12:54pm Aug 2 2011
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(( I think Ari's on her back still... lol ))
1:02pm Aug 2 2011
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(you guys, we should seriously wait for queen. She gets left behind a lot. We need to wait for her so she doesn't eventually drop out of the rp.)
1:04pm Aug 2 2011
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(( Okay, I'm definatley waiting for her, I hate getting left behind myself. ))
4:16pm Aug 2 2011
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4:21pm Aug 2 2011
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((Hey, so sorry I haven't been posting. I really appreciate you guys waiting for me. Recap please?))
4:25pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 4:27pm Aug 2 2011)
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(Lythia stepped off Xylon so he can get up, Ari was brought back to Redwood where Curren got angry but decided to let him stay until he was in better shape, I made an alphess of Kohzar who has a crush on Krael, Bangle told Aerya they should plan an escape but that he doesn't want to leave his friends; Lythia and Ohjain.
9:32pm Aug 2 2011
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10:21pm Aug 2 2011 (last edited on 10:23pm Aug 2 2011)
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Posts: 783
((Alright, thanks.)) ((EDIT: Omg, I just went back to read up on what I missed, and I saw that link you posted. Is that Wolf Quest?)) "I..." Xylon said, trying desperately to think of something to say. Eventually, he opted for the truth. "Look," he said. "I came here looking for answers, I guess. It was stupid of me. At this point, I would just be grateful if you allowed me to go back to my pack... unharmed, preferably." As he spoke, Xylon kept his head low. If I act submissively, will that make them more likely to trust me, or cause them to think me a coward? He wasn't sure, so he stood up a little higher. But not too high to be considered dangerous, he reminded himself. "Please," he said quietly. ~~~ "I understand." Aerya said, though she wasn't sure it was the truth. "I get that you wouldn't want to leave them, but what choice do you have? We both know they'll make you an omega, just as they did to me." She paused and looked at Bangle seriously. "You do not want to end up an omega. Omegas are always last priority. Always last to feed after a hunt, last to give an opinion, last for everything. We could both start over if we joined that pack. Once the alpha of Redwood sees that we're serious about this, he'll let us in. I know it."
10:47pm Aug 2 2011
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(yeah XD it's the glitches of wolfquest) Bangle shook his head. "You haven't met the alpha of Redwood, Aerya. He's the exact reason I was sent back here, and everyone else wanted to let me into Redwood. I could tell he doesn't like us. He calls our territory the Nothing, Aerya. Plus, if we left, we would get in trouble with Scarlette." Lythia turned to Ryne. "What do you think we should do with him?" She asked.
1:31pm Aug 3 2011
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OoC: lol Kupa. And yeah, Ari is still on Rhazet's back xD Rhazet hung her head silently. She lowered herself and let Ari tumble onto the ground. "Sorry for the not-so-smooth landing, pal," she mumbled, a flicker of a smile on her lips. Her usual carefree personality took over, because she felt certain the wolf would make it. "So can we keep 'im?" she asked Curren, rather too loudly, mischief in her eyes. Rhazet knew he needed immediate medical attention, but had no idea how to provide it herself. ~ Azrul-Ryne said nothing, but fixed his eyes on the wolf. He seemed to be truthful, but you never know. Ryne considered Lythia's question, still staring unblinkingly. The wolf was a Redwood. So?He, for one, had nothing against the Reddies. That was probably just Krael and that idiot she-wolf Scarlette, and maybe a few others. He wasn't sure about Lythia, though. Ryne averted his eyes before growling, "Get out. Now. And don't let me catch you again. I think you can guess the consequences of our next meeting."
1:43pm Aug 3 2011
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Xylon hadn't been expecting the Kohzar wolf's response. He's letting me go? "I... Thank you," he said incredulously. Xylon sprinted back to the Redwood territory. ((/fails)) ~~~ "You're right," Aerya said. "But all the same, I still don't want to be a part of this pack or of anything they do. It's not right. I'll get out of here eventually, even if it kills me." ((/also fail)) ~~~ ((Could Krael and Scarlette meet up soon, Kupa? I think that encounter would prove... interesting xD)) Krael stood up. Those herbs really work, he thought. Nearly all of the pain was gone, and he could have sworn that some of his smaller cuts were already starting to heal. He wandered aimlessly around the pack.
