11:25pm Feb 9 2011
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Kurohoshi once again reached out to take Leo's hand, weaving through the trees to exit the lake. He'd forgotten to put his hair back in place, so when he walked out of the trees, humans were staring at him, something that made the kitsune feel uncomfortable. He automatically moved closer to Leo, able to hear what they said about him.
11:58pm Feb 9 2011
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Leo was, again, a little on edge when Kurohoshi took his hand. Electricity seemed to be pas.sed from the male mitsune to him and he felt the small hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He wondered if the other demon was feeling these things or if it was just him. He figured that it was just their abilities crashing, the kitsune's fire and his water. WHen they left the cover of the tree and the humans came into view once again, Leo allowed Kurohoshi to get closer to him. He wondered why the other let humans make him feel the way he felt whenver they said something about him. The was a demon. A proud race.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:51am Feb 10 2011
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Posts: 5,542
(what about Mordekai)
Jake smiled. "how cute, the way you look confused." Jake smiled and stood up. He wanted something sweet, so he had to go down. "My love, are you going to accompany me? I'm craving human sweets for some reason." He dressed into better clothes and held his hand out to Alex.
1:08am Feb 10 2011
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Alex sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed and he stood up to follow Jake downstairs, suddeny excited to see what kind of Human sweets Malice had hiding downstairs. He beamed, "I love sweets!" He said excitedly
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:28am Feb 10 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Jake smiled and let out a chuckle. "my my, how cute. You seem to be the sweet loving demon." he held his hand to Alex
8:41am Feb 10 2011
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Kurohoshi lifted his hand to cover his scar, the only thing that was a very sensitive topic for the kitsune. He still disliked the scar the source of much ridicule earlier on. So, Kurohoshi gripped Leo's hand just a little bit tighter before he walked off, head lowered slightly to hide his scar.
8:46am Feb 10 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(I was really tired. XD)
Mordekai chuckled, returning the pressure against his lips before he ducked his head to lick at the mark hr'd left upon Riku's skin. "All it took was for you to tell me, too," he purred, dark eyes focused onto his mate.
(-gets ready for school-)
11:11pm Feb 10 2011
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2:00am Feb 11 2011
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Riku blushed slightly as Mordekai's tongue slid against his skin. He looked down at Mordekai and smiled."Of crouse you had to coax me into this... I was always so nervous to say anything to you. Although I was always talking to Kyin abou tyou." He smiled and gently kissed Mordekai again and his tail swished from side to side, gently lapping against Mordekai's exposed upper body. His horns and wings began to take shape and Riku quickly forced his wings back in. "it's been too long since I've exposed my wings... I'm not used to them being out.." He looked at Mordekai. "Is that weird?"
12:32pm Feb 12 2011
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Alex beamed and took Jake's hand so that he could lead them downstairs. He hadn't had sweets for weeks and like hell he wasn't going to eat up some of Malice's. Especally since he was hiding from him in this house somewhere. - Leo lead his companion back to Malice's house and away from the judgemental humans. He'd go back and kill them if Kurohoshi wasn't holding onto him so tightly. Looks like they were goingto get away with what they did and he'd have to wait until next time.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:45am Feb 13 2011
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Jake smiled and held Alex's hand, intertwinign his fingers with Alex's. He walked out of the room and down the stairs. "Maybe Malice will tell us why we are all here.." His tail swished as he walked and his horns were again present. He yawned and looked around. "Anyways, let's go get sweets." He smiled and walked into the kitchen. He sniffed the air. "mmh... Let's see.."
8:50am Feb 13 2011
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Mordekai chuckled, nuzzling the other demon on the crook of his neck. "Not at all, love," he purred, tilting his head slightly. "It comes from blending with the humans for so long," he added, moving to lay beside his new mate, a smile playing at his lips. "I once had magnificient wings, but I cannot even remember exactly what they looked like, or even how to make them return," he said, chuckling lightly.
Kurohoshi allowed Leo to lead him back home, his silver-tipped black hair falling over the scarred portion of his face, hiding half of the slightly injured look that had risen to his face because of the humans' comments. His scar was a very sensitive thing to the kitsune, and, even though Leo had made him feel better about it for a little while, he still felt very self-concious about it.
1:01pm Feb 13 2011
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ALex followed Jake down the stairs and into the kitchen. All of te demons had something different going on about them and none of them really noticed the two come down the steps. Alex was half ok with that, not really wanting to be messed with. But he half wanted them to notice him coming, like they used to. Was he getting old? In the kitchen he like go of Jake's hand and went over to the fridge and opened it. The first sweet thing he saw was cherries, and lots of them. That was Malice's favorite human treat. But Malice was being mean so he took some of them and closed the door once again, happy with what he found and wondering what Jake had.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:35pm Feb 13 2011
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Posts: 7,187
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:55am Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(Leooo. Kurohoshi needs him. ouo)
1:25am Feb 14 2011
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Riku looked at his mate. "Really? You once had wings?" He moved himself so His head was on Mordekai's chest. His heartbeat resonated in Riku's ear and he smiled slightly. His tail swishing back and forth and his wings beginning to poke out a little. They disappeared and Riku looked at Mordekai. "So.. How long have you been unable to remember what your wings looked like? And what have you been doing for all the years I haven't seen you? It's been almost a few thousand.." ----- Jake looked at Alex and smiled. "Can you tie the steps in knots?" Jake got down and opened the cabinet. He took out a bag of cookies and looked at them before popping the bag open and chewing on a few. "MMh.. For a stubborn child, he knows just what kind of sweets are best."
9:53pm Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 7,187
Alex grinned in a seductive way. "Of course I do.." He responded, taking a cherry into his mouth delicately. He wondered if Jake knew about what they said about cherries. But what he had said interested Alex. "Child? Malice is ancient..." He said, Malice was the oldest demon Alex knew personally. - Leo opened the door for Kurohoshi and closed it after they were both inside and turned to him. "You shouldn't let humans.... of all creatures.... make you feel the way that they do." He said simply before walking past him to sit on the counch once again. This was getting tiresome and he wondered how long Malice was going to take before he would decide to come downstairs.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:20pm Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Mordekai chuckled, nuzzling his mate with a soft smile. "It's been many, manycenturies since I last saw my wings. I remember I used to have them, but not what they looked like," he said, then blinekd at the second question he was asked by Riku. "Mmm... Nothing much, really the same as usual," he replied, wrapping his arms around the other demon. _________________________ Kurohoshi gave Leo a soft, slightly sad smile as he follwoed behind him, his ears and a single tail appearing. His ears drooped a bit, the tip of his tail nearly reaching the floor at this point. "My scar, even after many thousands of years of life, are still a very sensitive topic to me," he said, reaching up to brush his fingertips against the uneven skin. "Mainly because it was my master who had been the one to inflict.
11:29pm Feb 14 2011
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Leo didn't understand, he could unless he got a life changing, image altering scar like the one that Kurohoshi had to live with. But he didn't think that he would tolerate lowly humans commenting about it either. They wouldn't be able to finish their insult before he killed them horribly. That reminded him that he wanted to go back and get those humans.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:05am Feb 15 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Kurohoshi lowered his hand, ears still drooping as he sat down near Leo. "It tells just how mu ch of an arrogant young demon I was," he murmured softly, left ear twitching once as he let out a sigh. "Afterwards, I was ridiculed into humility by fellow demons and humans alike. I retaliated at the beginning, but steadily my persona changed to become more docile..." he sighed softly, staring down at the carpet. His tail curled around his waist to allow him to stroke his own soft fur.