12:37am Jan 2 2011
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((:DDD lololol. Where'd andy go? XD HAHA. That's a sexy demon. ;'3))
12:45am Jan 2 2011
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[[ Andy? He's in the kitchen >3< Hiding from Malice and recovering lol ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:05am Jan 2 2011
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(He's wearing a robe. Look closer. C:)
1:14am Jan 2 2011
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Alraeus melted out of the shadows within the apartment, drawing them around him in a thin veil to protect him from the harsh lights. He immediately moved to the nearest shadowy area, folding his wings around himself. Then he closed his eyes, leaning against the wall as he hummed a new song, wings twitching to keep the beat.
2:09am Jan 2 2011
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Posts: 1,015
Ketsubaki sank to the floor and sighed. He had never been stuck in a situation like this before. Despite the question he had asked, Andy didn't seem to be listening. He didn't even notice Alraeus.
(fail-er. XD)
2:48am Jan 2 2011
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Posts: 554
Lucien sighed at his mate's reasons and frowned a bit more. "If you did I could defend myself for once." he tried to reason. He really was upset that he had angered him but felt like he needed to persist. It was Lucien's decision too! The inconsideration some people had. "Besides I always could ask somebody else." he purred to his mate knowing this mae actually get him to change his mind. Well, it might irritate him. Maybe make him jealous. The results could vary but that was a chance he was willing to take.
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
2:58am Jan 2 2011
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Posts: 7,187
Andy sensed another shadow user in the other room and his curiosity spited haphazardly, urging for him to go see who it was. But that attack had been a big one and not that long ago so he decided against it. Instead he pulled his wing up and over his face and closed his eyes, ignoring the curiosity that was about to kill him. He peeked to see the demon he'd been talking to sink to the floor, he rolled his eyes. Older demons were so melodramatic when it came to finding mates. He didn't care for that, he knew that he wasn't going to be dominant anyway. Plus it was limited freedom. He could do without for now. - Alex, unable to travel using some sort of power like every other demon he knew, pulled up in from of Malice's house in his car. The sound almost other worldly to most demons seeing as they didn't need cars to travel. But he was used to it and his Ferrari was certainly his style as he turned the keys and got out, closing the door behind him and walking up the gravel walk way to the from door. He was swearing a snug black sweater top the hung off of his thin shoulders and came past his wrist, making his hands look even more delicate than they already were. A pair of white skinny jeans and his favorite black high heeled booties. If you'd never met him, you could swear he was a girl. All the way down to the way he carried himself, hops swaying and slightly curvy to the way he was dressed, and even the high heels. Even his voice was softer and flowed easily. But he was male and it had taken him years to locate where Malice had relocated. He'd had no idea until recently. But he had only relocated recently so it wasn't impossible for him to track his long term friend down. He sauntered into the house as if he owns the place, a smirk coming over his face at all of the demons already gathered. He purred quietly, curiously, as he closed the door behind him. "Mmmm~ " He said out loud, throwing his keys down on the coffee table and reaching up to pull some of his long, golden blonde hair behind one of his pierced ears. "Look at all the faces..." He said, eyes darting around the room. "Maaaalllice!~~" He called, walking away from the door, heels clicking ever so slightly and hips swinging. He walked past the kitchen and did a double take, "Are you okay dear? You're on the floor.." His attention span did stay there for too long, however, and he moved on, looking for Malice. He spotted a mas$ of blackness in the corner and stopped, placing his weight on one hip and turned to him. "Alraeus~" He purred, eyes shining playfully. "Long time no see? You never call anymore." He said, "Have you seen Malice?" He cooed smoothly, cocking his head slightly, causing his hair to fall out of his face. [[[[[eh, if it matters, by "booties" I meant these and didn't know that they were called XDD http://www.snazzyheels.com/designer-high-heel-store/product/2/1882/Dolce -Vita-Braxton-High-Heel-Boots-black.html ]]]]] Malice chuckled, "You could defend yourself..." He said, he wanted to change the subject without getting angry again. His gaze shifted down to his mate's shoulder. "But would you?" He asked, Lucien was shy and didn't like to draw attention to himself or be a bother to anyone. He leaned down more and kissed the base of his neck where he had made his mark. He stopped when Lucien mentioned getting someone else to do it and Nathaniel instantly came to mind. He lifted his head again, "If you-" Maaaalllice!~~ Said demon froze, looking toward the stairs from where the familiar voice traveled up. Alex had found him...
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:24am Jan 2 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Alraeus stepped out of the corner, humming silenced. "Alex, you are aware Malice has a mate now, yes?" he asked, moving his shadows to form an umbrella, shielding himself from the light. "He may not be too happy, no offense," he said, dark red eyes focusing onto the other demon. He ruffled his wings, then curled them around himself, tilting his head slightly. The ancient demon sighed softly, then drifted to the kitchen, itching for actual food.
