4:45pm Jul 21 2011
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[How could I not be exited, I have a major twin obession/fetish. I'm chat roleplaying them with a friend at this very moment. :3]
5:22pm Jul 21 2011
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((... xDD Guess what guys... We're on the 4th page and haven't even started Rping yet!! xDDD))
6:47pm Jul 21 2011
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((Then you should start, Kink. xP))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
6:48pm Jul 21 2011
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((.... Meh. Maybe I will, Loki. Maybe I will. >.>))
6:59pm Jul 21 2011
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"Mum," A boy muttered, pushing a crying woman off of him. "Please, we go through this every year... I'm going to be coming home for the holidays. Relax."
"Bu... But Vinny!" The woman blubbered, grabbing her son for another hug.
"Goodbye mom, love you," Vinny said before prying off his mother from his robes. The boy picked up his cat, Snake, and walked onto the train without another word. Once he got onto the train, he turned and waved his parents goodbye.
"Let's go, Snake... I don't want to have to sit with those bloody mud-bloods again," The boy said to his cat, as he trailed down the aisles, looking for an empty compartments. He finally found one at the back of the train, where most Slytherins tended to sit.
Vinny slunk into the empty seat, next to the window, right after he had closed the door. He wasn't going to let anyone sit next to him, unless they just happened to be in Slytherin. Like him.
"I hate this part..." Kylie said to her parents, right before she grabbed her trolley. She held her breath before running through the two platforms. A moment later, two people appeared behind her.
"Goodbye, honey!" The woman said, hugging her daughter tightly. "And remember... Every Full moon, NEVER forget to take your potion."
"I know, Mom. I'm not stupid," Kylie said with a small laugh. She pointed to the crest on her robes. "See, Ravenclaw?" The small act made her mother smile.
"Don't forget Kenya," Her dad added quickly, holding up a cage that held an Arctic Owl. He smiled at his daughter before ushering her onto the train.
Kylie grabbed the cage and waved her parents goodbye. She then quickly tried to find an empty compartment. There were few left, but she was glad to have found one. "Kenya, I have a feeling that this is going to be a great year!" Kylie said to her owl as she sat down.
((Kink fails. D| Sorry, I'm not good at writing when there's no interaction between characters. xD))
7:35pm Jul 21 2011
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Bloody train. Always the same bloody train. Same bloody people. Same bloody Slytherins. Ah, forget it. Ron kissed his mum good-bye, following the herd of Weasley siblings onto the Express. He barely heard his parents' farewell, lugging his trunks onto the bus. Never one to be picky, he simply went to the compartment nearest the entrance he'd used. Without fuss he brought his stuff in, getting settled before looking around to see who else inhabited the compartment he'd chosen. She was familiar, anyway. A fifth year, like himself. No doubt they'd had some classes together. Name, name... bloody hell. Why couldn't remember her name? Clues... Ravenclaw robes. That was something, anyway. She was a Quidditch player, he remembered... Seeker. Ravenclaw seeker... "Hey, Kylie, right? Do you mind if I join you?" Beats sitting with a Slytherin, anyway. Jerks, the lot of them. Ugh. He offered the girl his best lopsided grin, blue-green eyes flashing from under the shag of Weasley-red hair. ----- "Do you have everything, dear? Your mother called to make sure I sent you off properly." Eva nodded, smiling. "Yes Auntie Sophie. I'm all set." With a proud smile the older woman touched the younger girl's shoulder, then her cheek, which she kissed. "Well, good luck. I'll see you home for Christmas, unless Thomas decides to take another holiday. I'll let you know once I figure it out." With another nod Eva kissed her 'aunt' back, then boarded the train. It nevr ceased to amaze her, this whole thing. Five years ago she'd been a regular American teenager. Now she was in England studying magic. Apparently it had skipped around, but the Italian legacy of stregga in her family was fully present, if... sporadic. Auntie Sophie was an old friend of the family, and the only other witch they knew, least of all the only other English citizen, so it was with this distant aquaintance she spent a good deal of her time. Shaking off that path of thought Eva made her way onto the train, Alba wrapping himself around her neck and tickling her ear with his whiskers. She found an empty compartment -probably the last one- and sighed with relief. No awkward moment of asking a fellow student to sit with them. Wonderful. Stowing her trunks away neatly she settled in, waving out the window at Auntie Sophie. Another wonderful year at Hogwarts.
