9:39am Jun 12 2010
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Koga darted forward and snatched up the Jewel Shard, growling. "This is a Jewel Shard! If you don't know what it is, then you don't need it!" he barked. "And those are Bird Demons!" ____________________ Akuma sighed. "Yes. You have been yelling," he growled as he stood up, shifting his sister in his arms as she slept. ((ouo))
9:56am Jun 12 2010
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"Well excuse me for not knowing anything and look i'm just trying to get home to Tokyo." Ace snapped.Whilist stealing back the Jewel Shard about as fast as Koga had from her."And 'll be keeping this thankyou."She clenched teh shard tight in her undamaged fist.She flicked her black wolfy-ish tail she was getting tired of this.
10:00am Jun 12 2010
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Koga growled. "You don't know anything about it!" he snapped. "And there is no Tokyo, you crazy mutt!" he snarled, tail lashing at the air. ((He's calling ehr a mutt because she is one, 8D))
10:14am Jun 12 2010
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((That confuses me because her wolfy percentage is higher than her doggy percentage.Heh heh)) "I'm crazy?if Tokyo doesn't exist then where does Kagome say she comes from ,Eh?" ace sneered back at Koga,tail also lashing in the air.He was pissing her off."and secondly i know plenty,their are two shards in your legs and also this shard i ahve here is one part of the Shikon-No-Tama." ((Me:Nods,i taught you well. Ace: O.O who are you? Me:...uh...your subconcious mind. Ace:...i'll just pretend you never said anything and you don't exist. Me:...DX))
10:18am Jun 12 2010
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((But her human is more than her wolf. xD)) Koga shrugged. HOw was he supposed to know. "...Wait! You know Kagome?" he asked, his tail wagging a bit.
10:22am Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 10:23am Jun 12 2010)
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((But still i thought that was the point to being a Hanyou haveing atleast half human in your bloodline.)) "course i know Kagome and i know the bird brain guy she drags with her everywhere too!i belive his name is inuyasha...and he's way annoying." Ace said with a nod.She tried to hold back a giggle that was rising up her throut because of how Koga's tail was wagging.
10:24am Jun 12 2010
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Koga snorted. "Inuyasha's a flea-ridden mutt is what he is," he growled. ((Hnn...Angel needs to get her butt back on so I can think. e.o))
10:28am Jun 12 2010
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"I agree...strangly enough Kagome considers him her Bf(Boyfriend)," Ace sighed.She knew her crazy friend deserved more than just a puppy to follow her around.
10:31am Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Koga blinked, flicking his tail. "....Her....what?" he asked, frowning. ((xD It's not that he doesn't understand the boyfriend idea, he just doesn't understand why it's Inuyasha.))
10:36am Jun 12 2010
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"Her 'Boyfriend'," Ace said dissmissively.She would know as she lives with Kagome in Tokyo.
10:50am Jun 12 2010
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"Do you like her or something?cause if you do tough luck she's all for flea bags," Ace said flicking her ears.
12:40pm Jun 12 2010
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3:04pm Jun 12 2010
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3:56pm Jun 12 2010
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((im back)) "so are we going to go i mean come on you slow poke i might as well go with my friend at least she is faster that you" shoni said with a sneer then the sneer changed to a smile
6:35pm Jun 12 2010
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7:26pm Jun 12 2010
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((Look at what i drew and colored!It's Ace! LINK: Ace ))
8:49pm Jun 12 2010
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((ranni have you finnished mine))
9:20pm Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 9:22pm Jun 12 2010)
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hey who wants to check out my new rp and ranni you can rmail me if you want to join but you want it litterit first how do you post a link imma go read about
9:45pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 4,310
((Use these ((Text here)) it's getting quite annoying.))
10:23pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 2,264
((oh yeah i forgot and by the way i ranni how do you make a link))