11:26pm Jan 15 2011
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(very nice update.. and I am proabbly guna make another guy... One that liked one nighters than ones that'll mark him for life. XD I want this one to just have fun... Especially with Alex. P= yummy. XD)
11:30pm Jan 15 2011
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[[ LOL Yaay!! Alex is gonna have fun! ;D ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:47pm Jan 15 2011 (last edited on 11:47pm Jan 15 2011)
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 " Name: Jake Kirishira Age: too old... not as old as many.. but old..
Gender: Male S.O.: Gay! He loves the men. XD
Mate?: none but open Personality: He is little on the wild side. He loves to get out and just chill when he is calm. He doens't have anger issues, but when you piss his off, he's pissed off. He has a soft spot for cute people. (mainly guys) but he doens't really open his heart to anybody. He's not quiet most of the time, but will be quiet when other are speaking to him. He is loyal to those whom he is under, whether a male demon or a femal demon. He likes to have fun and to just play with people. He isn't harsh, but he isn't easily pushed around. Abilities?: flash stepping- he can appear and disappear at will to another place as long as he has a visual of what it is. He deons't use it often because this drains a lot of his energy. But he will use it as means of escape from angels if he is way outnumbered. Like 50:1 ratio... control of lightning- he can use it and create it at will. He hasn't completely mastered that but he can control it enough to where he doens't hit those around him that he doesn't want to hit. He can even create weapons from the lightning just as Riku and Kyin can. He can shoot it from a gun he has and calls: HADES
Likes?: men. XD, chocolate,tatoos, piercings that suit the wearer. He has one two on the top of his ear and one on the lobe, any kind of food, fun, playing, killing agels, making new friends when he's in teh mood, fighting with those who insult him, respectful demons, finding people to have fun with. if you know what i mean. XDhe also likes to play music on several instruments
Dislikes?: angels.....disrespectful punks, angels, fighting when he deosn't have to, angels, things that are loaded with sugar. and did i mention Angels? Friends?: Riku, Kyin, Mordekai? Ketsubaki'sbrother.. that i can't spell the name right.? Family?: none

11:53pm Jan 15 2011
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[[ .... And as nuch as I've seen that pic.... T_T;; I can't help but love it!! X///D Not to mention Alex will love it <3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:09am Jan 16 2011
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(lolz. Alright. He will walk in through the back... to sprise Malice. Hasn't seen Malice in a while. XD then he'll go looking for fun. XD) Jake landed. His wings folding and disappearing. He smiled at the sight of the home he hadn't seen in at least 5 thousand years. He liked the new upgrades and slowly opened the gl*censored* sliding door in the back of the house. He walke din cautiously so Malice wouldn't notice. He saw a few demons in the living room and some where there, he sensed the prescence, but he didn't see them. He caught a few familiar scents, Riku and Mordekai, Kyin and Malice, Ketsubaki and Ketsubaki's brother. He yawned slightly from the long flight even though it wasn't much. He walked deeper in and bowed to the two elders who were talking in the living room then heading up the stairs as silently as a mouse. He smiled and knocked on Malice's door, waiting for his response.
1:17am Jan 16 2011
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Malice, who had gone back to his own room, growled slightly at the disturbance at the door and got up to answer it. His anger growing with each step he took, couldn't he spend a little time with his mate in the quiet and privacy of his room without one of the incompetent demons down stairs having a problem they couldn't handle on their own? He wrenched the door open, eyes blood red and narrowed into slits instead of the bright, pink eyes they usually were. "Can't you-" He paused, and recognized the face as his door. "...." His anger slew away and his eyes returned to normal along with his attitude... though there was no normal for him. "Jake..." He said simply, "A pleasant surprise." He added, taking a second to look him over and size him up in the same glance. He closed his door slightly so that you could only see him and not inside, giving his mate more privacy then. "Its been a while." He said, a friendly toward his long lost friend. He had hidden from Alex. [[ Sorry, internet fail D; ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:54am Jan 16 2011
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(it's fine.. Sorry im all late. XD) Jake smiled and patted Malice's head. "What's up youngster." He sized Malice up, he was still a little taller than Malice, but not by much anymore. "I see your still here and with.." He caught a different scent. "Ahh.. I see... Your rumored mate.. A human boy.." He smiled again and tried to peek into the room, Malice blocking the way. "Anyways, I came here to finally see you after 5 thousand years. I didn't know you upgraded so much since the last time I've come. I really like how it looks. More modern compared to the older version.." He cut himself from talking way to much. "So, I'll be exploring your house. If you don't mind, but at least thank you for calming down before you answered your door. I was expecting you to yell at your senpai." He patted Malice's hair once again and continued his way down the hall. He followed a scent that had peeked his interest. He smiled a little as he followed, down the hall and into a slightly darker room. He noticed Alex in the room and he looked at him. "Hey.. WHat's wrong with you? Why are you in such a place?" He walked in, closing some of the distance between him and Alex.

