Infectious [Wolf RP]

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7:48pm Jan 2 2013

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Posts: 935
{{Dun dun dun!!}}

"What?!" Jath protested. "What do you mean she's infected?!" He yelled. He got out of the water, soaking wet. Jath saw as the other wolfs' ears went back, and she backed up and tucked in her tail. Jath knew what was going on. He had seen this before, but he thought those rumors were a lie! Jath cursed under his breath. "True! Stay up there and run! Don't look back just RUN!" Jath began to run as well, hoping that Wescot was right behind him. He turned around to check. "Wescot, c'mon!" Jath yelled


7:55pm Jan 2 2013

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Posts: 1,274
Wescot was in a daze, staring at this sister. He started to back away, but lost his footing in the slippery sand on the river floor. He slipped and fell underwater.

Shasta's eyes glowed in the night and bared her teeth. Kill, kill, kill. Her mind screamed.

{{uber fail}}


8:03pm Jan 2 2013 (last edited on 1:59am Jan 3 2013)

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Posts: 935
{{Just completely ignore what this post said, I forgot what Florence had posted before. So all in all, True rescued Wescot.}}


8:16pm Jan 2 2013

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Posts: 4,873
[I wanna jump in...... :l ]

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

8:18pm Jan 2 2013

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Posts: 935
{{Spirit, you're Rain, right? Or Shadow? (I forgot. :/) You could say you head Jath yelling and went to see what was wrong... or something?*}}


8:24pm Jan 2 2013

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Posts: 4,873
[Rain, and k ^^]

Rain herd the yelling of the others and stood up. She then darted off towards the direction and soon reached their destination. As soon as she saw Jath, Wescot, and another female wolf. She darted into action and growled loudly at the other female. She looked as if she were to threaten to two males. "Run, go back to the territory." she barked to the two males, Wescot, and Jath. She lied her ears back and snarled at the rival wolf.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

8:33pm Jan 2 2013

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Posts: 935
"Rain, you can't possibly fight this wolf, she'll kill you! She's infected!" Jath shouted at Rain.

{{Sorry for shortness}}


8:40pm Jan 2 2013 (last edited on 9:06pm Jan 2 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 384
 ((Sorry I was gone for so long D:))

True turned her head, seeing Wescot bound after us. After hearing Jath's attempt to speak, True laughed, trying not to become a stuttering mess as well. She then turned her head forward, running down to the river after Jath. "Come on Wescot!" She called, not wanting him to feel left out. (sensitivity :P) She pushed off the ground, and dove into the deep river water. Quickly she swam to the surface, and popped her head out of the water. True shook off her fur, making it stick out in strange ways around her face and along her neck. She turned her head to the right just a few inches, and BAM. There was another wolf that seemed to have appeared out of no where. But then again, True wasn't paying close attention to her surroundings. She let out a small gasp of surprise and back paddled a foot or two. "Hello there..." She said, her head quirked to one side as she noticed something slightly strange about this wolf as it began to back away from them. True's ears flicked back, hearing Wescot's comment loud and clear. She swam in place, seemingly frozen. Jath's warning then came to her. Suddenly, she snapped back to attention. Quickly, she swam back to shore and ran up to a near hill. That is when she looked back and noticed that Wescot had disappeared. "What... not possible." True said to herself. Just as she said it, she noticed a small trail of bubbles popping up from the water below. True broke into a run and headed back toward the river, the infected vixen completely out of her mind as she once again reached the shore to aid her friend. "I'm sorry, this might hurt a little." She said as she jumped two feet into the water, clamping onto the back of Wescot's neck. (Can't remember what that is called right now xP) She then began swimming back towards shore. "Thank goodness he is lighter in water." True thought to herself. She then drug him to the rivers edge, unsure of his consciousness.

2:22am Jan 3 2013 (last edited on 2:27am Jan 3 2013)

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Posts: 935
"True, get Wescot to safety! Rain and I will distract her while you get away." Jath yelled back at True. "And True, if I don't make it... I... I love you..." He said. Then he turned his attention to the other wolf and Rain. "Ready to Rock N' Roll?" His smiled with absolute evil. His Red eyes reflected in the moonlight. "Go," he muttered and attacked the infected wolf.

{{Sorry, I fail at posting and paying attention. I also Changed Jath's appearance a bit, he now has emo-like hair. (I love emos'!! <3) That's OK, right? I can change his appearance a bit?}}


10:04am Jan 3 2013

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Posts: 1,274
{{Yeah, that's okay. c:}}

Wescot panted as he spat out water. He shook him self off and let out a sigh. He began to slowly remember where he was and what had happened. Then, he heard snarling and the noise of pebbles rolling down into the water. "Jath!" he barked. "Don't fight her!" He leaped into the cold river once more, and began to paddle his paws to the shore on the other side. He crouched off to the side, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Shasta reared back and snarled, giving a nasty bite to Jath's side. Something caught her attention in the corner of her eye. She stopped for a moment and stared at the wolf crouched, unsure of which one to fight.


