10:24pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 4,310
((You copy the url and post it...just make sure if you type a message next to it leave atleast one space before posting it.))
10:29pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 2,264
((ok thanks)) (( http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/why-does-death-have-to-be-this-way/~page/2/ my new rp))
10:29pm Jun 12 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,264
((it did not work like you did it))
10:37pm Jun 12 2010
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10:56pm Jun 12 2010
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11:26pm Jun 12 2010
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11:28pm Jun 12 2010
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(( Don't bump the fourm to often...be patient and wait for Rika.))
11:29pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 2,264
((i only bumped it once))
11:30pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 2,264
((plus you bumped it alot))
11:32pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 4,310
((So they were atleast 30Min apart..and now we're just spamming the RP.))
11:33pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 2,264
((ok ill stop if you stop))
11:35pm Jun 12 2010
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Posts: 2,264
((ok ill stop if you go reply on the rp i just made called: why does death have to be so painful ok))
11:35pm Jun 12 2010
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5:04pm Jun 13 2010
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Posts: 934
((RAWR. I finally got here. Sesshy, please? And maybe a made up, too...))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
5:05pm Jun 13 2010
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((Ofcourse Mogain!you do play Sesshy better than anyone i've ever had play him in an Rp.))
5:31pm Jun 13 2010
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Posts: 934
((Please ignore my mis-spelled Japanese terms, lol.)) Name: Sesshomaru-sama Age: ...600+ (Human Years = 19) Gender: Male Species: Inu dayoki (powerful dog demon, full-blood) Looks: ((I'm a sucker for fanart. lol)) 
va:void(0);" ti tle="Click to zoom out." cl*censored*="menuTrigger"> Persona: Sesshomaru has a harsh and cold exterior that shows little to no emotion. He makes it very clear that the only thing he hates worse than humans are half-demons, hyanus. Therefore, he hates his half brother, InuYasha, and rejects him as a "discrace to the family." He refuses to admit they are related, nor to his father who mated with a human, Inu No Tashio. He also used his sword, Tensaiga, to save people ONCE from death. (It's not able to serve anybody other than its weilder more than once.) He severs the underworld's carriers to save children as nothing more than "expiriments" and leaves them in proximity to their village. Though he claims that children are loud, annoying and undisaplined, his eyes will often betray his true thoughts and enotions if one knows how to read amber spheres. History: Sesshomaru was raised my his mother completely, but often followed his father into battle. He quickly took up the life of a battle-scared warrior, and his mother left him to die because of it. (It's true. Look it up.) The young demon began to tag after his father, becoming more cold to the world. When Sesshomaru was old enough, he left his father and began to explore the land. When, after countless years, he learned it all he crossed the sea and traveled to unknown desitations. Thought dead by many including his father, demons began to rise. When he ruturned, he had become quite the exsecutionest. He found that his father had fallen in love with a human and even gone to mate with her. Sesshomaru took up the deffence, wanting no part in his new family. His father died protecting his mate and new born hyanu child in a fire, which started Sesshomaru's hate for both breeds. He took up the Western Lands as well as the war with the Panther Tribe. He also rescued a human girl while testing the Tensaiga's power. She followed him to, literally, the ends of the Earth when she died. Sesshomaru risked his own life to save hers, and shortly after left her in a human village that he knew his younger half- brother trusted with an elderly woman, giving her back the life she should have had to begin with. Other: I went into WAY too much detail, but most of that history's true. Art (c) to origonal artists, Sesshomaru belongs to InuYasha and I own nothing. XD
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
5:42pm Jun 13 2010
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((Lawl.Nice bio.I'mma make my character travel to Sesshomaru's territory.so far though everyone she has met either finds her revolting or a lunatic when she tries to explain where she comes from.Seeming as she comes from America and moved in with Kagome along with her friend Shoni,only to discover she's a Hanyou.)) Ace was way fed up with Koga and took off.only to end up in teh worst place she could possibly go,the Western Lands,Sesshomaru's Territory.She glided skillfully and quickly over the land of what was now forest.Ace watched as a squirrel chattered at her and then dissapeared into the flowers of a cherry blossom tree.She moved her red hair behind one ear,her blue eyes locked on to the beauty of the tree.
