3:02am Jan 3 2011
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Kyin looked back at Alex as he walked down the stairs. "The demon that hides in the shadows. Malice said one word and he went psycho.." He reached the floor and looked at Alex. "So, why haven't I seen you in so long?" He turned around and looked at Alex. "And.. why are you dressed like that anywayas? I mean, i know your gay and all that, but y ou do look a little like a girl.." He smiled slightly, wanting to have some fun. He put his hand on Alex's hip. "I don't think you want too much attention from all teh demons in this house? Do you?"
3:30am Jan 3 2011
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Alex still didn't know Andy, he hadn't met him before so there was no real way that he would but he figured that he would eventually if he was in this house too. "I was traveling." Alex responded, a warm glint in his eyes. It took him longer than the other demons that would just materialize here and there. "And anyway~" He sighed, "When I came back Malice had moved again without telling me. So I had to hunt him down..." He he talked his walked down the stairs and looked around slightly at the same time. Malice had always had a good sense of taste. He'd always liked it too. He stopped looking around when Kyin placed his hand on his waist and glanced down at it. He looked back up at Kyin's face, a smile tugging at his own lips. He moved closer to the other. He placed his hand just under his ribs, very lightly. "Oh... but I do~" He responded, his voice took on a slightly seductive tone, waiting to see if Kyin would respond before he continued. "But if you want to keep me to yourself for a while... Thats ok with me too."
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:42am Jan 3 2011
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Mordekai lifted his head when he was being addressed, dark eyes focusing onto Riku until cold water began to seep through his shirt. With a soft sigh, he stood up to slip out of the shirt and wring it dry, allowing his dark hair to spill over his shoulders. "Always the nice ones...ah, at least it was simply water...it shall dry," he murmured laying it across the arm of the couch.
He was used to getting stuff spilled on him by now.
He looked back over at Riku, a faint smile ghosting upon his lips. "Now...you wished to tell me something, Riku?"
(I wanna make a guy to show Leo he's so not straight. ;D)
3:43am Jan 3 2011 (last edited on 3:50am Jan 3 2011)
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"And maybe I will do just that. I mean, nobody here is really, that way anymore.. We're pretty much all the same. But if I got you first, maybe you'd get more attention from teh other demons. You know Riku right? Been here for awhile. Maybe he could." He placed his other hand on Alex's lower back and pulled him in and up. His forhead on Alex's and his lips lightly's brushing against Alex's. "You know, for a demon, your slow to get to places. But it's easier for me to catch you that way." He walked forward, pinning Alex to the wall. Kyin let his tail show and it swished side to side. he placed his palms on the wall, low enough so Alex couldn't get away and one high enough so alex wouldn't be able to move much. "You know... You are pretty cute for a slow demon. Maybe having you first is a good idea, no?" Riku flushed a bright red. More from Mordekai being half-naked? and this was teh seconds time within two hours he's done something to Mordekai. First he landed on him and now water spilled. He was wet too, but he stood up and placed the water on the table. "I'm so sorry.. This is the second time i've done something like this.." He looked down, angry at himself for blushing and spilling water. He breathed in and let it out slowly. "Mordekai... um.. Well... You know.. I.. like... I like you.. Maybe more than like.. But that's what I can say for sure right now.." He refused to look up, keeping his silver eyes on teh ground and his black hair covering his face. (Kyin and Alex can do that.. They are already getting cozy on teh wall. XD)

3:53am Jan 3 2011
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Mordekai stood up a moment later, tilting Riku's chin up, a rare grin appearing on his face. "It took you long enough to say it, Riku," he purred, tilting his head slightly to angle it so he could draw his tongue along the other's neck, pulling back after that. Riku actually didn't taste half bad. He actually tasted pretty good, actually.
"I noticed it early on...I was waiting for you to admit it," he said, crossing his arms over his bared chest.
4:02am Jan 3 2011
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(omg! That was so sexy!! XD) Riku looked at Mordekai, a little shocked, yet happy. "Wait, so.. So you knew? Why didn't you say anything? I think I've liked you for the past thousand years and you knew the whole time?" Riku let a small smile tug at his lips. "So.. I was worried about nothing.. I think.." He put his hand on Mordekai's arm. He wanted so badly just to touch Mordekai's bared body. He resisted his temptation and got closer to Mordekai. "Mordekai, do you like me? I mean, It's probably a stupid question, but.. I mean.. You licked me... I don't think I taste to good to you.." He looked away and then back down at his feet. Why was he so embarras.sed? Cuz Mordekai was standing inches from him half-naked? Nah.. It couldn't be that.. Maybe... Damn it... Why can't I look him in teh eyes...
4:24am Jan 3 2011
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Mordekai shrugged. "Call me old fashioned," he said, pushing his dark hair out of his face. When asked if he liked Riku in return, he arched an eyebrow. "Would I ever lick just anyone? I am not today's human teenagers, after all," he stated, tilting his head before his lay his hands on the other's shoulders and leaned in to brush his lips against Riku's, dark eyes mischievious.
"If you want a kiss, come get it," he purred.
4:29am Jan 3 2011
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Riku let a sudden happy feeling come over him. Riku softly whispered, his lips brushing Mordekai's with every letter. "This has got to be a dream.. If it is, please don't wake me up.." He leaned closer, pressinghis lips to Mordekai's. They were warm and smooth even thougth Mordekai didn't seem like the warmest demon. He let his eyes slightly close and heimpulsively placed his hands just under Mordekai's ribs. He was actually pretty happy. Don't wake up Riku... Please don't wake up if this is some kind of fantasy, just keep it going for a while... please... DON'T BE DAMN DREAM!!
