10:40am Aug 4 2011
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Lifting his head up and seeing her watch him, he straightened his back and held his head high, as he had been raised to do. Even though he probably looked like an idiot. Trotting up to her, he decided he might as well get to know this pack that had saved him, and should start with her. ''My name's Ari. What are you called? And do you know where the pack leader is so I can... thank him?'' He managed to force the words out so most sounded ok, but stumbled towards the end and cursed himself inwardly.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:42am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Kanya stood up and said, "My name is Kanya." And then looked toward where the alpha was eating the elk carcass. "He is over there." She said, padding over to the alpha, hoping for Ari to follow.
11:18am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 3,809
''Kanya...'' I murmered. It was a nice name. Seeing the intimidating alpha wolf, I lowered my head and back just enough to make me look submissive, but not weak, and followed Kanya.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:49pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"BANGLE went into the REDWOODS?!?!" Lythia shreiked, loud enough that a few birds were frightened enough to fly out of the trees they sat in. (fail, sorry.)
3:21pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 783
Krael nodded to Scarlette. Or Scar, as he had so stupidly asked if he could call her. She agreed, though, so at least it hadn't angered her. "You would have your head fighter fight to the death with members of our own pack?" he said, a little surprised. ~~~ Aerya was silent. Did Bangle really think no one would miss him? Eventually she said, "I guess I'm kind of counting on the fact that no one will miss me. It'd make everything a lot easier." ((/Fail))
4:30pm Aug 4 2011
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"The three wolves you were fighting were useless runts, Krael." Scarlette said. "You should have never lost. And I wouldn't care much if you killed Ohjain, Bangle and Lythia." She paused. "Our pack can afford to lose them." Bangle nodded. "Let's go, then." He said, standing up and getting ready to leave.
9:51am Aug 5 2011
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(( Bump ))
3:56pm Aug 5 2011
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4:39pm Aug 5 2011
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"Spoken like a true Kohzar," Krael said, grinning. "You're right, next time those three won't get off so easy." ~~~ "Alright," Aerya said, following Bangle uncertainly. ((/Fail. Both of them))
4:46pm Aug 5 2011
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"Good." Scarlette said. She sat down next to him. "Has anything else happened while I was asleep?" She asked. Bangle walked. (I fail worse.)
11:04pm Aug 5 2011
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12:48pm Aug 6 2011
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“Watch it, wolfess!” Azrul-Ryne snapped in Lythia’s face. His forepaw was liften halfway in an unintended effort to strike her. If she had continued for a second more, Ryne would have landed a full blow on her snout. He stiffened, svivelled his ears and looked around in an attempt to spot any sign of movement. No crunch of paws on the dry leaves, no furious barks of the enraged Kohzar leaders, no mouth on his throat. At least not yet. Ryne let out a sigh of relief. “You want Krael and the rest to know about this?” he hissed, turning back to Lythia. “And no, they don’t know about this yet. Well, perhaps they do now, thanks to you, who so conveniently yelled it out for all to hear.” He took a deep breath in an attempt to ease his frustration. “He went into the Redwoods with one of them. And came back. That’s all I really know.”
2:17pm Aug 6 2011
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Lythia was qriet after that, regretting what she'd said since she had been so shocked. "...Why would he go out there?" She asked, concerned.