He didn't know why, but human food started tasting better lately...and he wanted something...meaty. But then he turned around to look up at black lump of shadows. "You must be Andy, a young demon. Practically a newborn, yes?" he said, soundlessly moving over. "I am Elraeus, an elder demon. I have been alive many millenia, and as such have gathered great power. I only tell you this to make sure you'll never be fool enough to attack a demon at least 5 times your age," he said, taking his shadow umbrella and adding it to the shadows Andy controlled.
Yeah. He's just that good.

9:47am Jan 2 2011
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Alex straightened up, clearly surprised by the news. "No, I wasn't aware..." He answered, watching him come closer and finally pas$ him and go into the kitchen. "You didn't answer my question..." He pouted, sticking out his lower lips slightly. What ever happened to manners? - - - Andy looked at the other that came into the room and had addressed him. There were getting to be so many demons around here he was tempted to leave. Though he wasn't going to get very far unless Malice let him. He was so limited! It was maddening... "Interesting." He replied flatly. Attacking someone wasn't exactly on Andy's lists of important things to do right now. The only thing he was working on was recovering. "I've attacked older demons than you~" He replied, "Let me recover and I'll show you what I can do... Alraeus." He replied, his voice still a tired hiss. And in all honesty, newborns could take on older demons, since they're new powers run wild during their first few hundred years after acquiring them.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:00pm Jan 2 2011
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Alraeus turned to look back at Alex, dark red eyes neutral. "I have never been fond of telephones. I prefer speaking face to face," he replied, then returned his gaze to Andy, grinning to show his fangs. "Mmm, I have had more time to hone my abilities. I am more than a simple shadow-wielder, you know. My other abilities shall be revealed in due time, however," he purred, tilting his head. "You may be surprised."
(Hurr...I really wanna make an awesome demon...maybe I'll just draw him. P:)
3:49pm Jan 2 2011
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Andy chuckled, it sounded dark and unnatural. "I better be." He said, starting to lowly disappear in all of his shadow that he had created n his corner of the kitchen. "All of your big boy talk..." He was half gone as he transferred to the darkest room in the house, his. "It's making me excited~" He purred and his was gone. The shadows that he had created shook a little before they went wild, lashing out in a sort of dance and going back to where Andy had summoned them from in the first place. - Malice pulled Lucien gently along the rest of the way to his room to hide from Alex and shut the door as quietly as possible behind him. [D8 I power-played DX] - Alex pouted some more. "I wanted to know where Malice was." He reminded, playing with some of his hair. "You don't have to call me if you don't want.." He said in a snippy manner, "But you're the one missing out~!" he huffed, still in the living room. Honestly, he didn't see how some demons didn't pick up on anything. Without another word and sulking slightly he turned on his heel and decided to check upstairs. If he didn't find him then he'd wait because he could smell that demon around here somewhere and knew that he'd found the right place this time. His heels made a little noise going up the stairs, but other than that the process was quick and soundless. "I'm on a mission~ And it involves some heavy touching yeah..." He sang quietly to himself as he traveled up the stairs.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:59pm Jan 2 2011
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Posts: 3,426
((I fail. Dx What I miss?))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
5:12pm Jan 2 2011
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[[ Nothing really :3 Now should be a great time to go back and reread it ^ ^ I don't think that anyone is here but me >3< ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:59pm Jan 2 2011 (last edited on 1:54am Jan 3 2011)
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Name: Leo Wolfe Age: 193 NEWborn Gender: Male S.O.: Thinks he's straight ;3 Come on bois :D Show him he's wrong .3. Mate?: Nope ;P
 Personality: Leo is complicated while still maintaining that he's straightforward as can possibly be and he somehow manages both at once. One of his weaknesses is that he's a bit too adaptable, which in the process he starts to loose part of his real identity. He is unpredictable, highly mischievous, and highly sadistic, playful and mischievous tendencies. calm and collected, and often coolly indifferent in his feelings and actions- indeed, he faces dangers without so much as batting an eye. He looks at the world in a mildly interested, detached way that always comes off as polite to others. His intellect, manners, and abilities are second to none, so much so that he is adept at anything and everything he knows and attempts. To anyone who sees him in action, he could possibly be considered... perfect. But anyone that knows him knows that he's not quite perfect. His dry wit and sarcasm often spring up when he's particularly displeased, which is pretty often. He gets easily exasperated, especially when his work is interrupted. And he's known to be quite strict~ Abilities?: He is inhumanly agile and physically strong, despite his graceful build. Having been alive for sometime, he is a master of a few martial arts, his preferred weapon being fire~. In addition to these skills, He also has accelerated healing abilities. His primary weakness lays in that he is forced to obey whoever steaks claim on him and leaves a physical bonding. He can also control light, giving demons that control and get strength from the dark a run for their money, there is always light, even in the dark so he is never without some strength. His five senses are also very keen, akin of those of an animal predator. He also has a 'sixth' sense, a demon's instinct that allows him to know whenever those close to him is in trouble. He can make nearly anything into a weapon and wield any kind of weapon already made. Likes?: To either confuse people, mess with them, or just lead them like sheep to the slaughter. Moving, being appreciated, taking advantage of those or what is there. He doesn't even know what he likes, so we'll establish that as we go. Dislikes?: being kicked while he's down, optimistic people, being bothered, being interrupted, being underestimated, being misunderstood. The list goes on~ And dont step on his tail Friends?: ...friends? He doesn't have friends, but acquaintances. And Malice is one of these acquaintances. Family?: ...family?
