6:10pm Jul 24 2011
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(We will wait for Rika to post her bios, then we can start. and call me Kupa, not Kupala. :D)
9:01pm Jul 24 2011
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9:03pm Jul 24 2011
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||Can there be loners? o3o.||
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
9:16pm Jul 24 2011
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12:33am Jul 25 2011
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11:38am Jul 25 2011
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((( Yay a bumpathon!!!!! Just kiddin... :) ))
7:35pm Jul 26 2011
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8:17pm Jul 26 2011
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(Alright, we're going to have to start without Rika just so this doesn't die. We can give her a recap when she comes back.) Akime walked nervously back to the den-area, a dark gray and white wolf following her. Akime knew she'd be in trouble, and there was fear in her face as she approached the alpha; Curren. Curren sighed as he saw Akime with the unfamilliar wolf. He stood up and jumped onto the snowy ground off the boulder he'd been sitting on and approached Akime, tail raised and ears forward. He gave her an irritated look. He knocked the dark-colored wolf onto its back, keeping it pinned to the ground with his paw. "What's this?" He asked, looking straight at Akime. Akime was silent. "Well?" Curren growled. "I found him." Akime replied quickly. "...In the Nothing." "What were you doing out there?!" Curren snarled in Akime's face. She backed away, thinking she was going to be bitten. "You'll lead them straight back to us!" Akime crouched into a submissive stance. Curren sighed. Well, they're likely to kill her now. "Well...who is this...?" Curren asked, letting his paw off the dark gray and white wolf. "This is Bangle." Akime replied. "He's an apprentice from the other pack." Bangle's tail was between his legs as Curren closed his eyes and sighed. "And you brought him here why?" The grey alpha sat down, angry at Akime. "I...I don't know." Akime admitted. "You're going to die because you didn't know why you went into the nothing, despite all the rules and the warnings they've given us? They've specifically told us not to go in there, and that they'll track down and kill anyone who does." ----- Lythia woke up and yawned, stretching out and then standing up. She walked around the camp and sighed as she saw no one to talk to. She noticed that Bangle wasn't there. Maybe he's hunting. (sorry for the Fail on Lythia's part.)

8:52pm Jul 26 2011 (last edited on 8:57pm Jul 26 2011)
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((It's fine, my posts aren't exactly great either. I love Lythia's name, by the way. It just reminds me of Lithium xD)) Xylon was slightly too far away from the wolves to hear what was being said between Curren and Akime, but he could tell by Akime's submissive, guilty posture it wasn't good. He could see the form of another wolf he didn't recognize standing with them. Xylon knew he shouldn't interfere with matters like this, but his curiosity got the better of him and he decided to approach them, if only to see what was happening. He trotted over to the small gathering of wolves, dipping his head in a gesture of respect as he addressed his Alpha. "Excuse me, Curren, but may I ask what's going on here?" he said, lifting his head but not making eye contact with Curren for fear of angering him. He sat back on his haunches and turned his attention to the unknown grey and white wolf. Well, he thought. I can only assume he is from The Nothing, but why has he come here? ~~~ Krael stalked through the Kohzar territory, patrolling the border meticulously. Those Redwood wolves are far too scared to dare crossing the border, and rightfully so, he thought smugly. They are unworthy creatures. How dare they even call themselves wolves. Krael was bored, so he decided to go pick on the omega. "Hey! You!" he shouted, causing Aerya to jump. He smirked at this, and nipped at her shoulder hard enough to draw blood. She yelped, more from surprise than pain. "Krael, stop," she pleaded. "You," he said, grinning unnervingly, "Are worthless, and unworthy of the honour of being a Kohzar wolf." Aerya crouched submissively. "Why don't you just let me go, then," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "I could join the Redwood pack, or become a loner. I would leave your pack alone, never return," she said. She knew it was futile to even ask. She had asked before to leave, and was always denied. "Please, have a heart Krael," she said. Krael's grin only widened. He spat at the omega's feet, then walked away, head held high. He continued to patrol, and had he not taken the time to harass Aerya, he would have seen the Redwood wolf leading Bangle back the Redwood territory. Aerya saw it all, and silently cheered the Redwood wolf on. Good luck to you, she thought, and don't get caught. ~~~ Svali watched from a distance as Akime lead a Kohzar wolf into their territory and straight to Curren. How did she manage that one? Svali wondered incredulously. He looks like he's following her so willingly. She couldn't believe any wolf from The Nothing would ever give themselves up, so she had to assume Akime had either made a deal or threatened him. Either way, she did a great job, Svali thought approvingly.
