12:39am Jun 12 2010
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((Sorreh Angel i was kindly explaining that this Private rp made an exception for Rika,foxwolf,and Morgain.There was no yellin about it. HIYA Rika!Long time no see ,eh?))
12:43am Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 2,264
oh ok it just by how you said it it looked like it hey rika i used to be angel944 but i changed i dont get on that anymore
12:46am Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 12:50am Jun 12 2010)
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((PLZ post some form of OOC: because it makes it seem like your acctually using a roleplay character in ths rp...i find it quite annoying Angel.))
12:50am Jun 12 2010
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X-My Name-X Akuma Shinji X-My Age-X 16 X-My Sex-X Male X-My Species-X Pure dog-demon. ouo ((Thinks he's human.) X-My Appearance-X va:void(0);" ti tle="Click to zoom out." cl*censored*="menuTrigger"> X-My Personality-X Rping it out X-My History-X Unknown. X-My Crush-X Open X-Anything else?-X He is a purebred demon who was raised by humans and thus thinks he is human. ouo
12:52am Jun 12 2010
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1:00am Jun 12 2010
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((So. How shall I come in? :D))
1:06am Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 4,310
((Urm...How about finding Shoni and Ace after they climb out of the well?)) Ace climbed from the well and heaved ehr self ove rthe edge of it relived when she felt gr*censored* under her...She thought a moment,wait a minute...GR*censored*!but they were just in the well house shrine!and that was wood!Sure enough the well house was no where to be seen...
1:11am Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 2,264
1:11am Jun 12 2010
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((oh sorry for the big pic
1:16am Jun 12 2010
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Akuma had been sitting atop the well, his hair let down as he stared up at the sky curiously, the birds chirping happily. When hands appeared at the edge of the well he jumped up and unsheathed his sword, and instintive growl sounding. What was going on?
1:19am Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 2,264
((actually can my charrie love yours instead rika oh and im not playing koga)) ((writers block/)))
1:20am Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Um. Sure. ouo And okay~))
1:20am Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 1:23am Jun 12 2010)
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((She means have a crush on him,Rika...oh and Angel you can has Koga i don't want him.)) Ace pulled Shoni out of the well"I've gained weight huh!well what about you!"Ace fell backwards and landed with huff on the ground"Geeze that was not cool."She flipped ehr red hair from her face and as the sun hit it it glowed like a red sun.
1:24am Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((And um. Do I need to make a bio for Koga? >w>))
1:25am Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 4,310
((only if you want to Rika.we all already know who he is.))
1:26am Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 2,264
((nah i dont want koga anymore)) "i have not gained weight i actually work out and eat heathy other then the time you ate that whole 5 layerd choclate cake by your self"she said with a frown
1:27am Jun 12 2010
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Akuma growled. "Who are you? Why do you come from the Bone Eater's Well?" he asked, eyes narrowed as he turned his blade to let it flash in the light.
1:28am Jun 12 2010
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((Nah. I'll bring him in later. :D))
1:29am Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 1:31am Jun 12 2010)
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((Angel she's asking if she should make a bio for him because she is playing him...>.<)) "Hey!i acctually earned a million dollars from that and look at me i'm still skinny enough to fit in a bikini and look good." Ace protested.Her hair was such a noticable color that anyone could see it from a mile or two away.Ace turned her blue eyes to Akuma and said"Urm we kinda fell down the well and ended up here...".Blue was a rare color when it came to eye color.around this Era mostly everyone had either gold,Brown,Hazel,or green eyes...not blue.
1:31am Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((-ignored- My character has a sword...and is going unnoticed. xD))