3:46pm Jun 16 2010
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((And thank you!~ <333))
3:57pm Jun 16 2010
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4:37pm Jun 16 2010
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((Rika, I should thank you for making an albino character. It makes me feel less alone. lol)) Sesshomaru wasn't at all startled or alarmed when the kitzune appeared. He breathed in her scent as he discarded the appology. Lucky for her, Sesshomaru was in what could be called a "good mood." This was the demon Lord of the West, after all, though he felt slightly flattered with the "-san" part. Maybe his ears where a little too used to "-sama" and the change was slightly pleasant. For a half- bread, she had some mannors. He could immediately identify half human and kitzune as the girl stumbled out, noting breifly the small fox she kept with her that was blocking his nose. He almost smiled, wondering if it was because of a human emotion carring over, or if she kept the kit simply to mask her own scent, like she had, probably unknowingly, earlier. Sesshomaru found himself reminding him that yes, this was only a half- demon and was probably a slave to her emotions and pathetic feelings. He raised his right hand and flicked it, a whip of golden, demonic light stretching out for a long, pale hand. The light followed the flick of his wrist so that it swayed about him two outstreched fingers before snapping the ground between the two beings and quickly recoiling to meet Sesshomaru's hand. The demon lord didn't lower it, but posed it across his chest and narrowed his eyes. That had been the kitzune's warning. On his left side, he felt Tensaiga pulsed and ignored it like he almost always did. The sword, once thought to be a curse, then a bl*censored*ing, had lowered itself to the rank of 'annoying' whever it attempted to grasp its weilder's attention or tell him something. It didn't help that whever he used his other sowrd, Tensaiga had a little fit. To say the two blades didn't get along would be quite an understatement. So now, Sesshomaru just as-sumed that either the blade was telling him not to harm the girl or to look at the fox kit more closely. Either option seemed quite silly and irreleevent, so he did neither. "Then you have learned nothing," Sesshomaru said cooly, flashing a quick glace to the fox kit, then back up at the hanyou. Some childish part of him wanted to say something about being a creepy stalker, but the thought didn't survive to linger through the moment. Again, he couldn't let his emotions control him, or he would forever be enslaved to them, and he wouldn't give in that easily.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
4:44pm Jun 16 2010
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Ace frowned at Koga for the remark"he is not a that his name is Hiro thank you very much."Ace wondered if she'd be able to handle the 'mate' part of joining the pack.She didn't think she was ready for it but when the time came it came. Hiro sat at Ace's side and just looke dup with bright blue eyes at Koga curiously.
4:49pm Jun 16 2010
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Shurui flinched when the whip was brought down between her and Sesshoumaru, but dd nothingmore, her brave face on. "I have cared for myself since I was young... I do believe I learned a few things in that length of time, Sesshoumaru-san," she said, moving forward to pick up her little kit, speaking softly to him in order to calm him. "I have learned how to defend myself, and how to hunt for food. I taught myself many things, and hoped that you could teach me more so that others will not underestimate me, just because I am a young half-breed." She flicked her ears forward. YEs, she was taling back, but she was speaking in a respectful way. The kit then jumped out of her arms and growled, a strange aura surrounding it. Shurui watched her kit in confusion, tilting her head. What was going on with him....? ((Lol. Right now it's just a cute little black fox kit. But he has another form, like Kirara does. <3))
4:51pm Jun 16 2010
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((Haha. No problem, dear. I like playing as albinos. Some of them have fiery personalities, and others are frail. It depends on the RP. :D))
4:52pm Jun 16 2010
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((argh...i feelith ignored....))
4:54pm Jun 16 2010
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Koga stared at the dog, tilting his head curiously. What was that...? Really? This... 'Hiro' smelled like a dog and a wolf, which was quite strange to him.
4:57pm Jun 16 2010
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Ace said calmly"yes he's part dog,although not japanese,he's an alaskan husky wolf mix."She waited for a responce from Koga. Hiro looked up to Ace giving a'can i explore' look.She nodded and he began sniffing and padding around,but not once did he sniff the same place twice.