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8:26pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 9:40pm Jul 21 2011)
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||Here I go ;o.|| A chill went down her spine as she searched for an empty cart or a cart with a friend she'd known. As always, Amaryllis would board the train to Hogwarts without any goodbyes from her parents, or a relative at the very least. She was a muggle-born witch, and she didn't like the feeling of her parents being involved. She was afraid that them knowing would freak them out or they would call her crazy and send her off to her room. Amaryllis always felt guilty when lying to her parents about going to visit her friend 'Ayleen' (who was obviously imaginary) to study in Auckland and after the guilt, which would never go away would be a hole in her stomach for the rest of her year at Hogwarts. 'Here we go again.. Another year at Hogwarts.. Another year filled with those inconsiderate pure bloods from the Slytherin house, another year of Quidditch, another year of Snape, another year of learning of potions and such.. another year..' Amaryllis pushed her trolley along the train and finally came to a stop as she saw her friend Eva. "Mind if I join you?" Amaryllis smiled, peeping through the door. She boarded her luggage onto the train cart and went to put her trolley away, with her trusted spotted owl, Ellious. She came back to the cart with Ellious on her shoulder, holding her wand in his beak. She stepped in closing the cart door afterwards. Amaryllis sat down the seat opposite of Eva, placing Ellious in his cage, making sure to grab her wand out of his beak carefully. She slid her wand in her notebook, closing it shut after, making sure she didn't break the hawthorn wand. She smiled once again at Eva. "So how do you do Eva?". ||Fail Dx.||
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
9:32pm Jul 21 2011
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The second Hermione wandered on to platform 9 3/4 she looked around. There were people waving, families hugging, mothers crying, and she hung her head. That was the only thing that really bothered her about being muggle-born; her parents never getting to see anything of the magical world. Blinking away negative thoughts, she pulled her trunk behind her as Crookshanks walked alongside. Finally getting her stuff on the Hogwarts Express and boarding the train herself she glanced around in search of her friends. None of them were on board yet. Spotting Kylie she invited herself into the compartment, "Hey Kylie," she had gotten to know the girl a bit over her past years at Hogwarts and she seemed nice enough, "Can I sit here?" Without waiting for an answer she sat, in dire need of rest after a ridiculously long morning. -- Zooey bustled through the train and spotted Vinny sitting alone. She swung into the compartment to sit next to one of her best friends (is that all right?) with a grin on her face. She pulled Totem from her pocket and set him on the sea next to her in hopes that some Hufflepuff girl wouldn’t try to sit there. Smiling at her friend she asked, “What’ve you been up to all summer, eh?” -- Xander was laying on a bench in his compartment alone and content; a trick formulating in the back of his mind as he rested, hoping not to be disturbed, but knowing his hopes were futile. -- OoC; Since there aren’t so many guys in this roleplay mind if I play Neville? –begs- I love him <3
9:33pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 9:43pm Jul 21 2011)
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((*Waits for others to post intros* I don't want anyone left behind. c:
Oh, I didn't see that. xD Yes, I love Neville. c: Play him away!))
9:42pm Jul 21 2011
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||Edited my intro and added Ellious' appearance :3. & OMGGG.. Neville Longbottom<3.||
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
10:13pm Jul 21 2011
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|| I shall make a male chara..brb! ||
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
10:28pm Jul 21 2011
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((... Yummi. xDD Are you making Harry? c:))
10:38pm Jul 21 2011
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Zuri was pulled into a massive hug by her father, Sirius. "Zuri, try to make some friends, okay?" Sirius asked, more like pleaded, with the girl. She responded with a short nod along with a deep sigh. She walked onto the train, grey eyes searching for an empty compartment. No empty ones. She sighed, and walked into the nearest cart, which happened to have a boy, who was laying down at the moment, on the bench across from her. She placed her luggage on the ledge above the seats, and sat down, just noticing the boy. She stayed silent, but she wondered why the boy was laying down. Maybe he was sleepy, or maybe he was just anti-social like herself. She pondered for a moment, staring out of the window.