1:46pm Aug 3 2011
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[[Get ready for fail post. XD.]] Ari was restless, and he felt himself hit the ground. He opened his eyes blurrily for a moment, but shut them tight when he couldn't see anything, going back into a fitfu sleep.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:02pm Aug 3 2011
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(sure queen.) Scarlette woke up in her den and padded outside. She looked around the pack, looking to see if anyone was doing anything interesting. She came across Krael, who was covered in wounds. "Krael." She said. "What happened?" --- "Sure." Curren said. "Until he's better. Then, I'll have to decide whether or not he can stay for good. --- "We could escape." Bangle said. "And....start our own pack." --- Lythia looked over to Ryne, shocked. "Why'd you let him go?" She asked.
9:14pm Aug 3 2011
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Kanya saw Ari fall asleep again, and put him on her back as Rhazet did. She walked toward the dens, and crawled into one with Ari. She put him at the far inside of the den, and then watched him for a moment, staring at his pitiful condition. "You'll get better, trust me." She said, not really knowing if Ari heard or not. ~ Ohjain tried to find something to do. (( Ohjain needs something to do... lol :3 ))
11:50pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 783
((Nyan dog in your siggy, Kupa xD I love it <3)) Straightening up a bit, Krael said "It's nothing. Not as bad as it looks." Thanks to the herbs it really wasn't that bad anymore. Sensing that Scarlette wanted an explanation, he said "A fight broke out. The others decided to play hero and apparently I was the villain." he smirked a little. "I uh, I had to submit. Stupid mutts were gonna try and kill me." Krael looked at his superior and suddenly blurted "Can I call you Scar?" Stupid thing to say, he thought. I'm asking my alpha if I can have a nickname for her, idiot move. Looking down, he said "Never mind. Sorry... Scarlette." Great, and now I'm apologizing to another wolf. What's wrong with me? ~~~ "R-really?" Aerya scoffed. "You would do that? I mean, you just said you didn't want to leave the others. Once you leave you can't come back. Scarlette will make sure of that" ~~~ ((Uh, what happened to the elk? Sorry, brain's fried I guess. I can just have Svali walk back to the den, or... whatever xD))
12:30am Aug 4 2011
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(eew...I was on my laptop and it was dark, and the screen from my laptop is bright. so this fly came onto the screen, because they like light or something, and my chihuahua was sitting on my bed and she ate it....) Scarlette shrugged. "I don't care what you call me." She said. She sat down next to him. "You are the Head Fighter (he is, right?) of the Kohzar Pack, and I, as your alpha, do not want my head fighters backing down from an unfair fight. You fight to the death." Bangle sighed. "I don't think that anyone would really miss me." He admitted.
9:41am Aug 4 2011
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(( Lol Kupa xD )) (( And the elk was dropped in the territory somewhere when Kanya arrived, the alpha started to eat it. )) Kanya walked out of the den and padded over to a puddle. She drank some water, staring down at her reflection.
10:11am Aug 4 2011
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Rhazet watched Kanya take Ari away. Now what? she wondered, and her eyes fell on the carcass. He must be starving. Rhazet was unsure if she could ask the Alpha for a bit of his meal when he was eating. That's a rather disrespectful thing to do, right? But Curren had seen the state of the poor guy. Assuming he wouldn't mind, Rhazet approached him cautiously. "Could I just take a piece off this? For Ari?" she asked, poking a huge torn-off portion of the elk with her paw, keeping as far as she could from Curren's jaws. ~ Azrul-Ryne shrugged his shoulders. "The Redwoods let Bangle off unharmed even though he invaded their territory. So I guess it's only fair we let one of theirs go too." he said impassively. Ryne wondered what kind of answers the wolf was looking for, but he couldn't risk letting him stay on their territory too long and get spotted. The herbs healed wounds quickly, and it was more than likely that Krael would resume his patrol. He certainly did not want Lythia to get caught with him for something he did. Not that he felt any feelings like love for her, or anybody. Within the pack, that is. That made him think about that she-wolf he saw the other day, who was partly the reason behind his letting the Redwwod wolf go. OoC: He's thinking about Svali xD
10:17am Aug 4 2011
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Ari woke up, in a strange den, his sight almost returned to normal. He spotted a wolf outside the den, and stood up shakily, padding slowly in her direction, glancing round himself nervously as he went. He wanted to ask her where the alpha was, so he could thnk him, and the others who helped him. He wondered if the alpha was like his older pak leader, but decided on the fact that he was still alive they had to be at least a little different.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:24am Aug 4 2011
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Kanya saw the wolf wake up and watched him. She sat aside and just watched, wondering what he was gonna do.