5:06pm Jun 16 2010
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((I think I would fall under the "frail albino" catagory. lol)) "If one has learned so much, " Sesshomaru replied dryly, ignoring the kit. "What has one to learn from another?" The kitzune reminded Sesshomaru of InuYasha when she spoke. Was it just the ones he happened to meet, or where all filthy half- breeds this rash? She spoke far more cooly than InuYasha ever had, but the lord discarded that she spoke of such because of his status, that which seemed more and more like a bother every day. He was a little surprised, however, to have the girl going from appologizing to back- talking so quickly. His eyes flickered, betraying both curiousity and ammusment. He was almost intreiged by the girl, and the kit that now had his attention. Sesshomaru felt the kit's aura, something that was so faint in humans and regular creatures. Suddenly it seemed to sift, to change like Sesshomaru's own did on the rare occasion when he transformed. He didn't eye the kit, keeping his eyes locked with the currently nameless kitzune. It was her domanance he was chalanging, and it was his dog instinct that kept his gaze there. Though golden spheres remain locked on her, his attention was on the kit as it lept to hiss at him. It was a dangerous and often leithle game to chalange Sesshomaru as such, and the breeze picked up again to carry the trees' whispers. All the creatures native to his terratory knew better, and seemed even to respect him. Many of the trees had watched Sesshomaru grow up, most other had witnessed the majority of his rule. The question uttered by the forest now was weather or not he would go easy on the kit or strike it down without hesitation. Some trees held their breath, others continued to gossip. Sesshomaru ignored them all. ((Not sure why I like the idea of trees being able to comunicate with eachother....))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
5:24pm Jun 16 2010
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((It's a self-defense thing on Shurui's part. xD)) Shurui walked forward to kneel down beside her little kit and gently stroke his bck, murmuring to him. He slowly calmed down, then hopped into ehr arms once again before she stood, violet eyes trained on Sesshoumaru. "Because, Sesshoumaru-san, no matter how much you may know, you never know it all," she told him, ears twitching. Yes, she was young, but she wasn't stupid. ((oUo And trees talking to eachother is an awesome idea. 8D))
5:25pm Jun 16 2010
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Koga tilted his head, blinking slightly at the dog before shrugging and heading off to his part of the den. ((-brainfail-))
5:30pm Jun 16 2010
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((*Bored*imma play Inuyasha and Kagome for a bit...)) Hiro perked his ears and ran to the cave entrance and made an odd wolf howl-bark.He saw a boy with slivery hair next to...wait a minute twas Kagome. Ace walked slowly after Hiro ears perked when seeing Kagome....but then flattend when seeing inuyasha."Why'd you have to bring him?" Inuyash flattend his ears aswell he took it as disrespect. Kagome smiled"Ace!wait a minute...why do you have ears?and what are you doing here?"
5:33pm Jun 16 2010
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Koga was at the entrance of the den almost immediately, glaring at InuYasha with a soft growl. That dirty mongrel needed to leave his territory. Now!
5:39pm Jun 16 2010
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Ace walked down with Hiro and said to Kagome"long story."Then turning to Inuyasha she remarked"oh and dog boy i ran into your brother." Inuyasha spat"Sesshomaru is no brother of mine,suprizes me you're still alive." Ace copied Kagomes voice and said"Sit."She smiled triumphantly when eh fell face first into the dirt. Kagome said"What'd you do that for?" Ace smirked"i felt like it." Hiro barked. Kagome asked"you wouldn't happen to have any jewel shards would you?" Ace nodded"yeah..." Inuyasha said something that was muffled by the dirt in his mouth.
5:48pm Jun 16 2010
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((Well, thankies, Rika. XD )) Sesshomaru felt the corners of his mouth rise a little in what could be called a smile. How charming, he thought, that a half- breed so pathetic learn something of use, no matter how long it may have taken her. He watched her cooly as she cooled the kit, figuring that she had no idea that her little companion had abilites of his own. Sesshomaru lowered his hand and its eery glow cooled down to nothing, and again Tensaiga pulsed, lighter and more calmed this time, as if it was cautious of its weilder's little smile that had dawned on his pale and fair face, relaxing as the breif ex pression faded again. Sesshomaru rarely smiled, and when he did it was usually because something terrable was to release itself, or something just as demonic or dark. Even more rare was a true smile, but above all Sesshomaru never laughed. Never since he was a pup too young to remember, and some demons said that was the reason. None of these demons had seen Sesshomaru rescue neither the human girl nor the other humans that followed, and if they had Sesshomaru's world would turn out very differently. The trees quieted as Sesshomaru said, "Then why me as your subject of choice?" He walked, taking the first step a little reluctantly. He wasn't inclined to have an answer, even if he expected one from her. He had other duties to attend to, vilages to check upon, demons to vanquish.... He would not spend the entire day talking like a hen in an enclosure or flattering himself with words like a cloud in a current. If the kitzune was to follow, then he would let her for the time being. If she left, then she would be none of his consern and he would be free to forget about her.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
6:01pm Jun 16 2010
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"Because you live on your own, too, and you are strong. I want to be strong, too." She stood up to follow behind Sesshoumaru, her ears pricked. "I want to be able to fend off any threat that comes my way and not ever have to run away like a scared little kit ever again. I want to be brave like my dad was, strong like my mom was." She hugged her kit close, burying her face into his fur. "I want to be respected..." she said finally, closing her eyes, following the sound of Sesshoumaru's footsteps. She sighed, flattening her ears. "...I want to be worthy of respect, even if I am a hanyou, rejected by both demons and humans alike..." ((...Proud little thing, ain't she?<3))
8:29pm Jun 16 2010
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Shoni looked at akuma and stared in his eyes for the first time ever in her life and started to close her eyes then she fell asleep in his arms cudling up to him
9:50pm Jun 16 2010
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Akuma blinked down at Shoni, then tilted his head curiously. What a strange girl.....
9:52pm Jun 16 2010
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kagome saw Koga and said"oh Hi Koga!" Ace said"You know him?" Kagome nodded. Hiro sniffed Inuyasha and growled. Inuyasha frowned at the dog.