10:51pm Jul 22 2011
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He jumped up and got onto his feet when he heard the soft voice of the girl that walked into the compartment he occupied. She had caught him deep in thought, still wondering about Hogwarts. He smiled and pulled out his hand for a hand shake. "Oi there. My name's Eric. Eric Welc. It's nice to meet you, Luna. Oh, and to your question.. yes and no.. this will be m'first time attending Hogwarts though, I'll be studying year 5 classes" he said, his australian accent very evident in in his voice. "I'm an transfer student from Australia." he grinned, scratching his shaggy, brown hair. Eric looked around the compartment quickly before stepping forward, "Please, take a seat if ya want, I'll get your luggage up into the storage cupboard." he offered, gesturing to the seats across from where he sat. He took her luggage out of her hands and carefully placed them into the cupboards. After, he sat down putting Ren back into his pocket. He waited for Luna to speak again. -------------------------------------------------- "They just anger me so much.. Those Slytherins.. especially that Malfoy.. ugh, infuriates me.." Amaryllis said with disgust. She hated when Draco made faces at her and Eva, and all the other muggles at Hogwarts, and she absolutely hated when Draco called them mu-, she wouldn't dare say it or even think about it. She switched topics. "Can't wait to see, Ronny again!" she said with a smile. Her and Ron were good friends, along with Eva. Secretly she kinda had a little soft spot, or crush if you wanted to put it like that on Ron. There was just something about him that always made her smile. "My parents thinks he's just a rescue owl that I found while in the woods, Ellious had a broken wing when I found him and my parents said I could keep him until he got better, he eventually did but, I just couldn't let me go so I taught him how to fake a broken wing when my mum and dad would be around.. Sucha smart bird Ellious is.. I don't know how I could survive without him." Amaryllis explained. Looking at Ellious with awe.
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11:09pm Jul 22 2011
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She blinked, the smile slipping or a second before it returned, a little more sincere than it had been. Ever the one to be straight forward with her thoughts Luna sat across from him, pale blue eyes bright. "You're very nice. I expected you to be rude or at the very least sulky and dim like most of your housemates. Slytherin has a reputation for having the snootier of the students, though of course that's not to say that all Slytherins are snooty, or that only Slytherins are snooty. There are some very snooty Ravenclaws, Gryffindors, and... well, Hufflepuffs are usually quite nice to anyone who will pay attention to them." Her smile turned a bit at the corners, giving it an odd tilt on her already vague features, adding to the far-off look in her eyes. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Eric. I hope that the other Slytherins don't treat you poorly. They tend to dislike anyone who wasn't raised in magic. There are several girls they pick on just for being Muggle-born. I hope that if you ever hear one of your housemates call anyone a mudblood you will chide them quite thoroughly, as behavior like that is too common among the Snakes." ----- Ron shrugged, chuckling. "Try living with them. Pains in my arse." He ran a hand through his shaggy red hair, ears turning a little pink at the tip. It would be a long, tormenting train ride. ----- At the mention of Ron, Eva giggled. "You liiiiike him! That's so cute. Those Weasley boys... Whoo. As for me, I'm going after Fred this year. He's a little quieter than George. Haven't you noticed? A little less boisterous, and a little sweeter. Or maybe I'm just a bit off. But that hair... Something about red hair..." She gave another giggle, blushing. "He seems really intelligent. Ellious, I mean. Not Fred. Though Fred is. Intelligent. I think Ron might like you." The pink on her cheeks deepened, and she stared at her lap. 'Nice save genius.'
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11:29pm Jul 22 2011
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||Gotta go, I'll post my replies tmr. See ya!||
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11:32pm Jul 22 2011
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((SGI4HODSH425VKLDS;;HJRHG Fred is awesomer than George. ;-;))
11:36pm Jul 22 2011
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ooc:// Uh, duh. Which is why he's my favorite. My sister likes George better.
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11:51am Jul 23 2011
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((Is it too late to make my bio or...? :D))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

