It was now sunset. an orange glow was cast upon everything. Goldensong had to leave now. She hated going home, there was too many people. Approximatly 15 since cat demons had large familys. Standing silently she padded away into the forest waving goodbye.
Akahime watch as the cat demon walked away. "You should be returning to your father. Believe it or not he worriys abo- Ak!"Jaaking was saying until Akahime put her hand around his throat. "I can do without your lectures Jakkin, you toad."she growled. "Let me have my fun. I know you will just tell later, but I have nothing to fear out here as long as Naraku and his likes are dead."
Namine paused,"I have no bounds and i intend on p*censored*ing through."She ahd no caring for this girl, she her instincts showed no threat what so ever, though she still lurked ehre because it oddly enough seemed like home... sort of..
Akahime left from her post of watching the cat demon. "Disgusting creature."she sighed as she left with Jaakin at her heels." "M-lady slow down."he cried out.