7:17pm Jul 28 2011
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Bangle turned his head to Xylon. "What?" He asked, turning around. "Why?" -- Akime smiled at Kanya. "We're going hunting! Want to come?" She wagged her tail. --- Lythia snarled and bit his muzzle. "I'd reconsider that." She said. He thinks he's so strong. Sure, maybe, but i'm easily more agile and quick. --- Curren sat.
7:31pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 7:31pm Jul 28 2011)
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(( Sorry, queen, I fixed that. I had been roleplaying Haji alot lately, and I forgot about Ohjain, lol! )) Ohjain growled and hit Krael with a blow of his paw. "You know, If your so strong, then why don;t you try hurting me? I dare you!" He growled, hating it when someone insults, anyone really. ~ Kanya nodded. "Of course! I love to hunt!" She said, wagging her tail.
8:09pm Jul 28 2011
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((haha It's fine, Demon. It sounds like something I would do xD)) Krael winced in pain and pulled away from Lythia, only to be hit again by Ohjain. "So you do want a fight," he said. "Fine by me." He curled back his lips to reveal sharp fangs and lunged at Lythia, biting down on her shoulder. He wasn't used to fighting more than one wolf at once, so he left himself wide open for another attack from Ohjain. Snarling, he let go of Lythia to try and face them both at once. How am I going to pull this one off? he thought. I may actually have to submit to them eventually, and they'll never let me live that one down. ~~~ "I want to try and convince my alpha to let you stay," Xylon said. "We really could use another wolf on our side. Power in numbers, you know?" He paused to see how Bangle would react to this. How would they pull this off? Sure wolves would come from the nothing to either get Bangle back or kill him. Xylon mentally berated himself for even offering, but he couldn't just let Bangle go back to The Nothing like this, he would certainly be punished for his actions. ~~~ Aerya heard the tell tale sounds of a fight just a short distance away, and seeing as nothing else exciting seemed to be happening between Bangle and the Redwood male, she decided to go check it out. ~~~ Svali grinned at Kanya. "Good," she said.
8:28pm Jul 28 2011
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"No...I shouldn't." Bangle said. "My friends...I don't want them to think I left them. Not all Kohzar wolves are bad." He smiled. "Thank you, though, I'll let you know if I ever change my mind." -- Lythia let out a very low growl as Krael bit her. She jumped straight over him and bit his hind leg, not letting go until blood flowed into her mouth. Then she bit his back,trying her hardest to push him onto the ground while doing so. -- Akime smiled. "Let's go! She bolted into the woods, looking for prey.
8:43pm Jul 28 2011
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"All right," Xylon said. "Good luck," he smiled and looked at Bangle before turning around to go report back to Curren. When he arrived, he said "I escorted Bangle back to The Nothing, as you asked." ~~~ Krael tried not to yelp, thinking it would make him seem weak, but he couldn't help himself and let out an involuntary cry of pain. He craned his neck to try and snap at Lythia, who was still on his back. She pushed hard enough to knock Krael to the ground, and he struggled wildly to try and get up. "You're strong," he said, staying still for a moment. "I'm impressed." Then, after a moment, he added "I'm stronger." Krael twisted his body around to bite Lythia once more, hoping it would be enough to make her let go. ~~~ Svali ran after Akime, already scenting the air for possible prey. ~~~ Aerya arrived just in time to see Lythia forcing Krael to the ground. She sat down about twenty feet away and grinned to herself. "What goes around, comes around, I guess." she said to no one in particular.
8:55pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 8:56pm Jul 28 2011)
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"Good." Curren said. He layed down. "What did the Kohzar Wolf have to say?" -- Lythia yelped and let go, yanking backwards and out of his jaws in pain. She winced, temporarily unable to attack again, but realized she had to unless she wanted to be attacked again. She ran at him at full speed, and was extremely angered by now. jumping off the ground and at him, Lythia bit his face as hard as she could. -- Bangle ran back to the den area, and quickly noticed the fight. He growled at Krael. -- Akime continued walking. (wait for demon.)
9:08pm Jul 28 2011
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"Not much," Xylon lied. "He mostly seemed worried about getting in trouble from his pack. He actually seemed okay for a Kohzar wolf," he said. That, at least, was true. ~~~ ((Lol, three against one now. Gonna have to submit soon)) Krael yelped loudly, trying in vain to pull free from Lythia's grip. He could feel a trickle of blood run into his eye, obscuring his vision. It's okay, you can still beat her, Ohjain too, Krael thought to himself, but he knew it would soon be over when he heard Bangle approach and growl as well. Krael had always been stubborn, though, and tried to push Lythia to the ground in a last ditch effort to win this fight. He could feel himself beginning to weaken, though, and doubted he would come out on top. ~~~ Aerya continued to watch, thoroughly amused that Krael was being beaten so easily. ~~~ ((Okay))
9:14pm Jul 28 2011
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(( Oh my god I'm missing the fight! I feel like Ohjain was just watching, lol! )) Haji got MAD. He didn't like seeing Lythia get hurt, and we won't stand it. He growled lowly and lunged at Krael and bit his foreleg, and rapidly shook his head back and forth to induce more pain. Blood filled into his mouth. That'll show him, he thought. ~ Kanya followed.
9:22pm Jul 28 2011
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Krael whined in pain, he couldn't take much more of this. If I can just endure a little bit more, I know I can beat them, he thought. It was then that Ohjain bit him. The bite itself hadn't been that bad, he had had worse, it was the shaking that did him in. It made his leg feel like it was going to shatter right in Ohjain's jaws. "Alright," he said, voice shaky as he grimaced from the pain. "I give. Let go," he said, eyes closed tightly. Krael was panting now, and his whole body hurt from the various wounds he had sustained.