11:28am Jan 3 2013

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Posts: 384
((I have nothing against the change whatsoever. Emos <3........ I actually have a toned down version of the female emo haircut at the moment. (ever seen ledaMonsterBunny? I have  her 2009 - 2011 hair.) xD))

True let a smile show through, hearing Jath's confession. That smile quickly vanished as she watched Wescot get to his feet. "The more the merrier." True thought, seeing no extreme physical signs of pain coming from him. True then turned her head over towards the infected wolf, and quickly after doing so witnessed Jath get bitten by the wolf. "Thats it." True said as she darted towards the she wolf. Seeing her oppurtunity as the wolf paused, True leaped silently into the air, and landed on the wolf. Sadly, this wolf was slightly larger than herself, so knocking her to the ground was not the outcome. She snarled, and grabbed onto her nape successfully ripping out a chunk.... (hmm... sounds so sexy xP... I'm strange in the morning. disregard this if you wish xD.) 


11:33am Jan 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
{{Lol, that's okay. I want the hair you have homg. <3 But it needs to get longerrr...}}

Shasta let out a loud yelp and whipped around clamping down on True's leg {doesn't know who she is, but just to make it less confusing} with her teeth. She let out growling noises and her tail was straight.

Wescot let out a howl and lunged at Shasta's side, knocking his head into her as she fell and let go of True. A bit dazed, Wescot looked up at the sky, confused. In these few seconds Shasta clamped down on Wescot's throat.

{{Dun worry gais, Wescot isn't going to die. xD}}


11:59am Jan 3 2013

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Posts: 384
True let out a loud yelp as she felt the wolf come in contact with her skin, and then muscle. True lunged at the wolf, missing her over, and over, and over again. her fear, as well as the pain in her back limb grew stronger. Suddenly, she saw a large mass fling its self into the infected wolf. The wolf fell to the ground, giving True a chance to escape her grasp. She did just that. She limped a couple of feet away, keeping her leg completely off of the ground. "Wescot!" She yelled as she watched the female grab hold of his throat. True then turned back toward the infected, and ran towards her as fast as she could possibly bear. About one fourth of the way there, she lost her footing, and let out a pained yelp as she fell to the ground. "Jath! Don't worry about me, go help Wescot" True called, her voice shaky, unlike her usual.

3:44pm Jan 3 2013

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Posts: 4,873
Rain quickly jumped into action and jumped onto the wolfs back and latched onto the back of the wolfs neck, she then twisted and turned, trying to tear a large chunk out of the wolfs neck. She growled and pulled back angerly. She then let go, the mission she had gone for was failed. She then pounced back onto the wolf once again and clamped down on it's neck once again.

[Short post =[ ]

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

3:53pm Jan 3 2013 (last edited on 4:13pm Jan 3 2013)

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Posts: 1,274
Shasta fell over, but kicked out with her legs, trying to knock a wolf over.



5:29pm Jan 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(Wow! Lots of pages to read!)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

5:36pm Jan 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 384

((xD, read like the wind!)

6:15pm Jan 3 2013

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Posts: 9,781
(My eyes hurt from one page! Can someone please just tell me what happened and if they went anywhere?)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

6:22pm Jan 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 935
{{Yay! I love emos and emo hair. Sorry I wasn't here, I stayed up all last night because we were dropping off my sister at the airport, and our downstairs neighbor was keeping from sleeping... eventually the cops came to our house. ANYWAY, long story short, I went to bed at 6 am today and just got up at 5 pm. xD Good morning!}}

After Jath lunged at the wolf, she bit him in his side. He did his best not to howl in pain, but there was blood everywhere, and a gaping hole where the bite was. he fell on his side, dazed. After a few moments he got up and saw each of the other wolves lunge, and, most of the time, fail, even though he watched True take a chunk off that wolves neck. He then witnessed True get bit in the leg. That angered him, and he almost was about to bite that wolf in the eyeballs, when Wescot was grasped by the throat and True yelled, 'Jath! Don't worry about me, go help Wescot!' He quickly went to Wescot's aid. Jath ran over there and bit the she-wolfs tail, hoping that would turn her attention on him, and not Wescot, so that Wescot could get away and run. "All wolves stand down!" Jath yelled at everybody. "Run!" Jath ordered, as if he were an alpha again. He didn't want anybody else getting hurt, especially True. His plan was to let everybody escape while he fought this wolf, or died trying. Jath kept yelling at the she-wolf to get her attention. Then it clicked. The reason Wescot had blacked out and fell in the water... the reason he froze after tackling her... Oh, great gods of the Seven Volcanoes... Wescot was that girls brother! He definitely couldn't let the group kill her now. He jumped on the girls back and started to bite at her neck, desperately trying to get her attention. "RUN!" Jath barked at the other wolves.


9:25pm Jan 3 2013 (last edited on 10:05pm Jan 3 2013)

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Posts: 384

((Gah, I can't think of a way to respond to this one! /spam :P)) 

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