10:52pm Jan 16 2011
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(the door was open. XD) Kyin looked at the door. "Do what you please." He looked at the ceiling, taking in a deep breath and looking toward the balcony outside Riku's room. He sat up and finally stood, walking over to the door. He slowly opened it, just for fun. He looked at Ketsubaki. "Ketsubaki. WHat's upo.. You can come in.." He swung the door open and held his hand toward the room, wanting Ketsubaki to walk it. "What's up?"
11:08pm Jan 16 2011
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Posts: 411
(-is watching-)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
12:33am Jan 17 2011
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Leo came back from his world of thought and actually looked at kurohoshi's face instead of staring at it thinking. He blinked, and inclined his head to his elder. "I beg your pardon, I have a peculiar thought process... I'm afraid." He apologized. He got ideas, and that wasn't always a good thing and could one day get him into some serious trouble. He wondered how the other had know what he was thinking though. But he was rather old, older than Leo, and far wiser. He might even be an open book to Kurohoshi, him being so young and careless.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:18pm Jan 17 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Kurohoshi smiled slightly, letting his hair cover his face once more. "It's quite alright, Leo," he said as he stood up to move to the edge of the couch closest to the other demon, moving his tails to seat himself there, his ears twitching slightly. "I received many reactions while I was trying to grow my hair out, Most of disgust, others of horror. Very few tried to think about it, though," he said, left ear twitching.
11:38pm Jan 20 2011
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11:57pm Jan 20 2011
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(i dunno....)
12:17am Jan 25 2011
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Posts: 554
Lucien sighed as he laid quietly where he was.It was a bit lonely but he'd deal with it knowing his mate was a busy demon.He just wished he would say yes to what he wanted though.It felt so unfair and he couldn't stand it and continued to sulk quietly curled up underneath a blanket.The warmth helped relax him as always but sometimes he liked the icy cold air or anything cold.It could always be a nice change."Hmmmm."Lucien stilled continued to ponder about things as he rolled onto his stomach.
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
12:50am Jan 25 2011
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(i feel bad for Lucien.. having to beg Malice... T-T Give in Malice!)
12:45am Jan 26 2011
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Malice watched Jake leave and closed the door, growling slightly, how did he find him? And Alex as well. But if he knew those two he wouldn't be seeing either of them for a while if they find each other. He went back t his mate and crawled up beside him on his hands and knees and placed gentle kisses on his shoulders and up to his jaw. He purred affectionately, and laid down behind him and pulled the other's body closer to himself. "Lucien," Malice cooed softly, "What're you doing?" he asked. - "It suits you." Leo responded, hoping that wasn't overstepping any boundaries that had been set. He wondered why others would be against a woman growing her own hair out, it was natural for women to grow their hair out. It was odd when they had short hair to be quite frank. He voiced his thought, "Why would anyone be disgusted if a woman wants to grow out their hair?" [[ ugh, i hated that! XD I dont want him to think he's female lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:38am Jan 26 2011
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"Not for my hair, Leo. For my scar," Kurohoshi replied with a soft chuckle. When he realized that he had been called a woman,a slight blush rose to his cheeks. He down and a bit to the side, tails twitching. "I am not a woman.... I am a male kitsune," he murmured, ears pullibg back slightly. Did he really come off that frminine. Yes, he knew his long hair was feminine and he was wearing a woman's kimono, but still...
1:50am Jan 28 2011
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Leo's eyes widened and he felt like his heart might have just stopped, he definitely couldn't form words to even come close to apologizing to the other. His whole outside shell shattered to show, rarely, how very surprised he was. After a moment he was ale to bl ink and force his body to respond. "I-i... I apologize!!" He said hastily, a frown setting onto his face as he dipped his head deeply to the other. "I didn't realize.." He started ut couldn't explain himself.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:34am Jan 28 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Kurohoshi blinked, tilting his head slightly. He reached out to very lightly place his hand atop Leo's head, then moved that same hand to tilt his head up to look at him, a soft smile on his face. "PLease do not think that I am angry with you. I am not, so raise yourself up, Leo," he told the other demon.
((Okay, my Wii or something is clicking and I can't take it anymore...so this reply is short... ;c))
11:08pm Jan 28 2011
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Leo did lift his head but he still couldn't get over the fact that Kurohoshi was male. He also couldn't get over the fact he had found him so oddly attracting just a little earlier. Ir was probably because he was polite as well. [fail
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:04am Jan 29 2011
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Posts: 1,015
Ketsubaki swished his tail and took small steps into Riku's room, already having something in mind. He was often a daring little one when he wanted to, pressing his lips on to Kyin's the moment he got the chance.
8:01am Jan 30 2011
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Kurohoshi smiled gently, reaching out to run slightly-clawed fingers through Leo's hair. "It happens often because all true kitsunes look very feminine in human form, so humans belive all kitsunes are female," he explained, left ear twitching once.
(Fail. ;c)
6:25pm Jan 30 2011
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"WHoa!!" Kyin fell back when Ketsubaki pressed his lips to his because of how unexpected it was. He held Ketsubaki as he fell, dragging him down with him. He looked at Ketsubaki as he gently pulled away. "K-Ketsubaki... WHat in the world was that?? I thought you wanted to talk to me about something that was on your mind.. Not kiss me the first chance you got.." He looked at the other, his eyes slightly widened with shock.
8:17pm Jan 31 2011
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Leo allowed himself to be touched, though his mind was now reeling. Usually he didn't let other men touch him so openly, women either. He wasn't open with other people, demons, or angels. he wasn't an open demon. But he wanted Kurohoshi to continue touching him, his whole reacting in a nervous and excited way. And this way the reason he moved away from the kitsune's touch. He didn't like these feelings, they were odd and unfamiliar. And more importantly towards another male... that wasn't right. Not the way it was supposed to be. Even for him, he didn't like it.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:43pm Jan 31 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Kurohoshi tilted his head slightly when the other male moved away, ears pulling back slightly out of worry. "Ah, did I do something you did not like...?" he asked, letting his hand return to its place upon his lap as he sat there for a few moments before he stood up and, after stretching out a little, curled his tail around him to conceal himself.
Once the tails were moved out of the way, a black kitsune, with tips of silver/white (I forgot which one it was...xD) to match Kurohoshi's fur and hair when he was in his more...human form. The fox climbed back onto the couch, curling up into a little ball, the scar that had been present on Kurohoshi's face present on the fox's as well. He pricked his ears forward, tilting his head slightly. "Would it be more comfortable for you if I remained like this?" he asked, crossing his paws as he curled his tails around himself.
11:27pm Jan 31 2011
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Posts: 7,187
Leo continued to keep his business, all the while trying to remain respectful while doing so. Everyone needed some personal space right? "You can keep which ever form that you feel comfortable in.. He responded to the polite kitsune. He did enjoy the other's company, but if they could just not touch he could enjoy it even more. [fail]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:35pm Jan 31 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Kurohoshi tilted his head slightly, ears pulling back. He could tell he'd made the other uncomfortable, and he wanted to remedy it. "I can tell I have made you very uncomfortable...Is there any way to remedy this...?" he asked, lowering his head. Was it because he was male even though he looked very feminine?