looked at Alex and let himself blush slightly. Had he really just done that to a demon who doens't have amate but may have his eyes on Malice? He stepped back slightly. "I-I'm sorry.. I don't know what came over me, but you looked so sad about not being able to fly by yourself.. I couldn't see you cry.. or be able to stand myself if a tear spilled down your cheek." He looked around, hoping that an angel would come up and he could snag it with his gun. He pulled out his gun and loaded a few bullets with black tips. He yawned. "Man.. angels don't fly much.. do they.." A familiar sensation came over Kyin. The scent of an angel and the scent of wanting to kill. He stretched his wings. "Later, you and me, flyingin teh sky for fun. I want to make you a little happier. If you want to fly, i'll lend you my wings. Not literally but you get it." He looked at Aledx and smiled.
11:56pm Jan 7 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Kurohoshi smiled, tilting his head slightly. Ah, he'd finally found a respectful young demon! "My name is Kurohoshi. It's a pleasure to finally meet a respectful younger demon," he said, pleased by this fact. A couple of his tails swayed back and forth, his ears pricking.
He then began to wonder if this other male believed he was female. Deciding not to dwell on it, he made eight of his tails disappear, curling the one that remained around his waist, smoothing out the fur so he would look his best. Heck, even his fibgers and fingernails made him look feminine, so slender and perfect.
(... Wonder how Leo will react upon finding out Kurohoshi is a guy...? XD)
12:15am Jan 8 2011
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Posts: 1,015
((Sorryyy. :(((( Oh wells, let's get Ketsubaki started. :D zomg Ketsubaki should be depressed yo. :D))
Ketsubaki swished his tail to a side and sighed. He wished he hadn't, but he followed Kyin into the city, and saw what he had done. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on his part. But then again, his borther always said, you never know till you try, though he only said that when he was about to eat something he'd never eaten before.
Ketsubaki sat cross-legged behind them, seeing that Alex too, had no wings and wasn't capable of flying. He knew how it felt, to see everyone else soar in the sky and to be left alone, chained to the ground. Sure, he had light speed and could escape gravity for a second or two at a time, but was that even flying?
Come to think of it, i've never really known what it felt like to fly. All I ever did was lightspeed to wherever our destination was, and wait for the rest to come.
12:23am Jan 8 2011
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Posts: 5,542
(you can make him depressed. Kyin will be there in a few moments anyways. Epic fight between him and a strong angel. XD let's see who wins. )
12:26am Jan 8 2011
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Posts: 1,015
(OHMYGAH. :D yayay. posty posty. :D lol i wanna see. XD))
12:29am Jan 8 2011
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Posts: 5,542
(goota wait for Alex... He has to keep Alex on teh building cuz he can;t fly.. But once he is okay, i'll start it up. XD)
12:36am Jan 8 2011
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Posts: 7,187
Alex slowly recovered himself, the kiss was nice even if it wasn't the kind he was used to and it left him with a slightly light headed feeling. He raised his index and middle fingers to his lips, wiping them off a little, his long-ish black finger nails contrasting against his cream colored skin. He's apologizing to me? "It's fine." He replied simply. He regrets... He let his gaze softened as he watch Kyin walk a small distance away. Alex thought that he himself would be flirting with the other even more now. But he wasn't. He was actually disappointed that the kiss had ended and there had been no result. Kyin wasn't the one. But he couldn't show these unnatural, demon emotions! He was Alex! He had to be... happy. He pulled himself together quickly and straightened up. "No." He responded, walking over to the edge of the building and placing his foot on the side to keep himself balanced. it was a wonder he could in heels but he did. "They're smart." He looked down toward the city, trying to spot an obvious angel amongst the crowd below. "you have to be... sneaky." e said, narrowing his eyes. Was that one? He wanted and angel, he wan't in the mood for a human. He sighed, he wanted to fly again. The rush was absolutely breath taking. "Yeah, I know what you mean." - Leo smiled, that wasn't a normal thing. "I try." He responded, he had been created to be respectful to those who were older, wiser, and generally strong than he was. Some could call it... self preservation. He watched the transformation, curiosity glinting in his eyes. "I'm Leo Wolfe~" He added, it was polite to give your name before asking for another's and this demoness seemed to find pleasure in respectfulness.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:45am Jan 8 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Kyin smiled and gently ruffled Alex's hair. "Listen, don't you be sad. Your Alex. You have to be happy.. I'm sorry if the kiss was a disappiontment... I just.. I don't think your it.. I wish you were, your cute for a demon." He smiled and a rush of air came at him. He knew it! He turned around to see a few angels. One, of cours ehe believed was theleader, was a little bigger than the others. "Alex... You ready?" He let his wings fold back in place and disappear. He held his gun tightly. "Come on angels, im starving!" He rushed at the "leader" and swungs his gun, not wanting to waste bullets. The leader dodged the swipe and went to Alex. He looekd a little vulnerable compared to Kyin. Being in heels and all, but he was smacked to the ground when Kyin landed on his back. He turned over, swiping at Kyin with a blade, cutting Kyin's cheek. He was a little suprised, demons were usually faster than this. Kyin's blood dripped onto his hand and on teh rooftop. it was running down his cheek.
12:48am Jan 8 2011 (last edited on 12:49am Jan 8 2011)
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Posts: 1,015
((=.= now ketsubaki can be full-blown depressed. :D))
((edited. :D))
12:54am Jan 8 2011
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Posts: 5,542
(neh.... He should at least sense something or smell kyin's blood.. You know.. Have him get in the middle of the fight. XD)