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1:30pm Jan 12 2012

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Adele stared at the talking cat with wide eyes... Then managed to say a few words herself... "Y-you can talk?! And... VAMPIRE?!?!?!"

1:46pm Jan 12 2012

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"Yeah...I'm a cat who can talk and I DID say vampire." Magic said. "So...have you heard of Alicia Balthasar?" Seeing the terified look on the human girl's face, he hastily added "She's not interested in humans. She tells me they're boring...and they don't run fast enough when you try to catch them. So she won't eat you or anything like that...but whatever you do...DO NOT MAKE HER ANGRY SHOULD YOU EVER SEE HER. If you know her reputation, then you'll know why..."

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1:59pm Jan 12 2012

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"I-I don't know who she is... And I don't know her reputation..." Adele looked at the little cat, she thought he was cute, but didn't want to pet him.

2:06pm Jan 12 2012

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Magic sighed a little. "That's fortunate for you, in a way." he said. "But I think it's only fair to warn you...Alicia may only be 14 in Vampire Years, but pretty much everyone, including older vampires, is terrified of her. Why? Because there's a rumour going around that she killed her entire clan. Nobody's heard from the Balthasar Clan in ages. And between you and me...the rumours are true..." He looked up and gave a small smile. "And it's ok, you can pet me if you want." he said, with a chuckle.

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2:10pm Jan 12 2012

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"She killed her entire clan?!?! What kind of crazy, stupid, person does that?! And how did you know I wanted to pet you?"

2:27pm Jan 12 2012

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Magic raised a feline eyebrow and grinned. "We cats can almost always tell what humans are thinking. Not vampires, though...perhaps fortunately." he said, winding his black furry body around the human girl's legs and then sitting back where he had been. "And-" he broke off abrubtly and suddenly went rigid. "MAGIC!" a voice yelled. "WHERE ARE YOU? AND DID SOMEBODY JUST CALL ME STUPID?!" It was Alicia. Magic turned and called "I'm just coming, Alicia!" He turned back to the human girl and said "Sorry, but I have to leave. Stay here for a minute or so and you should be okay. Like I said, Alicia isn't interested in humans...unless they anger her. Bye!" Magic rushed off to where Alicia and Poppy were waiting. "Well?" Alicia said, her eyes flashing red momentarily. "Did someone just call me stupid?" Magic shook his head, briskly. "Nobody, Alicia."

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2:31pm Jan 12 2012

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Adele watched the cat run off towards Alicia. She hoped Alicia wouldn't smell her, or figure out that it was her who called her stupid. She wanted to just run away screaming, but didn't want to because she wanted to see what Alicia would do next. She hid behind the tree waiting for Alicia and the talking cat.

2:39pm Jan 12 2012

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Alicia shrugged. "Fair enough then. Must've just been me." she said. "Well, are you coming or not?" Magic said nothing, but sighed and trotted after Alicia. Poppy walked up to hm and sniffed his fur. Then she yowled. "I smell HUMAN on you!" she screeched, aloud. This made Alicia flinch. "Human, hmmm?" she said. "I don't really care. Human's don't mean anything to me."

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2:47pm Jan 12 2012

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Adele was trying to hold a sneeze in, but just couldn't any longer. ahhhchooo... She looked up at Alicia and hoped that she didn't hear her. She was thinking to herself, well a stupid vampire wouldn't care.

((I don't think your character is stupid just to let you know in case you were wondering... :D))

1:54am Jan 13 2012

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((Ok. :-D)) Alicia's head snapped around. She had heard the sneeze. She was positive that it was the human. But did she care much? No. Humans were no fun to chase. And besides...Alicia wasn't hungry at that moment. Magic, however, still seemed to be. So he pounced on a mouse and swallowed it almost whole. Alicia looked over to some bushes. "I think they're over there..." she muttered.

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2:06am Jan 13 2012

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Adele watched the car eat the mouse, and started gagging. How in the world can a cat eat a nasty little mouse like that. She thought to herself.

12:15pm Jan 15 2012

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1:29pm Jan 15 2012

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When Magic had finished the mouse, he realized that Poppy had shot up a tree and was peering around, as if looking for something. She appeared to find what she was looking for.rnrn"There! I see the human!" she cried, shooting down the tree and running across the forest floor. "I'll give them what-for!" Magic, not wishing for a fight to break out, grabbed Poppy's tail in his jaws as she raced past, bringing her to a painful halt. She swiped an angry paw at him but he was too quick, and darted away. Alicia did nothing.

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1:40pm Jan 15 2012

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Adele didn't see the cat running towards her, but when she was sure none of the three were looking her way, she walked out from behind the tree. She was walking towards the vampire and the two cats.

2:25pm Jan 15 2012

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Alicia's head snapped up and she looked at the approaching human. "Magic, is THIS the one who you made contact with?" Magic gave a small mew and laid back his ears in an ex
pression of embarassment. "Maybe..." he whispered. Alicia turned to the human with an exprssion that clearly said 'I do not care'. Alicia kept an intimidating air about her, although she was only 14 in vampire years.

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2:33pm Jan 15 2012

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"Hi... You must be Alicia. The little cat there," She pointed at the cat, "told me about you and how you were a vampire..."

2:50pm Jan 15 2012

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"Ah, I expected nothing less of him. Always telling people to beware and things like that." Alicia said, shrugging a little. "That's partly because I tell him to tell people that I'm dangerous. But don't worry, kid. I ain't gonna eat you or anything like that."

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2:55pm Jan 15 2012

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"Good... So where are u guys headed?"

1:50am Jan 16 2012

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"Anywhere that we please, really." Alicia said, shrugging a little. "Since hardly anyone dares interfere with us, we can go pretty much anywhere." She looked down at Poppy, who would usually throw in a comment at that time, but she was silent, which was unusual for her. She was probably still angry with Magic for biting her tail. "She's sulking." Magic said, drawing a small hiss from Poppy.

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1:52am Jan 16 2012

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"Well... If you don't mind, I will leave you to continue being a stupid vampire." Adele put a smile on her face when she said this.
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