12:07am Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 783
Aerya followed Bangle into the woods. When they were a fair distance away, she said "Bangle, I saw you. When you went into the Redwood territory." She paused to see his reaction before continuing. ~~~ Xylon, absorbed in his own thoughts, didn't hear the growl. He continued to walk, scanning his surroundings for Bangle. Where could he have gone? Unless... did they find out and kill him?
12:19am Aug 1 2011
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Bangle's eyes got wide. He looked at her for a moment silently, then spoke up. "Please. Please don't telll anyone!" He said. He looked at her desperately. "Please." (switching to Lythia.) Lythia leapt at the intruder and knocked him onto his back. she snarled in his face. "You shouldn't be out here, Redwood wolf." (wait for the others.)
12:19am Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Bangle's eyes got wide. He looked at her for a moment silently, then spoke up. "Please. Please don't telll anyone!" He said. He looked at her desperately. "Please." (switching to Lythia.) Lythia leapt at the intruder and knocked him onto his back. she snarled in his face. "You shouldn't be out here, Redwood wolf." (wait for the others.)
12:31am Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 1,117
OoC: Sorry about that ^^' Rhazet quickened her slow pace to a brisk trot. Maybe I should have let them go first. Bringing home an alien wolf instead of a kill wouldn't do much to make the Alpha happy. But she didn't for once regret the decision. ~ Azrul-Ryne was close enough to see it was indeed a Redwood, and that was when Lythia made her move. Stepping forward, Ryne growled, "I hope you realise you're trespassing, stranger. This is the Kohzar territory." OoC: Phailpost u_u
12:47am Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 783
Xylon didn't even have time to react before he was knocked onto his back. Idiot! He thought to himself. Now how are you going to get out of this one? "Please," he said quietly. "I mean you no harm." ~~~ "No," Aerya said. "No, I would tell anyone. Actually, the reason I wanted to talk to you is because I think we might have a common goal. I'm sick of being omega, being treated like dirt. I want to join their pack..." ((My posts are awful. I'm sorry Dx))
12:59am Aug 1 2011
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Azrul-Ryne studied the wolf closely. It was plain he meant what he said; most Redwoods knew what would happen if they did mean harm, and this one seemed to be one of the sensible ones. He glanced at Lythia, motioning her to get off the wolf. "Then why are you here?" OoC: Um, Kupala, Ryne is a Kohzar and Rhazet is the Redwood *points at first post*
1:13pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(I'll fix that later today winx once I can stop posting from my phone.)Lythia nodded to Ryne and stepped off of the silver wolf. She waited for the silver wolf's response. (switching to Bangle.) "We'll have to plan an escape. but they would notice that we were missing. They would kill us, Aerya." Bangle said. "And what about Lythia and Ohjain?" He paused. "They're my friends. Ohjain might leave, but Lythia is far too stubborn to leave the pack."
2:03pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 3,809
Ari started sstruggling. He was in a dream, but he didn't know it. Monsoon, that beautiful wolf from the opposing pack, looking at him, pleading with him to save her, but he was too weak. His father swatted him away as he would a fly. Her pale blue eyes always haunted his dreams; but rarely was it this real. He started struggling, slowly eating away at whatever energy he had left.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:41pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 3,371
8:09pm Aug 1 2011
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(( I'm missing this stuffs! D: )) Ohjain flicked his tail, his boundless energy just waiting to blow. ~ Kanya was not too far behind Rhazet and Ari now. She struggled bringing the elk up, but she had help.
11:38am Aug 2 2011
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Posts: 1,117
Rhazet felt the wolf move. Not good, she thought to herself worriedly. Thankfully, she was just a few yards from the camp now and she relaxed. As she entered, she wondered what Curren would have to say. Rhazet could see the Alpha now, standing magnificently against the boulder. She knew he could be kind and just, and she prayed silently he would be so now. Lowering her eyes, Rhazet advanced at a purposefully slow pace. "Uh, sir, I've a guest with me." She paused before hastily adding, "He's not a Kohzar."
11:46am Aug 2 2011
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Posts: 3,809
Ari stirred, and tried to open his eyes, but couldn't. He smelt a strong smell of wolves, and guessed he was at camp. Hearing the wolf who was carrying him talk about a 'guest' and 'sir', he guessed she was facing the alpha, and wished he could get up and say something clever to ge her out of trouble. He probably would have said something stupid, anyway.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
12:00pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 12:37pm Aug 2 2011)
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Posts: 3,371
Curren's jaw dropped open as he saw the strange wolf. "Not a Kohzar?" He snarled. "I hope you realize, Rhazet, that the only way to get into our territory is to go through Kohzar territory! Our territory is surrounded by theirs! There's no other way, and any wolf who went through Kohzar territory should be dead for their stupidity in the first place, and will be hunted down, which only makes them a burden to our pack!" He was very, very angry. "And let me guess, Akime was involved in the idea of bringing him here?" That was when he noticed the state the wolf was in. It looked like it needed help, and looked starved and weak to Curren. Curren looked down at his paws, thinking, then back to Rhazet and the wolf. "He can stay," Curren said," Until he is in better shape." Curren sat down. "After that, he will have to either prove that he's strong enough to join the Redwood pack, or he will have to leave. (The Kohzar pack needs an alpha pretty badly. I'm going to make one, and then if someone wants the rank later she can die.) Name:Scarlette Age:Adult Gender:Female Looks: without the hairdoo. :P Pack:Kohzar Rank:Alpha Female Personality: Scarlette is a cruel alpha, snarling at anyone who won't obey her orders. She's a skilled fighter and is very smart, and her way of thinking is violent and dark. History:Complicated. Crush:Krael, maybe? Other:none

12:05pm Aug 2 2011
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Posts: 3,809
Ari heard the Alpha yelling at the kind wolf who helped him. He prayed she was not in trouble. The words all flowed like liquid over his brai, shaping and reforming into unrecognisable sludge. He hoped she'd be alright... he started to drift off again, even though he didn't want to... finally, he fell into a fitfull, restless sleep.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
12:08pm Aug 2 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Ohjain sat. ~ Kanya heard the comversation as she entered her territory with the elk carcass. When she got behind Rhazet, she dropped the carcass from her mouth and said, "It was my idea, sir, to bring him here." not wanting Akime to get in trouble.
12:11pm Aug 2 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Curren growled. "Were you even listening to me, you dumb she-wolf?" He padded over to Kanya. "He can stay until he's better, and then he'll have to either prove he's strong enough to join the Redwood pack or leave."
12:26pm Aug 2 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Kanya lowered her head submissivley. "I heard that." She growled. She cowered down toward the elk carcass.
12:37pm Aug 2 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(Curren's such a jerk D:) Curren growled. He padded over to the elk carcass, and began eating. Great. Just great. another mouth to feed, and another idiot to discipline. Why do the she-wolves have to be so nice to everything? They would probably let bears watch pups while they hunted. (The 'they'd probably let bears watch pups while they hunted was inspired by this XD: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/007/0/b/WolfQuest_surival_of_teh_pack_by_Sky_Lily.jpg )
12:48pm Aug 2 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Lol Kupa XD )) Kanya growled and flicked her tail as she backed away from the carcass. She sat next to Rhazet and Ari. She looked at Ari, ondering if he was gonna be okay.
12:51pm Aug 2 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[Is Ari on Rhazets back or sat down? o.O Also, ROFLMAO at that kupa!]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