:D I have two characters. XDDD
Name: Ketsueki Kotetsu
Age: supposedly 23
Gender: Male
Blood: 90%demon, 5%human, 5% angel
Mate: none. not open. XD

friends: none, but kinda open i guess. :D
family: -born into an angel faily, but ordered to be killed immediately.
-Brother, Kotsubaki
S.O.: He hates everybody except for Kotsubaki. (he even hates himself)
Ketsueki is a very cold, callous, dispas.sionate figure, and is rather aloof, brooding, and indifferent, willing to harm both his comrades and enemies should they ever get in his way. He refers to anyone he does not find interesting as "trash" and treats them as expendable. Despite this, he is not particularly violent and will only fight when provoked or when Kotsubaki is in danger.
His cold demeanor allows him to stay completely calm and in control in most situations, and he is not easily surprised or caught off-guard. However, he does not seem to comprehend the Human trait of fighting against all odds or the very concept of the Human heart;
Ketsueki seems to be demanding as well, such as when he came to a guardian angel's prison chamber and ordered her to eat a meal a servant brought in, claiming that, for experimental purposes, it was her "duty" to stay alive and well until the day of her execution in the lab. When she hesitates, he threatens to force the food down her throat, or strap her to a table and feed her via an IV. This also implies that, while he prefers not to dirty his hands, Ketsueki is fully capable of committing truly abhorrent and inhumane actions without feeling any shred of remorse or hesitation.
One other notable characteristic of his is that he is very sadistic and can be extremely sardonic at times. He resorts to torturing his enemy and prefers him to have a slow, excruciating death rather than a quick, painless one, all this just for his own entertainment and pleasure.
Once, when he was still weak and was defeated by a guardian angel at the age of ten, Ketsueki still maintains his composure and calmly berates himself for being defeated by a "lowly guardian angel." Believing that he no longer has a purpose in life since he was quickly defeated by his opponent, he demands that the guardian kill him, and compliments him when he decides to use a point-blank lightblast to kill him, claiming that the lack of mercy was "rather Demon-like." This is a marked departure from most of his fellow demons, who died cursing their enemies or with an abject fear of death.
(The angel, however, upon hearing that the action he had decided to take was deemed rather demon-like, had since changed his mind and spared Ketsueki's life, who then swore to kill that particular angel as slowly and painfully as possible for the humiliation he had suffered before many other fellow demons)
-Slaughterscape, Black curse ~ he recites a short incantation and his left eye glows bright red. Once the incantation is complete and the enemy makes contact with his red eye, his body will burn up from the inside out.
-Final mas.sacre endscape, Kuroteiken (Meaning black emperor sword) ~ he recites a longer incantation and it has two parts. The first part he closes his eyes, but his entire body glows with an intense red aura, at the end of the first incantaion, he opens his eyes, which are glowing a blinding red, which seizes the opponent's soul and drags it out of the body, leaving behind a limp, dead body. The soul is brought into an alternate dimension also created y the first incantations. The second incantation is to summon the black emperor sword itself, a gimmick of the actual white emperor sword wielded by top-level angels and god himself. The soul floats around in this alternate dimension for awhile, not being able to do anything about anything. Then, when the incantation ends, the Kuroteiken shoots up from the bottom of the pit, where the soul will burn and suffer from excruciating pain for all eternity.
-Scattering Lightspear ~ This is the spear thingy he's holding in the pic. :D the spear separates into a thousand slender, tiny blade fragments, which then fly away from the grip, leaving only the metal bar in is hand. While the blades are supposedly too small to be seen normally, they reflect light in such a way as to appear as small, red petals. By swinging the grip of the spear, Ketsueki can control the blade fragments at will, allowing him to shred opponents at a distance and break through almost any defense.
He uses his wings to reflect most attacks, with more than twice the amount of power they were hit with. :D They also have high speed regeneration for they are actually quite easily injured. The regeneration is so quick that the wing does not seem to be injured at all.
Likes: uhm... He likes eating angels. :D And seeing angels in pain, and ripping off their wings. :D
Dislikes: angels. people bullying Kotsubaki. not having any angels to eat. :D
Name: Kotsubaki Kotetsu
Age: supposedly 16
Gender: male
Blood: 30% demon, 60%human, 10% angel
Mate: no, but open. :D

friends: none, but OPEN. XDDD I have decided that Kotsubaki and Ketsueki need companions. :O
family: Oh, you know. XD
S.O.: Straight. :(
Although he is usually seen as a laid-back, jovial fellow, Kotsubaki also shows a deceptively cunning and serious side when the situation warrants it. He commonly uses idle conversation and outward concern as an act of distracting his opponents. Despite his care-free attitude, he always speaks politely, but is sometimes sarcastic. Ketsueki even notes that he tends to go over the top with whatever he becomes p*censored*ionate about.