2:10am Jan 16 2011
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Alex hadn't expected for anyone to come looking for him so he had let him guard down. Though when Jake had peeked into the room he had chosen to hide himself away in, he did open his eyes. He didn't sit up until the other male had moved closer, both defense and interest rising. For some reason, a lot of demons liked to hit on him. Both in a flirtatious and physical way... He tilted his head, letting his golden hair fall out and away from his face. "I'm hiding..." He responded softly, paused, and then continued with a soft smirk. "Does there seem to be something wrong with me...?" He asked, wanting to know what this other demon thought. He had repositioned himself in the bed so that he was actually laying in it. Now he let one of his legs hang off as he sat. This way he could decide if he wanted to fight or flee, it also made him seem open to the other person. Inviting. Alex waited for a response.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:20am Jan 16 2011
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"Nothing seems wrong. Much.. You just seem rather lonely.. Although you do have the scent of another demon slightly on you.. Kyin if I'm not mistaken.." He walked closer, sitting on the opposite end of the bed than Alex. "So your hiding here? What for?" He looked at Alex, a slightly hightened sense of interesting beginning to rise. He surpressed the feeling for now. Looking at Alex up and down to see what was so interesting. He smiled slightly. "Anyways, Why would you want to hide in such a place? Isn't this another demon's room? I'm pretty sure it's not anybody's I know.. But still.. Why hide? There are plenty of demons outside that would want your company? Am I right? Or did this old demon get it wrong?" He let his double tipped tail swish side to side.
2:42am Jan 16 2011
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"I might be lonely..." Alex responded, though he didn't let any of his emotion into the statement. He smirked for real this time, an Alex smirk. "Kyin gets around almost as much as I do if I may say so myself." The thought off Kyin didn't effect Alex as it had earlier, he wasn't what alex was searching for and he had begun to wonder if he would ever find what he was looking for centuries ago. "I'm not really hiding, just getting away..." He paused and looked around the room. "I dont think this is anyone's room... I might have been at some point." He focused on Jake again, "Its mine for now." He added, "And I think you're wrong about that last one." Alex's gaze flicked to the other's tale, it having caught his attention.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:52am Jan 16 2011
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"oh? I'm wrong am I?" He laid on the bed, his head on Alex's lap. "Mmmh.. I thought an adorable demon like you would have found someone by now anyways... And that many of the males here would want your company. You seem like my type.. A fun demon.. Although, I don't get around as much as I used to when I was only a new born demon.. Getting hit on by men in the Wars." He smiled and let a smirk creep across his face. "Well, I'd certainly wish to have your company with me." He smiled and sat up, gently pressing his lips to Alex's. "It's been at least 20 thousand years since I've been able to actually find a demon that peeks my interests.. What say we get acquianted?" He looked at Alex, a slightly innocent look to his eyes. Although, many of his intentions were the exact opposite.
3:17am Jan 16 2011
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Alex watched Jake's actions, his eyes softening when he laid his head down in his lap, ultimately putting himself into a vulnerable position. He relaxed himself, no longer on edge and automatically raised his hands and let his fingers run delicately through the other's demon's hair. This is what he wanted... Alex could practically smell what Jake's intentionality rolling off of him and it didn't offend him in the least that he didn't know his name yet and he already wanted to 'get acquainted'. He watched the male sit up and didn't pull away from him when he connected their lips. He didn't hide what he was feeling, and instead of an innocent look in his eyes they seemed to glaze slightly with a very different look. Lust. He returned the smirk once more. "Lets." He responded, accepting the invitation and leaned once more to run lips tongue over the 'innocent' demon's upper lip. "I'm Alex..." He whispered.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:35am Jan 16 2011
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Jake let some color fall onto his slightly pale cheeks. "Jake..." He let his lips be licked and could smell what he wanted on Alex. There was something different about this demon and he knew he wanted it. He smiled as his lips became moist with the younger demon's tongue. He looked into the demon's eyes, lust was obviously present, but he didn't mind, actually he wanted it. He sat up, sliding his hand gently up Alex's leg and up to his chest. He slid his tongue lovingly along Alex's neck line and his tail swished and disappeared. He didn't want it to be in the way. He nibbled Alex's ear gently and softly whispered, "How long has it been since you've set your eye on someone? I can see the lust in those gorgeous eyes. I can show you what more of my looks are.. My body mostly.." He smiled and slid his tongue gently along ALex's ear.
4:12am Jan 16 2011
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[[ We'll continue in Rmail ;3 i gotta get some sleep now though, its 4:10 am and i gotta get up in a few hours D; So I'kll send the Rmail when I get up or you can copy, paste, send that post to me now or something. Plus I'm about to fall asleep and my writing skills go bye-bye along with the ability to type correctly LOL Night ;D ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:20am Jan 16 2011
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Posts: 5,542
(LRIGHT. i gotta sleep too. Night.)
1:27pm Jan 16 2011
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[[ Message sent :3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:14pm Jan 16 2011
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(yay!! And just in case Cascadian comes, Kyin is laying down in Riku;s room. XD)
8:39pm Jan 16 2011
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(Leo should reply to Kuro. P:)
8:51pm Jan 16 2011
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(Ketsubaki needs to reply to Kyin as well.... I can't do anything here.. just on rmail at the moment...)
10:35pm Jan 16 2011
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(SORRY.:D anyway.)
Ketsubaki stoodup and walked quietly towardsRiku's room, knowing Kyin was inside. He had no idea if he should just barge in like that, so he knocked on the door meekly. "Kyin? Can I come in?"