6:46pm Jun 13 2010
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Ace jumped in suprize,she decided it better to trust what ehr nose was telling her."Nothing more than to find my way home," Ace replied still unsure whether to trust whoever she was speaking to.She made it seem obvious she wasn't used to the area at all.Ace wanted to find a way back to Tokyo and back to Kagome's house.She then sighed,in english and said to herself only"i'll probably never find it again though."She wondered if whoever she was speaking to had heard of North America...probably not,because she had figured out that some how she'd ended up in Japan's Fudal Era.
7:06pm Jun 13 2010
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Sesshomaru kicked off with demonic speed and power so that he landed in an older tree, tall and wide, but weakening. It was just enough to hold Sesshomaru's weight comfortably, and he moved quickly from branch to branch so that he could reach out and grab one of the sakura's branches if he wanted to. He eyes the girl with his cold gaze, taking her in. She looked like the female wolf demon he'd seen years ago, wearing white fur. What was her name? Ayame? Something like that... But this hanyu smelled totally different. He breathed in her scent and pricked his ears, moving so slowly and precicely he nearly completely vanished into the shade of the tree branch above him, the white ends of his kimono, hair and his bright gold eyes the only things glinting off in the sun. He narrowed his eyes in suspision of this girl. Was she really lost, or was this a ploy? "You smell like Kagome," He relized aloud, whispering more to himself then to whoever was listening. Something in Sesshomaru's brain clicked, as he remembered: Kagome used some kind of preistess magic to travel through time, and somehow that dispicable InuYasha was able to follow. (Sesshomaru had earlier concluded that this was because he was hit with Kikyo's love- arrow thing over two hundred years ago.) Sesshomaru never was one for preistess magic, let alone anything that humans did, the pathetic race. He sented again, one by one wrapping long, bony fingers around knowladge, deciding that showing himself had been worth it. After all, if she decided to attack, Sesshomaru had both home feild advantage and, well, he was a demon not even in his prime of health yet. Fox, maybe? No... there was alot of wolf blood in the mix. How odd, never had a mix of scents come to him like this before, so odviously from the one creature. This puzzled him, but he did not delay of faulter and continued his annalisis of this odd girl fate had brought to his lands. She smelled of the North-east, too, Sesshomaru relized. The well was just ouside his official terratory, Koga's north of it. She didn't smell like a wolf just because she had come there. No, she was one of them. He said through a low, emotionless snarl, "Koga's pack isn't welcome here,"
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7:28pm Jun 13 2010
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"What are you talking about?i have nothing to do with that pea brained moron," Ace said narrowing her blue eyes.She already had recieved the 'You're not welcome' message from Koga himself...now here?How many more rejections was it going to take before she returned home?Ace didn't have all day.
7:37pm Jun 13 2010
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Sesshomaru was a little surprised by the girl's retort and he made himself a little more comfortable in the tree. He wanted to ask if all human girls from years in the future smelled like this, but quickly decided that a mix- breed like this woman wouldn't know. On the other paw, she had recconized the name, and would probably reconize InuYasha's werever he had gotten off to. He shrugged of the questiong, not willing to relize he was curious as to his brother's where abouts. He finnally sighed and asked, "You're from Kagome's time aren't you?"
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7:43pm Jun 13 2010 (last edited on 9:24pm Jun 13 2010)
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Ace sighed"Sadly yes...and i also know her annoying friend with the silver dog ears."She by now had folded her arms across her chest,and was quite confortable standing.She wondered if he might know Inuyasha...but she didn't dare ask.Most demons she'd spoken to about him had been revolted that she even uttered his name and given her a long and angry lecture.
