2:23am Jul 31 2011
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Azrul-Ryne stopped dead in his tracks. He was positive he saw something silver through the corner of his eye. What was that? He sniffed the air and felt a faint scent of an alien wolf, and then another wolf who had the Kohzar's smell. That's odd. Ryne padded quickly in their direction, wondering if it was Bangle and the other wolfess again. Improbable, considering what has happened lately. ~ Rhazet's ears pricked up at the howl, the second one she had heard that day. But this one was different. The Kohzars?! the thought flashed through her head, momentarily numbing her. She broke into a run and slowed her pace when Akime and the others were in sight.
9:54am Jul 31 2011
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Walking forward at the same desperately slow pace, Ari saw a hazy image of a few wolves standing over something. He couldn't tell if they were the wolves that had chased him in here, or even how many there were. Nore could he tell what it was they were standing over. He still smelt the blood, though, so that was likely a kill. It was too bluryy. Still, he kep walking, hoping the image would clear. When it didn't, he stopped and looked around him. Everything was blurry. He walked faster though. This newfound hope was not to be crushed by his waning sight. He howled again, to make sure they had heard him, and walked on. His burst of speed quickly slowed when he realized his eyes were shutting on him even as he walked.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:06am Jul 31 2011
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Kanya watched a weak wolf approach them. She really wasn't bothered, the wolf looked quite harmless at that point. She looked at the others, wondering what to do.
10:18am Jul 31 2011
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[[Should we wait for the others before they meet?]] Aris vision was completely non-existent at that point. All he could see was the blurred colours of things. Still he walked on, though. Now he could smell more than just the blood, he could smeel the scent of another wolf. And not just one, either. He decided they might see it wrong if he came right up to them, so sat, at what he judged with his nose, to be about ten feet away. From there he called out to them. ''Uh... Hello?'' He was disgusted at how weak and afraid he sounded. Even more disgusted by the fact that that was what he was.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:52am Jul 31 2011
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Rhazet stopped near Akime, eyes fixed on the wolf in an intimidating glare. Her ears were pointed forward and tail held horizontal and stiffly, hoping to show she meant business. Rhazet was taken aback by the 'hello' and, feeling rather like an idiot, abandoned her agressive stance. The wolf was, she now saw, gaunt and frail, probably from starvation. Her eyes softened as she thought what he must have gone through. Being in a pack, she had never really known what it felt like to go hungry, certainly not to the point of exhaustion or the like. She took a tentative step forward, still not letting her guard down completely. "Who are you?" she barked, as she took yet another step towards him.
11:12am Jul 31 2011
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Ari could sense that one of the wolves wasn't happy with him being there, and he was glad of the fact he had the sense to stop a little away from them. When she asked him who he was, he wondered ho much he should tell her. He decided as much as he could get out befre he could speak o more Which, at this rate, probably wouldn't be much. ''My name is Ari. I was exiled from my pack for going against the rules...'' He stopped now, panting. He realized he wouldn't be able to get up now. ''I helped a wolf from an opposing pack...'' his shoulders slumped. ''She was killed anyway. I have been wandering now for... at least a moon... and I was chased... into your territory... by another pack...'' He was panting heavily now and decided to stop talking. He had struggled to get the words out, and was now on the verge of collapsing. He just hoped she wasn't a part of that pack that had chased him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:57am Jul 31 2011
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Kanya looked over to Rhazet. Then to the lone wolf who seemed so weak. Kanya tok a few steps closer to the wolf. The overly nice wolf that she was, she said, "You can't just be alone out here in your condition." She paused. "You should come with us."
12:04pm Jul 31 2011
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Ari was amazed. He was a lone wolf, an eile, and this wolf... she would be willing to help him. He knew he would be forever in her debt. ''I... thank you...'' He got shakily to his feet, and walked in the direction his nose told him to go, stumbling. His mind was a mess. He was thankful that it was not the same pack that had chased him, but was having worries it was all a dream. He felt light-headed as well, which didn't help.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
12:23pm Jul 31 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Kanya smiled, but hoped she wouldn't be punished for bringing in an outsider from the nothing. She walked over to the skinny wolf and helped him walk easier. She put her head under his stomach so it would be easier to walk.
12:28pm Jul 31 2011
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''Thank you...''Ari murmered. He thought it was the same one who had spoken to him so kindly, but he couldn't be sure. ''You won't... get into... any trouble, for... helping me... will you?'' He didn't want such a kind wolf to end up in any danger. He would never be able to forgive himself. He realized they might be getting impatient to be home, so he tried to walk a little faster.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
12:54pm Jul 31 2011
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Rhazet followed them. She felt a trifle apprehensive, but after all, it was just helping a fellow wolf. "Do you want me to carry you?" she asked kindly, quickening her pace to walk beside them. Diespite her thin-ish frame, Rhazet was considerably strong. She slid her muzzle under the wolf's forelimbs and flicked it up so he was partly on her back. He's not heavy at all, she thought to herself. I can understand if he says he hasn't eaten for a moon.