3:12pm Aug 6 2011 (last edited on 3:17pm Aug 6 2011)
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Posts: 783
"Well," Krael said. "There were rumours that Bangle had disappeared, but they turned out not to be true. He came and tried to attack me along with Lythia and Ohjain. Just goes to show how much you can trust the word of those two. For all I know they were covering for him, trying to help him get away with something. I suppose we'll never know now." His eyes glinted mischievously. "Unless," he said, sounding excited. "You were to order me to... ask him some questions. I can be quite persuasive when the situation calls for it." ~~~ Aerya walked alongside Bangle in silence. She was starting to have doubts about what they were doing. Even if Scarlette and Krael didn't find out what was happening, what would they do then? The plan was to start their own pack, but with only two wolves? "Bangle," Aerya started to say. "... I'm not so sure about this. I mean, what if Scarlette finds out? Or Krael? Or what if the Redwoods find out and get the wrong idea, think we're spies or something. Or-" she stopped herself, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I'm just scared I guess. I've been an omega for a long time, I'm used to taking orders and trying to stay out of the way, not being a leader myself." She stopped walking and looked at Bangle. "I don't think we can do this alone. We need more wolves to join this pack. Two scared wolves, one that's soon to be an omega and one that already is, does not constitute a pack." She stopped talking and watched him to see his reaction. She half expected to be reprimanded for speaking out like that, before she remembered that Bangle was different. He's not like the others, he sees how wrong the way of the Kohzar is, like me. ~~~ Svali wandered around the Redwood territory, wondering how the stranger wolf they had found while hunting was holding out. Ari, she thought to herself. She watched as Kanya lead him to Curren. Will Curren let him stay? Svali wondered. Or will he turn him away like the Kohzar wolf? ~~~ Xylon was laying down on the ground, playing the events that had occurred in The Nothing over and over in his mind. The Kohzar wolves let me go, he thought. But why? It's not like them to show mercy.
6:11pm Aug 6 2011
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"Two scared wolves..." Bangle repeated, thinking for a moment that she was right. Then he shook his head. "We're right to be scared. We've been beaten our whole lives, what would we possibly know other than fear?" He asked her. "All we need is a few more wolves, and then we'd have some defense. We wouldn't have to be afraid anymore, Aerya." --- Scarlette's gaze brightened a little as Krael as he offered to ask questions. "You should." She said, standing up. She began to walk away, then turned back to him. "Now you're starting to think more like a Kohzar." She gave him a smile of approval-which was rare- then turned back around and walked away.
3:40pm Aug 7 2011
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4:29pm Aug 7 2011
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Approaching the alpha, Ari called out to him, in what he hoped was a neutral tone. ''Are you the alpha of this pack?'' he asked, even though he knew he was. It was courteous to ask anyway, even if you knew.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:25pm Aug 7 2011
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Posts: 783
"...Alright, Bangle. I agree, but who would want to join us?" Aerya said. ((Yet another fail)) ~~~ Krael grinned, amber eyes glinting unnervingly. He turned away from the alphess and began to search for Bangle. He couldn't find him, but he could see Azrul-Ryne and Lythia off in the distance. He set off towards them. Krael barked. It was a wordless noise, meant only to alert the others to his presence. When he was sure he had their attention, he began to speak in his usual haughty tone, as if the fight had never even taken place. "I'm not looking for a fight with you... at the moment. All I want is information. I suggest you give it to me, as I am doing this under direct orders from Scarlette. So tell me, where is Bangle?"
5:59pm Aug 7 2011
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Lythia growled. "Bangle left." She simply said. "We don't know where he went." She sat down, wrapping her silver and white tail around her small paws, green eyes burning with fury that she wanted to unleash on Krael. --- Bangle shrugged. "I don't know. We could howl for lone wolves that want to join a pack tonight, and see if anyone comes." --- Curren nodded. "Yes, omega, I am." He said. He stood up, walking over to the wolf. "Now, you're staying until you get better." He said. "Once you're healed, you will have to prove yourself worthy of joining the pack if you wish to stay. If you fail, you can go straight back to being a starved loner. If you succeed, however, you may stay. The tests will be hard," He said," The hardest thing you've ever done in your miserable little life." Curren was not happy that he had had to accept this wolf, and decided to try and give him reasons to want to leave.
6:19pm Aug 7 2011
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''As you wish, Alpha wolf. I will not fail. And, not to be disrespectful, but my life may have been short so far, but believe me when I tell you this. I have lived through things I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy, and that's just scratching the surface. Should I fail, I will leave and never encroach on your territory again.'' Ari had been taught from a young age to never, no matter how weak you are, show weakness. So, although this took a lot out of him, he pretended it didn't. Pretended he was strong. Whether he was or not, that was a different matter...
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