9:24pm Jun 13 2010
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10:01pm Jun 13 2010
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Sesshomaru wanted to fold his ears and snarl at the very name of the half- demon, but years of experiance had tought him better. He remained calm, easy. With a flick of his wrist, he moved his weight to his wrist, straitened out his body, then let go of the branch. He landed casually on the ground and stood as if nothing happened in the past two secconds. His eyes flickered a trace of curiousity that he pushed away. Even this creature seemed discousted by InuYasha's existance in this world or the futuristic one. He blinked slowly, as if it would put a la yer of new ice over the spheres. His tone remained even, flickering with curiousity before evening out again. "You should be able to return back through the Bone Eater's well," he looked up cooly, eving her wolf- like ears and tail. "The question becomes if you will truely want to. Even in this 'era' humans reject youki, dayoki and hanyou's. You would be on no exception." He looked back down to the ground, letting the wind relax and release its silent breath. The air took the hair off of the lord's shoulders, replacing them back behind him prey for a lock or two that got caught on his armor and continued to be thrown around for a few more secconds before joining the other snow- white strands. If Sesshomaru noticed, he odviously didn't care. He began walking south- east, twards the well again. If the girl would follow him, he would lead her back. If not, then Sesshomaru would give her an hour to get out of hiss lands. Any longer and he would kill her, Sesshomaru decided. Of course, he would tell her none of this. He only said in a harsher, almost annoyed tone, "Follow me if you so choose." Sesshomaru decided that if this were not a hanyu, he would have given her a more strict warning and more time to get far away from his boarders. But what could he expect of a stupid half- demon? This was no match for the lord. Well, a voice alien to the lord said in the back of his head. InuYasha did cut of your left arm. Sesshomaru felt the need to lift his right hand and feel the scar where his left arm had reattached to the rest of him. He shook off both the memory and the feeling. There was no worry for Sesshomaru on his day, and he knew it. Hell, even if he didn't. he would sure act just as cold as he was now.
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10:25pm Jun 13 2010
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Ace merely jsut listened to what Sesshomaru had asked,to follow him.She said calmly in responce about humans rejecting demons and half demons"In the present,demons don't exist."
10:39pm Jun 13 2010
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Sesshomaru's ears folded down, then pricked back to catch the forests' sounds again. "In your time demons don't exist that you know of," Sesshomaru pointed out, his voice flickering with a flame of distaste. "Technecally, what is happening now is the present, which is here filled with demons. So, no. You are wrong." Sesshomaru spoke casually, the last bit was stated in a matter- of- fact way. How stupid could these 'civalized' girls get? They weren't fighting, running and dressed in the oddest sort of dress that was of absolutely no use in any way, shape or form. At least, Kagome didn't, the one who broke the Shikon no Tama in the first place, which had resulted in great trouble for Sesshomaru. Between Naraku and revenge... And it was all because of some priestess skipping around with his dim- witted brother. Sesshomaru almost felt sick to the thought, glad that this hanyou couldn't be some resurected demon- lover or something similar. This brought up another statement for Sesshomaru's side of the argument. "Besides, you odviously have demon blood activated by the well. Therefore, even in your time, demons cannot be extinct." He looked back to see her reation, but continued walking casually. He knew every stick, every scent, every blade of gr*censored* in his forest, as if he could see through the trees themselves, which he almost could, through a sereis of vibrations as whispers in a system that could be compared to echo- location. He would walk backwards, blindfolded and deaf and still navigate. With one hand and either his nose or ears, Sesshomaru could p*censored* through his forest. Of course, bring him outside of his terratory and he'd be dead within four hours. So, the closer Sesshomaru got to the edge of his boundry marks, he became a little aprehnsive and tense. Here he was more likely to be attacked or at least fend off some small demon.
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10:48pm Jun 13 2010
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Ace nodded knowing she'd been proven wrong,"although the well activating my demon blood confuses me...how can my blood be linked to that of Koga's pack and not even have ancestors that i know of from japan."Ace wondered how he could explain that to her without confuseing her further.
