8:51pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Kanya was surprised with Ari's courageousness toward Curren. Hmm.... wow. She thought. If that was her she would have certainly went into a submissive stance and simply say, 'yes alpha.' She nodded in satisfaction.
9:03pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 783
"That's actually a really good idea," Aerya said. "I think we should try it." ((If we need someone to join the pack, I could make a loner.)) ~~~ "Gone?" Krael said, his ex pression faltering. "Gone where?" ((Sorry for the fails. Again Dx))
9:50pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(okay queen.) Bangle nodded. "Come on. Let's get out of the Kohzar territory. He started running, and assumed Aerya would follow him. "Since you're so thin you can eat some elk and then go rest." Curren said. He pointed to the elk carcass with his nose. Lythia shrugged. "He left just a little bit ago." She said. "I don't know where he went."
9:55pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 3,809
''I thank you, Alpha, and assure you I will payback any food I devour.'' With that, he headed to the elk, glancing behind him to see if Kanya was following.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:00pm Aug 8 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Kanya watched Ari walk away, and then followed just until she can see the elk carcass Ari would be eating off of. This wolf was interesting.
10:03pm Aug 8 2011
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After eating his fill, Ari stood up and looked around him. He could feel his muscles aching; aching from too much work, but also aching to be running again. But he knew he shouldn't. Bored, he wandered around the area, spying a small white rabbit on the outskirts. He began silently stalking it, his meal having banished any tiredness he had felt previously. He knew he wouldn't be quick enough to kill it in the state he was in, but it gave him something to do.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:00am Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 1,117
Azrul-Ryne shrugged to show he knew absolutaely nothing about the matter either. "Why don't you go find out yourself, eh?" he asked, annoyance apparent in his tone. "After all, you are Her Highnesses' most favourite and faithful servant." With a snort, Ryne turned and stalked away, head held high, like he had accomplished something. Lack of courtesy was bound to make Krael mad, and he was eager to do just that. ~ Rhazet watched as Ari walked away. She had nothing in particular to do either, so she ran after him. Following his gaze, she saw the victim and grinned. "Wanna take it down?" Rhazet asked avidly, swishing her tail.
10:07am Aug 9 2011
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Glancing behind him quickly, he saw another young wolf. ''I would, but I wouldn't be fast enough. Do you want to kill it?'' He glanced at her. She seemed familiar. ''What is your name?'' He asked, one eye still on the rabbit out of habbit, though he'd lost interest in it. He wondered if this was perhaps the she-wolf that had carried him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:52am Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 1,016
Kanya watched as Ari went for a rabbit. She sighed and walked back over to her den entrence. She layed down and lifted her snout in the air with her eyes closed, smelling the air.
1:51pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 783
((Wait, I know I said I would make a loner, and I still can, but I was just thinking it might be easier if Xylon were banned from Redwood? Like, maybe he and Curren already have it in for each other and then Curren finds out about Xylon crossing the border, so he kicks him out? I don't know, just an option.)) Ryne's words rung in Krael's ears, stinging like a slap to the face. He felt his amber eyes narrow. "I will not," he said, all but spitting the words, "take insults from a subordinate. Because that's all you'll ever be, isn't it? If I am Scar's 'most favourite and faithful servant,' as you put it, it is only because you lot-" at this he flicked his head to indicate he was also talking about Lythia "-are no better than worthless. Disobedient. Mongrels. What leader wouldn't favour me over the likes of you?" Pleased with himself, and with his speech, Krael turned to walk away in much the same manner as Ryne, with his head held high and tail up. He smirked at Ryne as he left, and almost hoped the other wolf would attack, until he remembered Scarlette's words. Scarlette had told him that next time there was a fight, he was to kill his opponent. Did that also apply to Ryne? Even Krael could see Azrul-Ryne was a good wolf to have on your side. But if that was what Scar wanted... No, Krael decided, I won't kill him unless he absolutely deserves it... but if he keeps lipping off to his superiors, that may be very soon. He continued to walk off, though slowly to see if the others would attack. ~~~ Aerya ran alongside Bangle, following him out of 'The Nothing,' as the Redwoods called it. She smiled at him, but she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as she left the wolves that had become a family to her. Sure, there were some cruel and sadistic wolves like Krael and Scarlette, but most of the wolves were good. Lythia, Ohjain, Azrul-Ryne... Bangle. Aerya thought. Maybe they would join this new pack one day. "Bangle?" Aerya said suddenly. "What are we going to call this pack?"
9:57am Aug 10 2011
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Rhazet turned her gaze to Ari. "Oh, I didn't introduce myself, did I?" She grinned again. "I'm Rhazet. And hey, you should really eat a lot. You don't weigh half as much as an elk calf." she said, indirectly and unknowingly answering his thoughts. Glancing at the rabbit, she continued, "I could catch it for you." Lowering herself to the ground, she crawled forward for a few metres then pounced on the prey. Holding it lightly between her jaws, she waited to see if Ari wanted it before killing it. ~ Azrul-Ryne continued his walking, but he had heard all Krael had said. He was right about him being disobedient alright, but calling him 'worthless' and 'mongrel' made his hackles stand on end. Ryne decided he had enough fun for a day, insulting Krael. Not that he was afraid of him. Ryne respected the wolf, though he would never really admit it, and could understand the reasons for many of his actions, for he knew Krael's past was a painful one. And Fate could turn wolves into murder machines. He was glad Krael hadn't reached that point.
3:01pm Aug 10 2011
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Posts: 3,809
''Thank you for carrying me, Rhazeet.'' He said the word strangely; It was an unusual name where he came from, and he was pretty sure he pronounced it wrong. ''And, thank you. It is much appreciated.'' Ari thought it was kind of her to catch it, but he would have liked to have been in peak form. He wanted to show Rhazeet how fast he could run.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