1:11am Jan 8 2011
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((He knows kyin's bleeding. :D He's literally watching Kyin fight. :D Kay there's more than one angel, right? I'll make Ktesubaki take the others down. :DD))
It's been awhile... Since I've actually had some fun. Might as well. Ketsubaki drew his sword and took down the weaker angels one by one, slaying their companions one by one right before their eyes. "I know that crest." Kestubaki smiled, looking at the sign on one of the angel's chests. "You're from mum and dad's squad aren't cha? Well, then killin ya'll without goin all out would be pretty damn rude of me." Ketsubaki sliced off their wings and they crashed to te ground, no doubt still alive, and in great pain.
((zomg Ketsubaki's having fun. O_O But ketsubaki wants to kill the leader himself cos he's one of his 'father's' favourite generals. :D))
3:06am Jan 8 2011 (last edited on 3:11am Jan 8 2011)
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(lolz. Ketsubaki is on the roof right?) Kyin licked the blood that dripped into his mouth, watching Ketsubaki. "Ketsubaki.. they ar-" The angel was already heading toward Ketsubaki, a long blade drawn and ready to slash at Ketsubaki. Kyin's eyes widened and he was actually fearful that Ketsubaki may get hurt, or thrown off the building. He didn't have wings. Kyin rushed after the angel and jumped over him, grabbing Ketsubaki tightly in one arm and pulling him close. Kyin turned around and aimed his gun, shooting once and hitting the blade. As the angel slowed, Kyin shot again, hitting the angel in teh chest. Kyin's eyes were still wide, but he was a little more relaxed. He was glad Ketsubaki was okay. "Ketsubaki.. Are you okay?" Kyin hadn't realized what he did. He knew that was a high ranking officer, but he ddn't anticipate the fact that more angels were soon coming. The flapping of the wings wasn't loud enough for Kyin to care. He looked at Ketsubaki. His cheek bleeding. He licked his lips again. "Sorry, i'm bleeding... Anyways, Ketsubaki.. Your okay and that's good."

6:51am Jan 8 2011
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"Kyin- I'm.. I- I'm fine. Really, I..." Ketsubaki stammered in shock at what Kyin just did. The world suddenly seemed to come to a stop.
"Thank you." Ketsubaki whispered as he got back on to his feet. He felt blood rushing through his cheeks. Was what he just thought had happened true?
"Anyhow... We gotta beat him and the reinforcements." Ketsubaki said shakily, still shocked at what had happened. "Together, no?"
10:33am Jan 8 2011
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Kial stared at the kitsune's tails and ears, slightly envious. Oh how bad he wanted to rub those ears...No! He shook his head. You can't let you're love for cats take over. I mean, what kind of demon rubbed a kitsune's ears? He thought. He tilted his head. Now that you think about it, he didn't know what gender he was. He looks almost like a girl.....He thought. he decided to leave it alpne. It wasn't his buisness, afterall. Haku chuckled, walking out of the other room and flicking Kial on the head. kial just hissed. "Respectful, huh?" He grinned. "My brother is nothing of the sort." He added. "Oh shush up, Haku!" Kial snapped. "Why don't you make me?" Was hs brother's reply. "Fine by me!" Kial jumped off the sofa and tackled his brother. Before you knoew it, the two brothers were in a full-scale fight. "I'll kill you!" Haku snarled.
3:06pm Jan 8 2011
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Kyin nodded and smile. "Of course we have to beat them down. And I would be greatly honored to fight by your side." He smiled and took Ketsubaki by the wrist, walking toward the edge of the building. "Anyways, I can carry you both to the house. We don't gotta fight unless they follow. Even then, they would be facing the demons back at home." He pulled Ketsubaki close again, fearful of loosing Ketsubaki to the ground. He didn't want either of them to fall off the building, but for some reason, he wanted to hold Ketsubaki closest to him. "So, do u guys mind being carried together?"