4:38am Jan 3 2011
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"Mm, you think a dream would be doing this?" Mordekai asked as he moved to trail his fingers from just behibd one of the other's ears all the way to his neck, returning the kiss when it was issued. He moved a hand to slide it into Riku's hair to pull his face a little closer, his other hand snaking around the other demon's waist, the usually stoic demon grinning. It was...a bit odd, to say the least.
4:48am Jan 3 2011
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Riku let his body heat up with the satisfaction he was feeling. He wanted so much more. A thousand years and just now was he getting what he wanted. Riku let his hands slide up to Mordekai's chest. How he just wanted to stay like this. He whispered softly in Mordekai's ear. "I don't think a dream would.. So.. This is all real.. I've waited a thousand years for this.." He smiled. Warmth coming over his usually cold body as he let Mordekai wrap his arm around his waist. The young demon was happy that his elder fianlly showed him what he wanted for so long. He slid his hands up to the demon's shoulders. Black hair between two fingers. The silky touch and nice color, something he's wanted to touch for a while.
4:54am Jan 3 2011
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(Ru, wanna take this bit to Rmail? ;D)
4:56am Jan 3 2011
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(sure. ;D)
3:57pm Jan 3 2011
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( You naughty naughty Kids ;P lol ) Alex allowed for himself be touched, guided, and pinned against the wall however the other pleased. He tilted his head a little and reached up to rest one arm on either side of Kyin's head, interlocking his fingers. "I'm cute... huh?" He asked with a smirk. He extended his neck and used the bridge of his nose to lift Kyin's jaw to kiss his neck softly. "I'm not that slow." He said close to his ear. He pulled his face away and looked Kyin, arms still in place waiting for him to take control of the situation or drop it.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
4:24pm Jan 3 2011
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Posts: 5,542
Kyin smiled. "Neh. You are pretty slow. Took you a while to get here.. And I don't think that would be good for a fight." He dragged his lower hand around Alex and brought him closer to his body. He tilted Alex's head gently and kissed his neck several times up to his ear, softly whispering, his voice smooth as silk, "Hope you enjoyed this little preview." He slid his tounge down to Alex's exposed shoulder and then dropped his hands. He smiled and turned around, walking into the living room, seeing his brother and Mordekai. "Whoa!! Alex, forget trying to get Riku.." He saw Ketsubaki and sat next to him on the floor. "Why are you on the floor?" He motioned for Alex to come into the living room, where many of the demons were.
5:08pm Jan 3 2011
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Alex purred, "You've never seen me fight..." He replied, "You'd be surprised at what I can do~" He said with a smirk and then his head was lifted and he was once again letting himself be handled. His neck was a certainly on of his more sensitive areas on his body and he made a few small noises while Kyin kissed it. Once it was over and Kyin moved away Alex pouted slightly, he had enjoyed his little preview. He sighed, running his fingers threw his bangs and behind his ear and turned to go into the kitchen. He walked past Kyin and Ketsubaki on the floor and toward the fridge to see what kind of goodies that Malice had hidden in there.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
5:14pm Jan 3 2011 (last edited on 5:20pm Jan 3 2011)
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(lolz goodies sounds funny.. XD) Kyin looked as Alex walked past him and into the Kitchen. "So, you liked the preview? I don't get it then. Why do you want the others?" He gave Ketsubaki a small kiss on the cheek and stood up. "Ketsubaki, i heard someone saying you wanted to tell me something. I'll be happy to hear what you have to say tonight." He smiled and walked into the kitchen, wrapping his arm around Alex's shoulder. "What are you looking for? Something sweet to eat?" He reached in and took out a starfruit. He bit one point off and swallowed that. "Why don't you go hunting with me today? I havent caught a single angel in a while.."
5:20pm Jan 3 2011
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Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:14pm Jan 3 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(I feel like making a nine-tailed kitsune. Come up with a cool design. Cx)
6:16pm Jan 3 2011
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Posts: 17,364
 ** Haku on the left, Kial on the right**
Name; Haku Wolfsbane//Kial Wolfsbane Age; Lost count// 211 years, Newborn Gender; Male//Male S.O; Gay//Bi, thinks he's straight. Mate?; [Open For both] Personality; Haku is quiet, but not shy. Though, he will stand up for his friends/family, and he has no problem with getting into another demon's face and telling them off. He doesn't like being the center of attention, and he's used to being alone. He has an 'I don't care' kind of attitude. // Kial is practically the exact opposite of his brother, Haku. He loves to tease others and make then laugh. In other words, he's an odd ball. He makes friends in the wierdest way possible. Just like his brother, he hates seeing others bullied and will stand up for his beliefs. He's stubborn and hard-headed. Abilites?; Haku's weapon is blood. He can form it in any shape possible. // Kial can control shadows and manipulate silver~ Likes; Drawing, playing with his prey, shiny things, ice cream (cotton candy flavored) Foods such as spaghetti, meat ball subs, ravioli and spicy foods.// Teasing others, bothering his brother, making others laugh, spicy burritos, and reptiles. Dislikes; Tight jeans, retarded tattoos, stuff. O.O Friends; Malice? ^^ Family; Deceased. Past; Still trying to forget. Song?; Tourniquet-Evansence
6:23pm Jan 3 2011
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Posts: 7,187
[[ Love that song :D Bring them in any time anywhere you want to kay? :3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~