1:01pm Jul 23 2011
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OoC; Once paige posts, can we be at Hogwarts? xD My last HP rp didn't last past the train ride xP
2:01pm Jul 23 2011 (last edited on 2:01pm Jul 23 2011)
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Name: Draco Malfoy
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Draco is, in general, an arrogant, snide, elitist bully. He believes himself superior to most people because of his family’s pure-blood lineage as well as great wealth and social standing. He often derisively mocks Muggle-borns, so-called blood traitors, Gryffindor students, and anyone who is a supporter of Harry Potter or Albus Dumbledore. He frequently called Hermione Granger a “Mudblood”, and invented the demeaning song Weasley is Our King to humiliate Ron Weasley. For much of his life, Draco has taken his father, aristocratic snob Lucius Malfoy, as a role model, and frequently boasts about his family's influence and wealth. However, when threatened with physical violence he is no more than a complete coward, crying when Hermione put her wand to him, running off after being hit, and only fighting back after the person has turned their backs to him. For all his haughty attitude and self-proclaimed superiority, Draco actually seems to have an acute inferiority complex. Contrary to popular belief, Draco does actually have a heart.
House: Slytherin
Quidditch position: Seeker
Wand: Hawthorn, 10", unicorn hair
Pet: N/A
Other: Wiki

Anything I forgot and you would like to add: I took most of his personality from his Wiki page lol. ((I kinda want to add a girl too, if that's okay. c:))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:15pm Jul 23 2011
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OoC; meowmeowmeowmeow meowmeowmeowmeow meowmeow meowmeow meowmeowmeowmeow.... that totally not the meowmix song :) anyway hi kink may I join? (likely as a girl ravie and a girl slytherin, but I could add a boy in there too if you need one to help balance the genders a little.)
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
2:55pm Jul 23 2011
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||I is here! :). So are we gonna go do Eastie's idea?||
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3:42pm Jul 23 2011
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ooc:// Yummi, before Kinkeh moves us on to the school, I'd very much like to see Eric's reaction to Loony Luna Lovegood. =3
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4:08pm Jul 23 2011
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[omg, Draco... the sex god has arrived.]
Fred and George both faked looks of mock horror. "Ron! We're so terribly hurt!" "We at least thought you liked us better than Percy but that is clearly not the case..." Sais Fred, wiping away a non-existant tear. "Anyways, now you've said that-" Added George, absentmindedly studiying his nail. " -we're going to be an even bigger pain in your over-sized arse!" Both twins said in unison, grinning identically and exchanging high-fives.
"So, how have you ladies all been, our summer was really boring, we got so bored we ended up testing a few inventions on Ron..." "He was not to happy about that one that gave him the extra toes, eh George?" "Or the one that made him incontinent for a solid week." They both started snickering, Fred soon breaking out into a fit of laughter.
[Derp. .n.]
4:08pm Jul 23 2011
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We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

4:17pm Jul 23 2011
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[I swear to god, if I saw Tom Felton on the street I would be making out with him, consent or no consent.]
4:19pm Jul 23 2011
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((That. ^ ♥ Yeah me too. Tom... *O* I'unno what to post, though, I'm kinda late. xD))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

4:21pm Jul 23 2011
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OoC; Arf Kink should get on so I can jump in :p
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
4:26pm Jul 23 2011
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[paige, you should have Draco peeking Gred and Forge's compartment and be all, ewww, Weasleys!]
4:34pm Jul 23 2011 (last edited on 4:36pm Jul 23 2011)
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Without any kind of hesitation Ron was up. He gave each of the twins a proper pound to the shoulder (a testament to his summer work-out routine) and was calmly seated once more in almost the same instant. He smiled quite sweetly to Hermione, as if nothing had just happened. "So, you were saying?" ooc:// I think it must be said that I don't find Daniel Radcliffe or Tom Felton that good looking They're just... I dunno. All I know is that when my sister and I were splitting up the male cast, Harry and Draco were the last two to get picked. Even Seamus got picked before Draco. /shrugs
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4:41pm Jul 23 2011 (last edited on 4:42pm Jul 23 2011)
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((LOL Gred and Forge <3 xD Maybe I'll do just that.)) Draco stiffened as he heard the all-too-familiar voices. The voices of Weasleys. Ick. Filthy blood-traitors, they were. With a smirk, Draco decided that he was going to poke a little fun at the family and whoever they were hanging out with. He heard Fred and George. He told Crabbe and Goyle to stay behind as he peeked into the cart. "I thought I smelled blood-traitor," Draco sneered into the cart, an evil glint in his eye as he gazed at the twin redheads. ((Fail. .w. Huh, I think Dan's pretty good looking. And Tom...I think Tom's gorgeous. xD But hey, every0one's entitled to their own opinnion. <3))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

4:59pm Jul 23 2011
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Fred and George glared at the poroxide blonde, both still rubbing their shoulders. "Takes one to know one Malfoy." George growled, his twin staring over his shoulder. "You're nothing but a cowardly Slytherin rat. Can't even go anywhere without the escort of those two goons." Fred sneered.
[Bye buys, I'm off to bed, be back on Monday, since I'll have run out of internet time for the week in one minute.]