3:09pm Jan 8 2011
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Alex had heard that a thousand times. 'You're not it. But you're cute.' "Yeah, yeah."H E replied, not wanted to talk about this anymore. He felt the rush of wind too and looked up to see a group of angels. It brought back a horrid and inescapable fear at the sight of them. But that fight was over 2500 years ago and that angel had hit him so hard it cused amnesia. He wouldn't remember anything specific. But still. Unlike Kyin, Alex waited for one to come at him and one did. A very large one, but Kyin stopped it before it could reach him. But another was in that one's shadow and came for him. Alex stepped away from the edge, the angel coming at him and landed and immediately going to hit him. What? He thought he could take the little demon easily. Wrong. Alex leaned back, a fist flying past his face. Oh, that was close, he didn't move fast enough that time. Suddenly a barrage of flying fists came at him and Alex let it happen. letting the angel tire himself out, dodging each one easily. He finally retaliated when the angel showed signs of slowing down and his punch stopped for a split second too long. He kicked him hard in the side, was that a break he heard? He wasn't sure when he started to dash from the edge. He was far too close and he didn't have wings. The fall might kill him if he landed wrong, even if he was a demon. The angel was knocked breathless but followed anyway, reaching out and grabbed Alex's shoulder. Alex reacted, reflex, and brought his arm around and hit him in the temple roughly. That was a dizzy angel. While he was disorientated Alex advanced and used his nails to swipe at his jugular, spilling the cool red liquid onto the concrete of the roof. the angel hit his knees, clutching uselessly at his throat and Alex watched him, not a trace of pity or concern for the creature at his feet. He was about to bend and taste his prize when something hit him from the side. Another angel. It was small and so obviously awkward, but it was strong and it knocked Alex away from the angel on the ground. Alex's eyes widened, he hadn't expected it, hadn't been ready. He still wasn't and now he was flying over the edge of the building with this redundant angel that was still clinging to his waist. It was as if it were in slow motion, Kyin fighting and... another demon? But they disappeared as the building's edge went up... and he went down. The ground was far but coming up at a steadily increasing speed. The angel let go of him and screeched in its language, fumbling around in the air beside him. Alex's mind raced, if he didn't do something he was going to die with this angel. He grabbed onto him. "Flap!!" He yelled knowing that the angel couldn't understand and seeing the horror in the young one's eyes. "you stupid angel!! Flap those wings or we're both gonna die!" He snarled, digging his nails into the angel's wings and moving them for the obviously incapable angel. But he eventually got what Alex was saying and used the wings he had, flapping them quickly.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:35pm Jan 8 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:31am Jan 9 2011
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Kyin grabbed Ketsubaki and flew over the edge, His wings folded and he fell quickly. He reached the demon and angel, quickly grabbed Alex. He pushed the angel down, ripping it's wing and flapped his wings strongly. He held the two close, but Ketsubaki a little closer. He smiled and flew toward the home. He was flying a little slower thana before, but he was still flying quickly. "Look, you guys need to hang on tightly. I don't want either of you to drop." He felt his wings begin to ache but pressed on. He was carrying two demons without wings. He saw how Alex fought and was actually prety suprised,l but he felt such a weird vibe from him. Was he really disappionted thta kYin wasn't it? (i might make another demon. Just for Alex or just to have more fun with teh other guys. XD)
9:15am Jan 9 2011
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Ketsubaki held on to Kyin tightly, he didn't want to cause him any more trouble. He felt useless. Though his desire to eradicate the angels was the strongest, he hadn't done anything more but to slit the throat of one of the numerous angels.
10:48am Jan 9 2011
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Alex felt Kyin's strong harm snake around him and grab him away from the falling angel and he let go immediately, he was extremely relieved that he'd seen him fall. But he couldn't watch the angel fall, it was too awful. It had almost been him that would have smashed into the ground and not only that but he'd seen the fear in his eyes. He turned and his his face into Kyin's shoulder to make sure he didn't see. After a while he pulled him face away from the other as they flew and quietly watched everything go by underneath them.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:27pm Jan 9 2011
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Kurohoshi smiled warmly, then blinked as he felt somebody staring at him. He turned his head to look at the childish demon, who was in turn staring at his tails and ears. His eyes returned to Leo, thr polite, respectful demon, and his smile returned. "It is nice to finally meet a respectful young demon. I had begun to lose faith in them..."
9:39pm Jan 9 2011
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Kyin flew into the backyard and held both demons close. He let them go finally, his wings folding and disappearing quickly. Kyin was somewhat tired, not from carrying them, but from teh fact that he's used his wings after not using them for at least 3 years. He wondered how his brother did it. Riku hadn't used his wings in at least 10,000 years. He yawned and held Alex's left hand in his right and Ketsubaki's right hand with is left hand. He walked inside and released their hands. He noticed a new kitsune in the living room. "Ketsubaki, i overheard you have something to tell me.. Mind telling me a little later. I believe I recognize this kitsune.." He smiled and kissed Ketsubaki's cheek and walked over to the ktisune, bowing his head to him. He looked up. "Hello. I'm Kyin. And i belive I've seen you somewhere.."