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:39pm Jan 2 2011
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Posts: 5,542
(so, im fanially back... where are my bois? And wat about any actions on them or whatnot.)
11:14pm Jan 2 2011 (last edited on 10:14pm Jan 3 2011)
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Posts: 554
(( Will post and put intro later.As well as the song.Dad's kicking me off. )) Name: Jack Age: 19 Gender: Male S.O.: Gay? Mate?: Open. Personality: He is mostly shy if there is somebody he likes around and that's about it.He'll actually be very open with flirting and will be stubborn.He likes cooking food.Call him a chef if you will but he mostly cooks for people he's like or whom he is flirting with.Will do about anything for steak.He absolutely is a sweetheart to whom he likes if he's not busy being shy. Abilities?: Well...sometimes a limb falls off.He can put himself back together.Able to cut people with his claw-like hands? Likes?: Sweets,flirting,trying new things,food,being accepted,cooking,cutting things and clothes that don't cut easily...plus he secretly LOVES steak! Dislikes?: Too much water on his 'hands' making them rust,being rejected,mud,water and burnt food. Friends?: Lucien...>3> Family?: None... Past: He was created by a weak demon so that is why he has metal 'hands'.The rest of him is human basically as in terms of limbs.He's stitched together though.He doesn't remember much about his creator or his very first few years. Song?: 
 Momo is ONLINE Haha!Singing is fun The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.
1:17am Jan 3 2011 (last edited on 10:49pm Jan 7 2011)
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Posts: 7,187
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:35am Jan 3 2011 (last edited on 1:36am Jan 3 2011)
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:22am Jan 3 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Kyin heard a familiar voice, which he hadn't heard in a while and sat up. He looked at the door and sighed. He stood up and flicked off his lights. Kyin walked out and noticed Alex walking up the stairs as he was walking down. He chuckled to himself. "Hey, you.. What are doing here? We haven't seen you in so long. Trying to sneek a peak at the human mate? Althought, I wish I could have taken a bite out of him.. He was.. a very sweet smelling human.." He looked at Alex. "Come on, you.. You need to go downstairs. Don't want Malice messing with your pretty little head liek he did to Andy." Riku looked at Ketsubaki when he heard his brother's voice. "You kidding me... You really like Kyin? I mean.. He's a little... out there... But if your going to tell him, he's coming down the stairs right now.. By the sound of his voice, he's in a pretty good mood at the moment.." He smiled and stood up, ruffling Ketsubak's hair. "Don't worry, he's a nice guy anyways. Even if it takes a while, he'll like you. Your adorable." He smiled and walked into the kitchen, taking a gl*censored* of water back to the couch. He sat down, again, next to Mordekai. He doens't get the hint... Oh well.. Riku slightly grew angry at the fact he didn't know if Mordekai got it, or even if he was in a good mood.. Why did he have to be so cool all the time? Then again, that attracted Riku to him. He looked at Mordekai. "Um.. Mordekia.." His hands began to tremble slighty, which couldn't have been at a worse time. The gl*censored* was a little less than completely full and water began to slightly spill oer the edge, landing on Riku's pants and Mordekai's lap. (is Mordekai wearing the shirt he's wearing in teh pic? Cuz if he is, then the water is spilling on that...)

2:54am Jan 3 2011
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"No." Alex responded, "I was coming to see Malice..." He responded, stopping just before the last stair. "But apparently he's in a bad mood and has a human mate now." He sulked, then stopped, tilting his head slightly, blonde hair flicking. "Who's Andy?" He asked curiously, he hadn't been in contact with Malice for at least 200 years. Too long. He turned to follow Kyin back down the stairs, allowing him to lead the way if he wanted to go.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~