1:13am Jan 13 2011 (last edited on 1:47am Jan 13 2011)
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(i was just trying to get Riku and Mordekia back in.. You didn't reply so i *censored*umed that you hadn't read it or forgot, so i thought I'd try it here...Can he mark him? I forgot where he did... and just rmail me or post it.. idk if you can post.. but you get the point..) Riku felt frustrated. He knew Mordekai well but as.sumed something that was totally off. He felt so pitiful and angry. He said such mean things and yet he knew how Mordekai was. He should have just accepted the silence as he had too as a child. He nodded and kept his eyes down, not wanting to look Mordekai in the eyes after being so stupid. He tried to looked up but quickly returned his vision down to his feet. He began to mess with his hands and his tail began to uncoil. He should just stay silent or at least accept the silence. "Im... stupid.." He bowed his head deeply and shut his eyes tightly. "Please... forgive my... stupidity... I just... i don't know.. I don't know why I felt like this.." He got close to Mordekai and took one of Mordekai's hand in both of his. He gently kissed his elder's hand and felt an odd sensation course through his body. He licked the demon's palm and up the index finger. "Mark me.. Bite me.. Make me yours... Please.."

7:46am Jan 13 2011
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Posts: 1,015
((HEYY. :D Kyin's hiding in his bro's room. :D Now Ketsubaki haz no one to play with. :D))
Ketsubaki twirled his tail around and absentmindedly made a dead knot. But he was too tired to be bothered with it. "Mattaku." He sighed as he lashed out his tail in an attempt to untie it, but to no avail.
His brother was watchig him from upstairs, and with the bl ink of an eye he untied Ketsubaki's tail with his own. Kestueki wanted to keep a watchful eye in Kyin and his bother, one false step...
7:55am Jan 13 2011
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Haku pushed his brother aside, sighing. "We really need to stop doing this," He said awkwardly, talking about the fighting. Kial rolled his eyes. "It was your fault, after all. You just can't keep you're arms off me~" Kial teased. Haku oushed his brother again, this time more roughly. Kial just stuck his tongue out and walked away.
1:02pm Jan 13 2011
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Leo smirked, "Exactly my point." This was nice. Being able to have a conversation with someone that was mature for once. Instead of someone who would stop him and input when it wasn't their turn, to tell him that he was pretty young to be saying such things. He stopped in his thought as another, rather important and obvious one, came up. "What was your name again? If I may ask, I believe I missed it before?" He asked. It was odd that he hadn't caught it or missed it somehow.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:17am Jan 14 2011 (last edited on 12:19am Jan 14 2011)
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Kyin yawned, itching to know what Ketsubaki wanted to tell him. He rolled over on Riku's bed and grabbed a smaller pillow, hugging it tightly. He closed his eyes and for the moment his eyes were closed, he could only picture Ketsubaki being the one he was hugging, not the pillow. He opened his eyes as soon as he saw Ketsubaki. He sat up straight and stood up quickly, rushing out the door, wanting to find Ketsubaki. He saw his brother by the rails and walked over to the rail. He looked down to see Ketsubaki standing there. "Ketsubaki... Um.. Can you come over here for a second? I want to talk to you.." (Tsu-chan.. I think my guys may be going to rmail... So mind if I add another boy? Just so i can post here?)
9:13pm Jan 14 2011
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[[ If you can keep up with him : Because you can both take it to Rmail and still post on here... So far there are a total of 17 demon charries in this RP and I'm not quite sure how many of those 17 are active and which aren't so... xD ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:14pm Jan 14 2011
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(( -nothing to post- ))
9:28pm Jan 14 2011
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((Well, Nathaniel and my other guy aren't really...doing much.)) Kurohoshi chuckled softlyushing his hair out of his already-visible eye before simply moving the hair on the other side as well, revealing the scars he carried, which marred the entire left side of his face. "I have experienced what stupidty can do to a demon. From then on, I decided I was going to be more respectful in order to save my existence. Respect allows one to get onto another's good side, and blend in with society..." His ears pulled back slightly as he lifted a slender hand to lightly run his fingertips against the old, old scars that littered the left side of his face, surrounding an eye that was the inverse colors of the one seen, the black daggar pupil now white, and the white of the eye colored black. When the younger demon's question registered, he blinked, the tilted his head slightly to smile again. "Ah, I apologize. My name is Kurohoshi Tsuki, which means Black Star Moon in my native language of Japanese," he replied. ((...I forgot what the colors of Kurohoshi's other eye were. XD))

