1:32am Jun 12 2010
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(( edited meh post Rika.Read eet!))
1:39am Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 1:39am Jun 12 2010)
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"oh,nice sword"shoni sighed "SWORD,AHHHHHHH!!!! DON'T HURT ME"she said hiding behind ace
1:40am Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 1:41am Jun 12 2010)
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Akuma cocked his head. "Your eyes...."he said after a few moments. He walked over and knelt down in front of her, tilting her head up to stare at her eyes. "...Strange color..." he murmured curiously. He cringed when Shoni yelled, dropping his sword to cover his sensitive ears. He glared at her. "I am right here! Do not yell!" he hissed.
1:41am Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 1:44am Jun 12 2010)
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"You'e such a chiken Shoni," ace sighed"Oh my names Ace by the way."She finished running her finger through her red hair.
1:42am Jun 12 2010
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"My name is Akumi Shinji," he stated, his own dark eyes locked onto the red-haired girl. Hnn...such strange hair colors...and the girl had blue eyes, a color he had never seen before. He thought it very strange, to tell you the truth.
1:46am Jun 12 2010
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shoni looked at him with a glare and mad face look at him staring at her the boys always look at her but do i get looks NO!!!! she yelled ion her head
1:47am Jun 12 2010
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"Nice to meet you Akumi," Ace said calmly although...she found it odd she'd never seen anyone in Tokyo that looked anything like him...well acctually she hadn't talked to anyone realy in Tokyo after all she did move there a few days ago from America.She only understood Japanese because she took several cl*censored*es when she was young and grew up learning it.
1:48am Jun 12 2010
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((He just thinks she's weird. xD Don't worry Shoni! You have a chance! AndI might add his adoptive siser. :D))
1:51am Jun 12 2010
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((FFF. It's Akuma. xD)) Akuma blinked. "What an odd name to have in Japan..." he said curiously, sitting down with his legs crossed. He picked up his sword and sheathed it, tilting his head. "And your hair ad eye color are strange....You are not from here, are you?"
1:52am Jun 12 2010
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((i know well now but keep going)) all the sudden a mirrorr popped up out of her pocket and she looked at it (she likes to look good around boy and that is any boy) "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled
1:52am Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 1:54am Jun 12 2010)
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((Ace tis wierd eh?She thinks he's weird too.And good idea.)) Ace replied"No from America acctually and trust me my hair an eyes are normal and not some random color i chose to dye it." Ace had an odd feeling she was going to like Akumi.She felt her ears flick...wait a minute...her ears ahve never been able to...breaking the gaze between Akumi and herself she gasped feeling the new doogy ear that were now upon her head that were moments ago human ears on the side of her head"I have dog ears!okay i'm either dreaming,haveing a nightmare,are in an alternate universe or the japanese demon era."
1:55am Jun 12 2010
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Akuma tilted his head, confused. Then he yelped and covered his ears, cringing as the other girl screamed. He let out a snarl, which humans usually can't do, and stared at Shoni with black eyes that flashed red once. "Stop yelling! I have very sensitive ears!" he barked at her. Then he stared at Ace like she was insane.What...was she talking about?
1:56am Jun 12 2010
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"look at me i have different hair different clothes different looks and a tail and ears"
1:57am Jun 12 2010
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Ace said calmly understanding he didn't seem to understand"Okay lets see...America is a place way far over the oceans that you can only take a boat to get there.and dyeing is a substance that can change your hair colors."She was still trying to freak out like Shoni had just done about dog ears.
2:00am Jun 12 2010
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Akuma blinked, still confused. Then he looked over at Shoni and tilted his head. "You look normal to me," he stated. ((His sister is going to be albino. ouo))
2:00am Jun 12 2010
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"look at me im a total freak "she said "catch me im think im going to faint" she said as she realy did faint when she was just joking,she started to fall twarrds akuma
2:04am Jun 12 2010
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Name: Amai Shinji Age: 16 Gender: Female Species: Human Looks:
 Persona: Very sweet and shy. And due to her albinism, she's weak, frail, and is often sick...and cannot go outside without something to block the sun. History: P: Other: She's albino! And Akuma's adoptive younger sister. <3 ((Akuma isn't 16. xD He's like...18.))
2:05am Jun 12 2010
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Ace poked Shoni and she fell the opposite way from Akuma and said"Girlfriend keep your drama to yourself."She said to akuma"this is hopless i'm obviously wasteing my time trying to explain where i come from..."
2:05am Jun 12 2010
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Akuma held out his arms to catch the falling girl, looking confused. "She looks normal to me," he repeated, poking one of her ears. "Lots of demons around here have animal ears like this. Why is she a freak?" He looked at Ace, wanting an explanation.
2:08am Jun 12 2010
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Amai walked up after a few moments, looking tired. Akuma was instantly at her side and lifting her into his arms, where she smiled up at him and moved her parasol to avoid hitting him. "Sorry for interrupting you, Nii-chan..." she murmured so that only Akuma could hear. He shook his head. "There was not much to interrupt..."he said, walking back over.