6:06pm Jun 13 2010
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Sesshomaru let the wind toss his hair this way and that, whipping his pale face when it dared to pick up again. His lands where quiet, even when he walked. Long ago had he discovered how to stalk while keepinh si full height and armor. Stelth was an important atribute, and the only sound he made was the occasional foos of fresh gr*censored* under his paws. This was no patrol, no quest. This was just Sesshomaru, walking calmly, leasurely to his destination, wherever that may be. Even Sesshomaru himself did not care to know. What any mortal or half- demon would interbrate as a slight breeze, Sesshomaru heard a whisper. These where his trees in his forest. It had taken countless centuries to understand their tounges, their whispers that p*censored* on air and root nd sometimes even through the animals that lived amoung them. In this bizzar, twisted way, Sesshomaru was their ultimate messenger. It was calm and quiet this morning with few whispers. The trees had seemed to pick up on their lord's ease and relaxed thair branches. They soaked in the sun leasurely, only a few wanting to chatter to one another or watch for a change in Sesshomaru's emotions. After all, they would not sence a quarter of what he could and there was no faster comunication system. On a normal day such as this, Sesshomaru probably would have listened to his froests' whispers, but something had caught his nose. The sakuras, his cherry blossums twards the North of his lands, had shifted. Though petals usually came off in a light breeze, there was a sort of disturbance. Something had stirred them, something that was not the wind. He closed his complex, golden eyes and tasted the air. Demon? Human? Sesshomaru prepared for the worst was he moved cautously closer to the disturbance. Sesshomaru was one of those demons who made excusiating miles of trech a few moments of leasure. He could use his teleportation, the fastest of his methods for getting around, but it sapped energy and was prone to destruction if he was careless in anyway. So, a blue ball of metalic energy was out. So was flight. This was a quiet day, and Sesshomaru would rather keep it that way and not draw attention to his land. So, he walked, not even bothering to push himself with demonic speed. He kept moving, silent like a wolf or hyena. The only sounds he heard were the occasional whisper of his trees as he went by them, revealing nothing. Not two minutes had p*censored*ed when Sesshomaru caught the powerful scent of summer sakura. He haulted suddenly, causing his hair to fly past his shoulders before settling over his armor. He must have been closer to the scene than he had thought, and he edged closer slowly, then sniffed. He had been correct on his shakey hypotesis: A hanyu was in his tree, but she smelled odd and foreign. Questions ran through Sesshomaru's head, all of them eventually running into the inside of his skull and splattering. He had emptied his mind, intent on staying quiet and hidden in the shadow of his forest. What half- breed dare enter his woods without a death wish? ((fail. -Sorry, my into's are always kinda long. And I geussed on the season, lol))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
6:17pm Jun 13 2010
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((Heh heh no problem mine usually are when i feel like it.)) Ace sniffed,a scent she'd never coem across before had hit her nose like an arrow.Ace flicked her black ears and listend.She turned to see if anyone or anything was behind her...she didn't know the area as well as others.In english she spoke"Hello?".Then hearing no responce,she spoke in japanese.
6:36pm Jun 13 2010
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Sesshomaru's own ears pricked. He heard his native tounge, but also another. He'd heard it centuries ago in his travels, but found it hard to pin- point both the sourse and meaning. He blinked, consentrating before giving up, He knew this would drive him virtually insane for moons if he keept on thinking about it. The easier solution: Don't. Odviously the hanyu knew his speak, too, and somewhere along the line there would be a language barrier. It didn't help that the girl spoke with some acsent, something else Sesshomaru knew would eventually drive him mad. The demon lord debated what to say to her. Tell her to get out, or should he take the calmer approach? Well, old habbits die hard, even for seemingly anchient demons like Sesshomaru. Without moving, in his smooth voice tone and emotionless as ever, the dayuki said, "What do you want?" He hoped that she would understand, as that Sesshomaru had never been good with languages prey for the few he was raised on, most of them reffearing to knowladge of the nature of the lands, including forest, weather fanomonon, animal body language and similar sorts.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)