9:33pm Jan 14 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Youre character could find mine, Rika. :P ))
9:57pm Jan 14 2011
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Leo's eyes roamed over the other's face slowly, taking in and memorizing the look of Kurohoshi entire face rather than just the side that was visible. His own forest green eyes, which contrasted greatly with his hair color, held a certain interest and curiosity in the blank, distant look they always had; but also a subtle gentleness that could make you want that side of him to take over. Just to see what it was like. "Self preservation." He said simply to the other, tilting his head to the side slightly. He couldn't understand, but there was almost... this pull toward the other. An odd... attraction... he'd never felt before for anyone else but he didn't show it. Kurohoshi... He repeated it in his mind, turning it over in his mind. He'd yet to travel and see the world like many demons do. So the language was unnatural to him, odd to think about, to say. But he liked the way it sounded. "Well... Kurohoshi... it's been a pleasure meeting you." He said with a smirk, meaning what he said.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:39pm Jan 14 2011
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Kurohoshi chuckled softly, bringing a tail around to run his fingers through the black fur, all teh way up until the silver tips. "It may have been self-preservation then, but it has been integrated into my very being. I cannot stand foolish demons who believe they can do whatever they wish and not be punished for it. The entire left side of my face is scarred becauseof the one who taught me to use my original powers, fire manipulation. I was....foolhardy back then." The kitsune turned his hand to rub at the scars since they began to itch. "One day I was off gurad when we were to be sparring, and I moved to late. Instead of being decapitated,the whole left side of my face is...unpresentable, I suppose you could say." He chuckled softly, cocking his head. "Back then, I had wished for death rather than to walk around with a face as scarred as mine...but instead I decided I would grow out my hairand allow it to hide that side. In all my thousands of years of life, I have not shown these scars to anyonebefore..." he murmured, mis-matched eyes focusing onto Leo. "And it has been a pleasure to meet you as well," he replied, dipping his head respectfully, which caused every bit of his silver-tipped black hair to fall back into his face.

11:50pm Jan 14 2011
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Leo listened to the kitsune intently. He had only recently developed similar wounds but his own powers and abilities had allowed him to recover completely. Luckily the wounds hadn't damaged anything he couldn't replace like an eye or limb. A sudden thought occurred to him and he wondered if he could possibly heal this unfortunate kitsune's face with his abilities. But they were scars... developed thousands of years ago. Not fresh, bleeding wounds, not to mention that her power was fire and his was water. One or both of them could be injured or stripped of their abilities if he tried messing with Kurohoshi's face.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:03am Jan 15 2011
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((Ffff. When should Kurohoshi mention that he's a guy? XD))
12:10am Jan 15 2011
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[[ I dont know... I feel like Leo is... ignorant xD For not realizing that he's male too XD lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:57am Jan 15 2011
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((Maybe Leo could refer to him as a female and he could correct him. XD)) Kurohoshi noticed the look Leo gave him and gave him a soft, slightly sad smile. "Ah, these are scars I'm afraid cannot be healed. They were created by the claws of a kitsune enchanted with magic... I do appreciate the thought, however," he said, gaze softening slightly. He was starting to like this newborn more and more. He was so polite, and apparently kind as well. As a soft chiill went up his spine, Kurohoshi wrapped his fluffy tails around himself for warmth as his ears pricked. "It's a very quiet city..." he murmured softly before his ears and tail vanished, along with himself, and left behind a black a black and silver kitsune, ((Sleeepyyy. .c))
1:37am Jan 15 2011 (last edited on 1:38am Jan 15 2011)
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((kurohoshi means black star, doesn't it? :DDD lol i feel so random. XD))
3:42am Jan 15 2011
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(um.. so.. what's going on. Is Ketsubaki guna go upstairs to talk to kyin? And is Riku gunna get his chance?? Rika? Are we going over rmail...)
6:43am Jan 15 2011
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Posts: 1,015
((KTESUBAKI ISH GONNA BARGE IN LIKE AN ILL-MANNERED MUTT. :D but which room is kyin in again?))
10:22pm Jan 15 2011
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(Kyin is is his brohter's room.. It's black and white design with chrome decorations.. Just to give you a visual...)
11:07pm Jan 15 2011
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Posts: 7,187
[[ Oh, I've also updated Malice's house. So, if you wanna take a peek you can wonder over to the off topic section and see lol Anyways..... ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~