2:08am Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 2:08am Jun 12 2010)
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"Lets just say we both didn't used to have dogs ears or tails...we were human before we fell down the well," Ace said still unnamused by her black ears.
2:14am Jun 12 2010
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shoni woke up "ahhhh, a few it must have been a night mare" then she looked around "no it was not a night mare,well i guess ill have to accept the facts she said looking at the girl in akumas arms"hey where did she come from"
2:17am Jun 12 2010
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"Well,i'm going to explore those cliffs while you are being no help at all as of how to get us home," Ace said to Shoni.She took off with lightning speed and dashed off to explore what she had no idea would be Koga's territory.
2:17am Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 2:19am Jun 12 2010)
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"The well does not change your specices..." Akuma stated as he shifted Amai in his arms, the girl already asleep. Akuma was very warm and comfortable, after all. "This is my adoptive sister Amai. She came from our house." He blinked, then reached out when Ace went off. "Wait! That's..." he sighed, lowering his hand. "Koga's territory...." he finished. ___________ Koga, meanwhile, was busy training with his pack, working on building himself to be even faster than he already was witht he jewel shards in his legs.
2:20am Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 2:21am Jun 12 2010)
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Ace leapt out of the way of a spear that'd been flung at her from up on a high ledge"What in the hell?" she said.Still unknowing that her wolf blood was shared with this pack."Who threw that!",She yelled to the top of the ledge where the spear appeared to have come from.
2:22am Jun 12 2010
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Koga stepped out of the den, his arms crossed as he growled. "Who are you?" he asked, his own blue eyes narrowed. He was down in front of her in a flash. Who did she think she was, just wandering ino his territory? He coud smell the mutt stench from miles away!
2:25am Jun 12 2010
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"Ace is who i would be...who are you? Ace said narrowing her eyes.The sun made her hair shine an even brighter red color being out in the open.Her own oceany blue eyes still shone bright and full of adventure.
2:26am Jun 12 2010
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"I am Koga, alpha of this pack," Koga stated, crossing his arms. "What pack are you from, mutt?" he growled. ((Koga isn't a very loving person. xD))
2:27am Jun 12 2010
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"uhhh??,,ok?" she said blankly"so will you help show me around im kinda getting scared and since you are the only one i know around here that nos his parts around this place"
2:28am Jun 12 2010
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"Only if you promise not to yell anymore," Akuma stated, narrowing his eyes. God. ((-braindead and hungry-))
2:30am Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 2:30am Jun 12 2010)
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((Hehe heh,tis only cause he smell her doggy blood.He will eventually smell her wolfy blood too.)) "I have no pack," Ace said calmly.She ignored the fact he'd called her a mutt and released the negative energy she wanted to use by spitting from her mout...but resorted to flexing her leg muscles.
2:30am Jun 12 2010
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"ok?,but one question ,i have been yelling i did not know?
2:32am Jun 12 2010
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((Hnn...I'm getting sleepy gais. e.o))
2:34am Jun 12 2010
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((Aw!Don't leave us yet Rika!)) Ace flicked her tail which had more wolfly characteristics to it than her ears.She waite dfor Koga's response.
2:38am Jun 12 2010
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(yeah dont leave yet) shoni looked at akuma "are you gonna answer"
2:38am Jun 12 2010
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((Lol. And Angel, I don't understand your reply. e.o)) Koga snorted. "A lone mutt, huh? How fitting," he stated, tail flicking. ((-dies-))
2:39am Jun 12 2010
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((i have to go now but ill get on later maybe not tomarrow but later maybe by so stay up as long as you can if you want ranni))
2:46am Jun 12 2010
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((Translation on Angels post: Shonia said suprized"Oh,i was yelling?")) Ace just gave Koga a puzzled look,she was confused of why he was calling her a mutt.She saw teh ugly bird demon things and made a bird sound with her mouth and hands and it dived for them and she leapt out out of the way.She was an expert when it came to imitationg bird calls.The stupid thing though came after her again and she used a full power hard punch and knocked the dumb man-eating bird out.((member their enemy they're fighting when Kagomes there.)) she only winced finding she'd sprained her hand."they have hard heads," she muttered.Ace was obviously new to the area and had no clue what dangers could be waiting for her in the forest.
2:53am Jun 12 2010
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Ace asked"What the hell are those stupid bird things?" she gestured to the knocked out one with her hand.The seeing something that was glowing and shiny in its forehead"what's this?" she pulled out a jewel shard and was confused but also mesmerized by its pink glow.
4:25am Jun 12 2010
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((im back and board))