5:15am Jan 10 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:19am Jan 10 2011 (last edited on 10:24pm Jan 10 2011)
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"Not many newborns agree with the way I am, but I could really care less. Those very demons find themselves killed soon after creation." Leo responded wisely. This was true, there were fewer and fewer demons around because younger ones, the future elders, run around pissing current elders off and getting themselves killed. Leo looked up at yet another interruption, slightly agitated that everyone was familiar with the demoness or thought they were and interrupted their conversation. - Alex took his hand back, watching Alex kiss Ketsubaki and walk back into the living room. He sighed and went in search of Malice. Once again unable to find that demon and instead decided to go upstairs and look around instead. One he relied on scent to know which rooms were taken and which weren't and as he traveled slowly down the hall he crossed Malice's scent from behind one of the doors. He raised and eyebrow, that must be his room, it reeked of him. But it wasn't a bad smell, actually quite intoxicating. He turned the handle on the door slowly but stoped, thought about it and released the knob once again. Malice might not like him messing around with his mate who was still inside. He continued down the hall until he found an empty room though it had recently been used by someone. He didn't mind as he went in and left the door open slightly as he explored and finally just laid down on the bed. The bed hadn't been used, it smelled like raspberries and lavender. An odd, unexpected scent, but not bad. - [[ Not sure what to do with Andy atm xD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:24pm Jan 10 2011
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Posts: 7,187
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:09pm Jan 10 2011
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Posts: 1,015
Ketsubaki stared blankly into space, and snapped out of his trance when Ketsueki appeared behind him.
"Where've you been?"
"'With Kyin and Alex?"
Ketsueki gave a vague response and left.
12:02am Jan 11 2011
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Posts: 7,187
[[ Hey ther! I dont know how to respond to that! :D lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:49pm Jan 11 2011
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Kurohoshi's ears pricked when another few demons walked in, turning his head to look up at them. When one came over and bowed hi head, he bowed back, left ear twitching at the statement. "Mmm...I am a rather old kitsune... It is most certainly possible that you have seen me before," he replied before looking back over at Leo, smiling. "And I agree with your statement, Leo. Young demons tend to be very...headstrong. They believe they can survive anything, and are quickly disproven once they cross an elder demon," he said,rather enjoying this conversation. ((My first version of Kurohoshi...it's still under construction:
 He's...supposed to be standing at an angle...and I got frustrated with that stupid hand so I covered it up. ^^; Anyways, he has nine tails and his ears here...I just need to finish it...then outline...then color.))
12:07am Jan 13 2011
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(i am back for the first time this week. XD) Kyin looked at the Kitsune, probably aware that he was slightly annoyed with the younger demon. He nodded and stood up, showing he somewhat understood what his elder was thinking. He walked to the stairs and walked up and into the hallway. He sighed and looked down from the rail, noticing just how big Malice's house was. He walked down the hall, his room was just down teh hall, but he didn't really feel like being in it. He sighed and walked into Riku's room. It was duller. Mostly black and white decorations or chrome decorations, but his brother's room was oddly calming to him. Just as he had been as a kid, he felt safe when he could smell his brother's scent. He took a deep breath in and yawned,closing his eyes. "Ketsubaki...." He opens his eyes quickly and touched his lips.. "What in the hell did i.." He shook his head and layed back down. Riku's forhead was still against his elder's. He was slightly upset that he was having such a hard time getting Mordekai. He slowly looked down and moved back a little, their forheads no longer touching, but he was still only inches from Mordekia. He looked down at his feet and his anger slightly rose. He knew he didn't do anything wrong yet, at least, he hoped he didn't. Sadness crept into his heart and he clenched his hands together. He let his tail wrap around his right leg. "Mordekai.... Please talk to me again.. You've stood there silently for at least 10 minutes and I just feel like you don't want to do anything. Or that I have already upset you een though you just told that you feel the same way I do." Riku's anger rose again. He was being silenced once again. His father, mother, even his whole family would silence him when he was unwanted.

12:51am Jan 13 2011
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Mordekai let out a soft growl when Riku pulled away, not yet ready to seperate. "Do not think of my silnce as a bad thing. In fact, this is the most I've spoken in a long while," he explained, moving to lightly lick at the mark he had made on the other. His dark eyes closed as he did so, keeping this action up for a bit before he pulled away. "By now you should know I'm quiet-natured," he purred softly, tilting his head.
(We are going based on the fact that they were already doing stuff and just kind of skipped ahead, right? ouo; I keep forgetting to reply to the rmail, but I was gonna make Mordekai mark Riku, then possibly mate with him. P:)