9:28pm Jul 28 2011
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Haji let go and spit the blood from his mouth. "You better." He growled, still in a fighting stance.
9:33pm Jul 28 2011
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Lythia yelped when Krael bit her, but as soon as Ohjain came back into the fight and bit him, she had a chance to get up. She saw Krael submit, and sat down, satisfied. "So you were too weak?" Lythia dared to say. Bangle sat down next to Lythia, shocked that she and Ohjain had beaten Krael on their own. Bangle hadn't done much, except come in and snarl. He wished he would've helped. --- Curren nodded. "He should be in trouble. Akime will be, too, when she gets back." Curren said. Akime led them a little further, then saw a herd of elk. "Over there!" She whisper-yelled, pointing with her nose.
9:37pm Jul 28 2011
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Haji smirked, satisfied. ~ Kanya's ears perked up, and she wagged her tail. But not too much, for it miight scare the elk. She went into a stalking posision, seeking out the weekest and youngest of the herd.
9:47pm Jul 28 2011
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"Don't push it," Krael snarled in response to Lythia's remark. He took a moment to glare at the three wolves crowded around him. Slowly, he managed to stand up, blood still dripping from his various wounds. He found it hard to stand normally on his forepaw, but he did it anyway to try and retain a shred of dignity. A wave of agony overcame him, almost forcing him back to the ground, and it took everything he had not to cry out again. Slowly, as normally as he could, Krael stalked away from his pack members. He was so focused on just getting away that he didn't even bother to try and hide his limp as he fled. ~~~ Xylon only nodded in response, unsure of how else to answer. "I only wonder what would have happened had he been allowed back into the pack." he said, more to himself than Curren. ~~~ Svali nodded and prepared to help her pack mates take down one of the elk. She scanned the herd to try and find the weakest one.
9:54pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 9:54pm Jul 28 2011)
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Ohjain watched Krael stalk away painfully. He didn't like hurting anyone, but he had to this time. He looked over to Lythia. "Are you okay, Lythia?" Ohjain asked looking her over for wounds. ~ Kanya perked herears when she saw an elderly, limping female in the herd. "Hey, look!" She said, staring at the elk.
9:55pm Jul 28 2011
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Lythia smirked as Krael ran off. Turning to Ohjain, she asked "Are you alright?" Bangle was silent. -- Akime looked at the herd, trying to find weak elk. "There's one limping near the edge of the herd." She pointed with her nose toward the elk she was talking about. -- Curren looked at Xylon. "His pack would've come looking for him." Curren paused. "And when they found him here, it would be chaos."
10:01pm Jul 28 2011
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Haji nodded. "Are you okay?" He said, looking over Lythia for wounds. (( I know I said that before, but you posted right after me so... )) ~ Kanya looked at the limping elk. She licked her chops and went into a stalking position.
10:10pm Jul 28 2011
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"Yeah." Lythia replied. - Akime crept toward the elk. *FAILS)
9:49am Jul 29 2011
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Ohjain nodded. "Okay, good." He looked over to Bangle. "Thank you." He nodded a thanks in respect to the wolf. ~ And so did Kanya.
12:28pm Jul 29 2011
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OoC: I guess I'll just jump in :3 Rhazet woke up with a jolt, the sound of the howl still resounding in her ears. She didn't realize that she had dozed off while toying with a twig she had found that morning. She squeezed her eyes shut, still feeling drowsy, and stretched her forelimbs. Rhazet had no idea about what had happened, but she felt tension in the air. She walked around for a while, and stopped when she spotted Curren. She was curious to know what had happened, and the fact that the Alpha looked a little distressed was no real problem for her. She approached him with a respectful dip of the head. "I thought I heard a howl a few minutes ago. What's going on?" she asked rather informally. ~~~ Azrul-Ryne saw Krael limp away and chuckled to himself. It wasn't everyday you get to see a sight like that. He had watched everything without comment, which was not unusual to his nature. He had been a member of the Kohzar pack long enough to know it was wiser to keep your mouth shut unless asked your opinion, which was fine by him. He knew the few wolves who made the mistake would be punished cruelly, and glanced involuntarily in Aerya's direction.
1:31pm Jul 29 2011
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Krael walked directly past Aerya as he fled from the fight. She grinned at him as he limped past. "Well," he growled, without turning around. "Aren't you going to say something, tell me how weak and unworthy I am?" he snapped. ~~~ Aerya was quiet for a moment, then spoke in her usual quiet tone. "No," she said simply. "I may be an omega, but I am not one for petty insults, unlike others in the Kohzar pack." ~~~ Krael was silent. He turned his head to look at Aerya, his amber eyes glaring hatefully at her. After a moment of this, he continued to limp away, heading off to a quiet, secluded spot to lick his wounds. ~~~ Xylon nodded. Curren was probably right. As cruel as it seemed to refuse to allow Bangle into the pack, it was the right thing to do. He was silent for a moment as he watched Rhazet approach. She had asked about Akime, wondering why she had howled. Without stopping to consider the possibility that Curren may not like him answering for him, Xylon said "It was just Akime. She and two others- Svali and Kanya, if I'm not mistaken- went hunting. You could probably still catch up to them if you wanted, they couldn't have gotten far." He smiled at Rhazet as he spoke. ~~~ Svali looked to Kanya and Akime. They had both locked on to the same target she had- an older cow elk. Good, this will be an easy kill, she thought. Silently, she mouthed the words 'On three?'