8:54pm Jul 26 2011
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Kanya crawled out of her den with a yawn. She stretched and looked around camp. Nothing interesting, really. She walked back into her den and laid back down, flicking her tail with her paws crossed. ~ Ohjain slumped through his territory, hot and parched. He saw a little puddle of water and ran to it and dran it up. He licked his chops and scurried off, trying to find something to do. (( Sorry, I fail at intros. ))
12:21pm Jul 27 2011
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OoC: Too late to join? Oreos 8D Name Rhazet (like RAH-zet) Age Young adult Gender Female Looks
 Pack Redwood Rank Apprentice Personality Inquisistive, stubborn and does not usually listen to anyone if she wants something. Rhazet can also be pretty annoying, but she stands up for herself and for others. She belives strongly in the things she believes in and would do anything for the person she loves. She is also quick to lose her temper and loves to fight, for fun or otherwise. History Secret. Crush Looking/open Other Nah ~ Name
Azrul-Ryne (or simply Ryne. I love complicated names xP) Age Young adult Gender Male Looks  Pack Kohzar Rank Lead hunter? Personality Outside, Azrul-Ryne appears to be aloof, quiet and mysterious, and doesn't talk a whole lot. He isn't exactly evil or cruel but quite ferocious and protective of the wolves he is close to. But once you get to know him, you realize he is very deep and loving, just that he prefers not to show it out much. And he is not especially interested in finding love, unless he finds someone who isn't like all the rest. History Secret. Crush Svali Other Naw.
4:27pm Jul 28 2011
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(accepted, Winx, I'll go check and see if Ryne can be lead hunter.) Curren turned to Xylon. "Akime seems to have brought someone in from the Nothing." He said, growling at Akime. "Akime, what did you say his name was?" "Bangle." it was Bangle who replied, not Akime." "I didn't ask you, Bangle." Curren snarled. He turned back to Akime. "Why'd you bring him here?" "He wanted to join the Redwood Pack." Akime said. "No." Curren replied instantly. "Xylon, please escort Bangle back to the nothing. Do not cross the border." --- Lythia padded over to Ohjain. "It's so cold!" She said, shaking some snow off herself. She sat down next to him. "Hey, have you seen Bangle?"
4:52pm Jul 28 2011
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Ohjain shrugged, shivering also. "No, I don't think so. Not yet today." He sat down on his haunches. "Why?" ~ Kanya ran out of the den. She was bored and enerjetic. She needed to find something to do.
5:18pm Jul 28 2011
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Xylon was shocked- a Kohzar wolf wanting to join Redwood pack? It was unheard of. Curren seemed upset too. "Yes, of course, sir. I'm on it," he said quickly when Curren told him to lead Bangle back. Then, turning to Bangle, he said "Come on," his tone wasn't unkind, although it wasn't friendly either. He lead the Kohzar wolf back towards The Nothing, and once they were out of earshot of Curren and Akime, he said, "So. Is it true? That you wanted to join our pack?" He wanted to believe there were good wolves left in The Nothing, that some may even want to join forces with them, the Redwood wolves. However, Xylon found it hard to trust this wolf. Why would anyone in Kohzar pack want to leave such a position of power and join the Redwood wolves as prisoners? It didn't make sense. He watched Bangle warily, ready to defend himself if need be. ~~~ Svali lay down and continued watching the odd scene. First Akime had lead a wolf from The Nothing into their territory, and now Xylon was leading him back? Why? What had happened? She decided she would make some time to ask Akime about it later. ~~~ Aerya licked the wound on her shoulder, and was just about to walk off when she saw something odd. Bangle was coming back into the territory... with a Redwood wolf? She had assumed Bangle was captured by the Redwood pack, but now they were letting him come back unharmed. None of this seemed right. ~~~ Krael decided to stop patrolling the border, no one was going to cross it anyway. He trotted over to Ohjain and Lythia and nodded his head in acknowledgement of them. "Anything interesting going on?" he said, then answered the question himself. "Oh let me guess- no. Nothing exciting ever happens anymore. What I wouldn't give for a good fight."