Love is all we need~
10:47pm Jul 21 2011
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Name:Neville (sexypants) Longbottom
Age: 15
Personality:Seemingly timid, yet underneath is quite brave. He is a bumbling, forgetful, clumsy, and loyal guy. He will stick to his friends no matter what, and if it is required, he will stand up to them. Dislikes violence in any form. House:Gryffindor! Quidditch position:LOLOL. Remember how he's super clumsy? Thta would be too funny.
Wand:13" cherry wood, unicorn tail hair core. Pet: Trevor. His toad Other:Since there be no Voldy he lives happily with his parents :3
Looks/Deion: ((Fifth year Neville!))
Anything I forgot and you would like to add:Matthew Dave Lewis is one smexy piece of bum ;P
10:49pm Jul 21 2011
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((:o NEVILLE IS MINE. xDDDDD Lol Accepted. xD))
10:53pm Jul 21 2011
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OoC; I'll respond to Zuri as I introduce Neville :D BiC; As Neville walked through the train in search of some people to sit with, he found his friend Xander lying on a bench, with a girl sitting across from him. Pushing Xander out of his way he sat and asked her, "Is this lug bothering you?" His tone was playful, "Y'know, I wouldn't mind just..." He made a kicking action that seemed to shake Xander out of his reverie. -- Xander shot up and glared at NEville before smiling at Zuri, "Hey! I'm Xander. What's your name? And what house are you in? You look familiar to me..." OoC; Xander is one hyperactive beast xD
10:56pm Jul 21 2011
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Eva gave her usual bright smile, waving excitedly as she saw Amaryllis. "Can you sit here, well of course! Our prized Seeker. Like I would turn you down. " Rolling her eyes jokingly Eva laughed, filling the box with the sound. "I've been doing just fine. Missing my mom and dad, obviously, but hey. I'm a young woman free to roam as she pleases. They're so proud to have a witch in the family, that they don't even mind sending me overseas." She gave a shrug, tossing a wave of black-brown hair over her shoulders. "So how excited are you for the quidditch season? We're sure to win our matches. Gryffindor is just amazing like that. I wonder who our new batch of first years will be? Prime meat, now doubt. Nothing but the biggest and bravest will do for us." A grin flashed, exposing briefly the points of her white teeth, a family trait, and her fierce electric blue eyes, an oddity. --- Looking up at the entrance, Ron quickly went back to his... Book? Comic. Just another Ravenclaw genius. Whatever.
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10:58pm Jul 21 2011
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Before Zuri could calculate anything, she had another boy in the cart with her, and the one that was laying on the bench before was acting like he had just drank twelve energy drinks. She was a bit startled, but she couldn't help but smile, which was very, very unusual for her. However, the smile was only slight. "I'm Zuri, I'm in Slytherin, and I'm Sirius's daughter." She blinked a couple times, and looked down.
Love is all we need~
10:58pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 11:23pm Jul 21 2011)
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Name: Eric Welc.
Age: 15.
Gender: Male.
Personality: When you think of Slytherin students you think of mean, cruel and yenno.. traits like that. Well, Eric is quite the opposite (not fully though). Eric is a true gentleman, he always says 'Please & Thank-you', he opens doors for people, he pulls out chairs for ladies and is very charming around ladies. He is quiet and won't speak much unless your a good friend of his. Then he's very out-going, fun, kind and pretty humorous (making him also a bit of a prankster). He can sometimes be cold and strict but, only if your not polite to him. House: Slytherin. o3o Quidditch position: Eric doesn't know what Quidditch is. (You'll find out why soon!) Wand: 12". Rosewood, dragon heartstring, sturdy.
Pet: Her name is Ren (obviously), Eric hides her in his pocket or sleeve most of the time. (She's a rat too! again obvious). Other: He's a transfer student from Australia ^^, therefore he is Australian! (You'll eventually learn more about his history throughout the RP). He's also a half-blood, but most suspect he's a pure-blood.
Looks/Deion: This is what he wears as 'civilian' clothes, exactly what he looks like but, a bit more buff. In Hogwartz he wears the same shirt, vest, combat boots<3, pants, tie and suspenders (just add a Slytherin colour-coated robe and occasionally a Slytherin colour-coated tie and suspenders). Anything I forgot and you would like to add: Nope, Don't think so. (Other than he has an Australian accent, lol).
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
11:09pm Jul 21 2011
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((Hey guys, before you post anymore, let's wait for Mail and Loki to post their intros. ^-^ I don't want anyone to be left behind. ;c))