11:04pm Jun 13 2010
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Sesshomaru almost smiled. This girl wasn't stupid, but most certianly nieve. "Do you think thaqt demons do not travel? Only a few years ago a wolf traveled from the far north, to the far south and back again for a marrage that didn't even happen. As a whole, all races are heard-headed and 'back-stabbing' with few shades of gray between. A 'Japanese' demon was probably in danger, fled across the seas and mated to a demon of another continent with similar biogenetics of themselves. Their offspring mirgrated and mated with humans, their offspring moved, and so on." This was a simple thought process to Sesshomaru, and he was surprised by how much enterainment the hanou would provide. Maybe he wouldn't kill her just yet. Since Naraku's deffeat, little had happened before the jewel was safe and whole. It became another dog- eat- dog world, quite literally for Sesshomaru. He had relied more on his physical strength and agility rather than mental twists and detours. It was almost pleasureable to be in a debate, even if he had to put up with a dim- wit hanyou. He sighed, calming his frustration a little. Once he brought this girl to the Bone Eater's well, she would dispear through it and Sesshomaru would never have to see her again. It would be easier then. "Humans create stupid things so things make sence to them, bloodlines for example. Besides, I find it easy to beleive that any time- portaling well would activate the demon blood you have. Quite pathetic, really." Sesshomaru's voice remained even, his voice smooth and his ears pricked. They where being louder than he could usually stand, and he could feel blood pulse in his sensitive ears. He hears his own pulse, breathing as well as the other's. He memorized the patten purly out of boredom, then breathed in her scent. Another three centuries could p*censored*, and Sesshomaru would be confident that he would instantly reconize this mutt if he ever saw her again. He almost smiled again. There where no Sesshomaru seccond warnings, and not usually even a first, especially for nameless hanyo's. ((I don't know how to spell, it'll drive me insane. lol.))
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11:34pm Jun 13 2010
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"oh,shiet!i forgot Shoni." Ace cursed.Shoni,her best friend,was a full blooded dog demon."I can't leave yet.oh and i didn't catch your name...i'm Ace."She was now frustrated,she now could get home and Shoni was running off with some dude she didn't even know!
11:54pm Jun 13 2010
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Sesshomaru almost rolled his eyes. Okay, he was back to square one of his character analysis: Yes, 'modern era' girls were stupid and forgetful. He hissed in a low tone, "Lord Sesshomaru," He blinked his amber sheres and paused his pacing for a breif moment. If this girl wasn't leaving, then there was no point in going to the Bone Eater's Well. It wasn't a far journy now, but the demon lord was practically standing where the terrotories met: The hills, swamps, forests and mountians. Sure, all of what Sesshomaru could see was a mixture of his inheriatance and his rightful claim on the land, but soon he could walk a human's pace and reach the magic well within the hour, two if one was to be leisurely. He turned back to the one who called herself Ace, an odd name that he'd never heard before. He said nothing, his features cold as ever. He wondered if the girl would stick with him a while longer or not. After all, this Shoni person was with a stranger in a strange world, but so was Ace. Was there really a differance between the situations?
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12:03am Jun 14 2010
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Ace concentrated...where did she last see Shoni?In what was called Inuyasha's forest...it was in the bone eaters well territory.Ace said calmly"no need to be angry with me now i remembered she is lurking in the forest surrounding the bone eaters well."
12:07am Jun 14 2010
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Sesshomaru turned again and continued walking, his eyes flashing slight amusment and annoyance at the comment. "I will take you there, but will not aid you in your quest for your lost friend." ((brain-dead fail, and nobody else is on. I wait there for others. ^^))
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12:12am Jun 14 2010
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((okay.i'll wait here as well.)) Ace read the amusement in Sesshomarus amber eyes.She had decided she liked him...well atleast alot more than Koga or Inuyasha.
12:18am Jun 14 2010
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((Hey..also would you want to join my new rp that took me a few hours to come up with?: http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/the-mind-human-mind-control-rp-/~page/1/ or at least tell me what you think of the plot.
12:22am Jun 14 2010
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((Actually, I thought about joining but decided I was in too many rp's for me to keep track of already. -I couldn't say no to playing Sesshy- I think it's an intresting consept, though, and I WILL lurk and read to see how it plays out. If another of my rp's dies, I might even join. ^^))
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12:31am Jun 14 2010
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((Would you like me to save you any spots just incase?))
7:58pm Jun 14 2010
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((imma back))