5:06pm Jun 15 2010
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Ace thought about making a smart remark but instead just nodded.Her black tail twitched impatiently.She was getting bored.
5:22pm Jun 15 2010
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"Follow me, then,"Koga said before turning around, heading into the den. ((-braindead lol-))
5:32pm Jun 15 2010
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((Lol,it happens)) Ace followed Koga catiously into the den her face expressionless.To her it smelled of stinky unbathed guys and wet wolf.
5:51pm Jun 15 2010
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5:53pm Jun 15 2010
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Koga led Ace into the area of the den where the pack slept. "Choose an area and mak your bedding as you like," he told her, watching her carefully.
6:00pm Jun 15 2010
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Ace did as she was told.Then a very fluffy little wolf pup had jumped on ehr and startled her making her fall over.She picked up the mischevious little thing and smiled it was quite adorable.She sat it back down but it wouldn't leave her alone.It licked her and she giggled.Twas a very funny wolf. ((Here is teh pup: Puppy and yes i know that's a pomerainian but that's what the puppeh looks like.))
6:24pm Jun 15 2010
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6:30pm Jun 15 2010
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Koga tilted his head. "Ah... You've met Airashii, one of the actual wolves that are part of the pack..." he said, grinning. "His name means Adorable. It was chosen by his mother." ((<3))
6:41pm Jun 15 2010
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Ace scratched the little wolf behind the ears.He seemed to like it alot...but when she stopped she asked Koga"I jus remembered there's one more thing i have to do...so do you you i could leave for...oh i don't know an hour or so?" Ace's parents waited at Kagomes house.Ace's suprize was a mixbreed alaskan wolf/husky.
6:49pm Jun 15 2010
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"As long as you return, you may go," Koga replied, moving out of the way. The members of his pack came and went form the den as often as they pleased, and as long as they came back with something, is was fine.
6:57pm Jun 15 2010
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Ace nodded and speedily took off.She was at Kagome's house in a half an hour and had started chatting with her parents and the explained they'd have to send letters because they were going to be even busier than now.She nodded and they left her with a large wooden crate.She pulled the nails out and gasped at what she saw inside.A husky wolf mix,her dream pet.He was large and had a beautiful gleaming husky coat.She wondered if she could take him back with her..she named the dog Hiro.She then returned in the promised hour with her full grown dog at her heels.She walked naturally into the den again Hiro following.Ace was now very comfortable because of Hiro.She wondered if Koga would allow him to stay.
7:41pm Jun 15 2010
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8:55pm Jun 15 2010
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((Bumper 2.))
10:58pm Jun 15 2010
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((so i gotta question how did ace know how to get back home))
12:08am Jun 16 2010
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12:35am Jun 16 2010
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Koga was at the entrance immediately, scrutinizing the dog. "What is that?" he growled, eyes narrowing. ((-fail-))
12:37am Jun 16 2010
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"Ace Ace Ace where are you,huh wh-who are you"she said as she saw koga
12:38am Jun 16 2010
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((hey rika will you post for akuma))
12:57am Jun 16 2010
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Akuma panted as he walked up to where Shoni had ended up, Amai still sleeping peacefully in his arms. "Shoni! Get away from here! This is Koga's territory!" he growled. __________ Koga narrowed his eyes. "My territory is not a welcoming center," he growled, tail lashing in an annoyed fashion.
1:01am Jun 16 2010
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Posts: 2,264
shoni was so close to koga that his tail nocked her to the grownd this made her mad her hair turned red and her eyes turned red it even looked likke her puples were on fire then she turned into a dog((go look at my bio and you will so the dog))"i will kill you"she said in a deep voice as she slashed kaogas side making him bleed and sending him flyng into a tree