12:58pm Jul 31 2011
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''Tha-thank you...' Ari would be surpirsed if they could hear him, he was mumbling so quietly. That last chase from that cruel pack really did it, he thought. He didn't know how much longer he could stay awake, but he tried. He wondered why it was that some wolves are born good, some are born bad, and some are born bad but made good? He wondered which one these were, the first or the third? Definitely not the middle one.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
12:58pm Jul 31 2011
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Posts: 783
((Uh... not sure what to do. Recap please someone?))
1:18pm Jul 31 2011 (last edited on 1:19pm Jul 31 2011)
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OoC: I think all that's really happened is: Kanya, Akime and Svali made a kill, Rhazet got there, they saw Ari (or rather, Ari saw them) and now Kanya and Rhazet are taking him to the den. Rhazet could hear Ari mumble something but it wasn't quite articulate. The wolf seemed greatly exhausted, so she decided not to ask him what he'd said. She threw his legs gently over her back and quickened her pace. Suddenly, it occured to her that they forgot about the kill. Rhazet didn't think the two wolves would be able to drag the corpse all the way back on their own. Turning to Kanya, she asked, "Hey, could you go back and help Akime and Svali bring the kill back to camp?"
1:27pm Jul 31 2011
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Posts: 3,809
As Ari felt himself being swung up nto one of the wolves backs, he couldn't so much as whisper a thank-you. He tried to stay awake, but couldn't help but fall into a deep, troubled sleep. [*fail*]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:03pm Jul 31 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Kanya nodded. She answered Ari's question late, thinking about it. "I don't think I'll get in trouble..." Kanya said, not really sure. She walked over with the other wolves and grabed a foreleg fom the elk and started to drag it, hoping for the other 2 to help soon.
11:20pm Jul 31 2011
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(don't leave me and queen so far behind again. Please. I missed when they met Ari, and so did Kira. Queen: Akime svali and kanya killed the elk and Lythia was sneaking around following Xylon through the Nothing. kanya met ari. and im still posting from my phone.) Akime looked curiously at the new wolf. "Hey." She said, coming toward him. "I'm Akime." (switching to Curren) Curren jumped down from the boulder. "What is taking those three dumb she-wolves so long?" He mumbled under his breath. He howled, a howl which basically meant "Hurry up!" (switching to Lythia.) Lythia was quiet as she watched the silver wolf who had wandered into the Nothing. (Switching to Bangle.) Bangle padded over to Aerya. "Hey."
11:20pm Jul 31 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(don't leave me and queen so far behind again. Please. I missed when they met Ari, and so did Kira. Queen: Akime svali and kanya killed the elk and Lythia was sneaking around following Xylon through the Nothing. kanya met ari. and im still posting from my phone.) Akime looked curiously at the new wolf. "Hey." She said, coming toward him. "I'm Akime." (switching to Curren) Curren jumped down from the boulder. "What is taking those three dumb she-wolves so long?" He mumbled under his breath. He howled, a howl which basically meant "Hurry up!" (switching to Lythia.) Lythia was quiet as she watched the silver wolf who had wandered into the Nothing. (Switching to Bangle.) Bangle padded over to Aerya. "Hey."
11:33pm Jul 31 2011
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Posts: 783
((Ok thanks for catching me up. My posts are gonna be fail, but I figure it's better than nothing. At the moment I don't have the time nor the brainpower to do any better. :/ )) Svali heard Curren's howl and quickly grasped one of the elk's legs in her jaws to help carry it. "Let's hurry," she said. "I don't want to keep Curren waiting. I don't think he's in a great mood." ~~~ "Hey," Aerya said, dipping her head to Bangle. "I um... Can we talk somewhere? Alone?" She waited for his response, hoping she wasn't overstepping her boundaries. ~~~ Xylon padded as silently as he could, completely unaware that he was being followed. Where was Bangle? He couldn't seem to find him. ~~~ Krael was still laying down, relishing the feeling of no longer being in pain.
11:47pm Jul 31 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Bangle wondered what Aerya wanted. "Yeah, sure." He said. He ran off into the woods and hoped she'd follow. (switching to Lythia.) Impatiently, Lythia let out a growl which was barely audible, but a wolf with good hearing might hear it. She crept behind him, only about five feet behind him.