Despite his friendliness, he absolutely detests annd despises angels, and thinks that any one of them are much mortally worse than any other demon alive. He and Ketsueki enjoy devouring angels for their blood(for they are blood demons) and can be as sadistic as his brother when he wants to, taunting his opponent with his lightspeed and slashing them randomly so as not to kill them, to let them feel the pain. He likes seeing his opponent bleeding as well. However, unlike, Ketsueki, he would never harm another demon unless that demon attempts to attack him or his brother. He is also kind towards humans, because he feels kind of human himself, and is often seen saving humans from being eaten by demons.
Approximately 9 years ago, Kotsubaki's personality is the direct opposite of what he is today, showing the changes he went through in the Demon world. During his earlier years as an angel, he is viewed as a nervous, flustered, and quiet person. He is even somewhat unsure of himself and lacks confidence in his ability to be a good angel. He found that as a demon he was free from most restraint to do what he wanted, and was affected by the bloodlust behaviours of the demons around him.
Kotsubaki can usually be found near the scene of an important event (albeit arriving late sometimes), however he rarely intervenes in situations, preferring to stay on the sidelines. He often tends to know more information then he lets on, and although being a major player he acts only as a catalyst, having others do the work for him.
He also likes building large secret underground training spaces where he trains without Ketsueki's knowledge when he is away.
Powers and abilities:
Master Swordsmanship Specialist: Kotsubaki, after years of training, is masterful at swordsmanship, capable of flawless precision and lethal attacks without much effort.
Lightspeed Master: Kotsubaki best known for his usage of lightspeed, his one and only demonic ability, which is common among other demons. He is easily one of the most proficient users of this ability all of the Demon World. He has also created a few unique techniques of his own to make up for his lack of power.
- Senka (閃花, Flash Blossom): a special Lightspeed technique where one moves to their opponent's back, directly attacking and killing or injuring the opponent from behind. This attack is his favorite to use. The movement is so fast that an opponent may not be able to tell whether he was attacked from the front or the back and even an outside observer may find it impossible to tell what the movements are
- Utsusemi (空蝉; Cicada, referencing their molting): It allows for a movement at great speed, leaving an afterimage behind. He uses this technique to escape from his enemies as a last resort, the afterimage acting as a distraction to give him toime to run away.
Hakuda Combatant: While used less often, Kotsubaki is highly proficient in this area. He was able to knock out at least 20 guardian angels within seconds witha single strik each with his bare hands.
Master Tactician: Kotsubaki is a highly perceptive fighter, being able to almost immediately determine an opponent's attack patterns and weaknesses. He is also a crafty tactician, as demonstrated from how effectively he uses his Lightspeed to confuse his opponents. He can discern the motives and abilities of his opponents and effectively uses his knowledge to end the battle in his favor.
Enhanced Durability: While not having the most imposing appearance compared to other Demon, Kotsubaki has shown to be a very resilient fighter. During his fight against a head guardian angel, despite gaining several major injuries, Kotsubaki was still able to continue fighting effectively and even ignored his wounds to the point that he seemed unfazed by them. At the end of the fight, he was still able to perform an impressive Flash Step to leave. During his fight with another head guardian, Kotsubaki's durability proved great enough for him to willingly damage himself to escape from his enemy's possession attack and continued to fight as if he was unaffected.
All this is from years of training in his fourth underground training space which has a koi pond in it. :D
Likes: Fried prawns. :D Training, killing angels. XD
Dislikes: steamed prans. D: crabs. XD angels. :D being pwned by his brother. XD
Ketsueki and Kotsubaki were born into the noble Kotetsu clan, one of the four great noble clans in heaven, top protectors of God. When Ketsueki was born, he appeared to be normal, but at the age of six, his demon blood got ahold of him and he grew horns and a tail, which was when they learnt of his demon blood. Lady Hisane was then pregnant with Kotsubaki. They decided to execute Ketsueki on Kotsubaki's birthday in celebration of a new prince. Totheir dismay, Kotsubaki too, had demon blood, for he was born with an unmistakeable, long black demon tail.
When Ketsueki learnt that they were going to kill his own brother as well, he couldn't stand the injustice and so he swore to escape from there together with Kotsubaki. Just at that moment, he morphed again. He realised that at the time of morphing he would gain a moment of immeasurable power, so he took advantage of that power and blasted his way to the infirmary and escaped together with Kotsubaki.
Are my two characters okay? :( Neither of them are gay. D:
Or i could make them have a gay companion if you don't mind. :D