5:32pm Jul 28 2011
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Bangle followed Xylon. "Yeah." He said. "Most of the Kohzar wolves are cruel, and they say I'm going to be an omega, some day, because I'm not agressive enough to make a decent fighter." He paused. "I'm definitely going to get in trouble." He added. --- Curren sighed and looked at Akime. "They are likely to kill you, you know that?" When she gave him a single nod, he sighed and shook his head. "Go hunt. Take a few wolves with you." Akime nodded and trotted away. She howled. The howl basically translated to;'does anyone want to go hunting?' --- "Well, Bangle's gone missing." Lythia said, turning to Krael.
5:39pm Jul 28 2011
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Haji was shocked. He didn't think Bangle would ever go missing. He was not at all aggressive. And he didn't want to be. Did he leave the pack? "I wonder where he went..."' Kanya ran around camp with boundless energy. She stopped when she saw a Kohzar wolf. She shrugged, thinking someone else would take care of the problem. But they weren't. She got suspicious and watched the wolf.
5:57pm Jul 28 2011
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Svali howled back, the eerie song resonating through the air. "Yes," was what it meant. She loped over to Akime. Good, this meant Svali could go on a good hunt, as well as give her the chance to talk to Akime. ~~~ "Oh really?" Krael said. "Well then, I suppose interesting things still do happen once in a while. Oh well, it's not a huge loss, he would have ended up an omega, just like Aerya. They're worthless, both of them." ~~~ Xylon considered what Bangle had said. His story sounded plausible enough, and if he had wanted to attack the Redwood pack, he would have done it by now. He had plenty of opportunities while he was alone with Akime. "All right, fair enough." Xylon said. "But there's one thing I don't understand. Why our pack? We're essentially being held prisoner by the rest of your pack. Wouldn't it have been easier to join some other pack that was far away from The Nothing?" They were nearly at the border now, and Xylon slowed down a little to give them a bit longer to talk. He wanted to learn more about Bangle and maybe even see if he could help him. ~~~ Aerya swivelled her ears forward in an attempt to catch a bit of the conversation between Bangle and the Redwood male. She was too far away to hear everything, but she thought she caught the word 'join,' somewhere in there. Did Bangle want to join the Redwood wolves, like she did? She would need to talk to him later and see if it was true.
6:14pm Jul 28 2011
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Lythia growled at Krael as he insulted her friend. She wanted to bite him, but was afraid of the punishment. She thought for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to hurt him. --- Bangle sighed. "Honestly, I didn't think of that." He said. "I didn't know there were other packs." He looked toward the border. --- Akime smiled a little, seeing Svali. "We should bring Kanya, too." She said. She couldn't figure out where Kanya was, though. She sighed. "KANYA!" She barked. --- Curren layed down.
6:24pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 7:22pm Jul 28 2011)
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Ohjain growled at Krael for insulting the omega and omega-to-be. "Leave them alone. No one here wants to hear your worthless talk." ~ EDIT: forgot about the hunt thing. Kanya barked, "Whah- What?" Running to the voice.
6:42pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 6:43pm Jul 28 2011)
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((Demon, I thought you were using Ohjain, not Haji? xD)) "Agreed," Svali said simply, looking around for Kanya as well. She smiled when she saw her approach. ~~~ "Well, either way you should probably go back before they notice you're gone," Xylon said. "I wish you luck," he said. "Unfortunately I can go no further." He sat down at the very edge of the border, knowing that this could be the last time he saw Bangle. It's a shame, really, he thought. We could use a wolf like him on our side. He waited for Bangle to cross, and just as he looked like he was about to, Xylon called after him, "Bangle wait," he said, then instantly regretted it. No, this is the right thing to do, he thought. "Hold on, i need to talk to you," he said. ~~~ Krael laughed. "Two against one, is it? You two are far too protective of him." He sat down nonchalantly. "Alright, come at me then. What's it gonna be? I can take both of you on, no problem," he said, flashing an unnerving smile. ~~~ Aerya tilted her head, still watching Bangle and the Redwood male.