5:02pm Jul 23 2011
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"Oh really, Weasley?" Draco shot back, raising an eyebrow at Fred- well, he thought it was Fred, anyway. "If that's so true, where are those two goons right now? At least I'm not the one hanging 'round dirty Mudbloods." His nose crinkled in disgust at the word. Ugh.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

5:07pm Jul 23 2011
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((Tom is gorgeous. ;-; I love him so much... And Fred! -Drools- I know him and George look the same, but something about that damn Fred... >.>
Winteris. o.o Omg. You didn't even have to ask! :DD
Paige: Yes, you may made a girl. :P
Reina: Yes, I was planning on getting there very soon. xD To the castle! -Weird superhero voice-))
5:26pm Jul 23 2011
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||Sorry Reina! I was watching a movie, Is it too late to make a reply? -looks at Kink and Reina-.||
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
5:27pm Jul 23 2011
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((Yummi, of course! ^-^))
5:42pm Jul 23 2011
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||Aw :(. I gotta go, I'll be back in an hour. Sorry!||
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
6:20pm Jul 23 2011
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Hermione lifted her head and abolutely, positively gave Malfoy the dirtiest look she could muster, "Sod off Malfoy, you arrogant prat." By saying that, she surprised even herself. Normally she kept a cool, level-headed exterior, not outraged. She looked defiantly at him, rage bruning in her eyes, almost daring him to speak. Waiting for another comment about blood-status. -- OoC; Guys, I think I'm gonna drop Zooey. :/ I can't play her, it's not working, so can we just forget I ever posted her? PS. I most definitely typed this on my iPod. I'm on the way to the hospital to visit my grandpa. D: BYE GUYS!
6:25pm Jul 23 2011
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"Look at the wittle Mudblood, trying to stand up for everyone." Draco cooed towards Hermione. "What is it, Weasleys? Having Muggleborns fight your battles now?" He 'tsk'ed, shaking his head in mock-disappointment. "Shame, really, your family is. Putting Purebloods to shame." He hissed towards the twins, before spinning on his heel and stalking back to his cart.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

6:33pm Jul 23 2011
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Zuri soon found herself being the only girl in the cart, which she didn't mind, but she thought it was a bit unusual. She looked over to the boy who had sat down beside her, Jasper, and waved. "Nice to see you again," she said to her classmate. She looked up at the cage where his cat was, and laughed. They had finally learned to leave that thing alone. Of course, she didn't want anything to do with it either. She didn't like cats, any way. ((Hey, Kink! Is it okay if Zuri is an unregistered animagus? If not, then I'm okay.))
Love is all we need~
6:34pm Jul 23 2011
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((Sorry, Wolfie, I wouldn't let Reina be one, so it wouldn't be fair. Sorry. ^-^))
6:38pm Jul 23 2011
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((Okay. That's fine.))
Love is all we need~
6:45pm Jul 23 2011
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That was it. She was mad. Her morning had been horrible, the last week had been hard on her entire family, and the last few months well, she felt straight up lonely. Her amount of friends at Hogwarts was fairly limited, even more so at home. Maybe if her summer, well, life, hadn't been so bad, and she wasn't so angry she wouldn't have done what she did. She furiously stood up and stalked out of their compartment and towards Malfoys. She stomped in and pulled her wand, holding it so close to Malfoy it was nearly touching his chin, "You think," she growled, "that you can just walk up to me, insult me and walk away with no repercussions?" She lowered her wand a bit, "You bloody fool, you have absolutely no idea much you pissed me off." She stood there, once again, fire raging in her eyes, anger clearly painted on her face. -- Xander lifted his head in time to see some girl who he had a fwe calsses with stalk by and raise her wand to a Slytherin. He was shocked, that was something he'd never seen anyone do that on the train. Ever. OoC; THAT TOOK A LONG TIME TO WRITE D:
6:48pm Jul 23 2011
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((... I think I just like reading this more than writing. xD
That means you guys are amazing. <3 hehe I should probably post now. >.>))
7:37pm Jul 23 2011
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Ron, who had spent much of this exchange silent and thus unnoticed the the little troll, rose a split second after Hermione had stormed out to follow Malfoy. Just as she lowered her wand he stepped past her, grabbing the snivelling snot by collar, wolloping him once in he jaw, perhaps a bit harder tha he'd meant to- "Go ahead and insult me, Malfoy. Even insult Fred and George. But eventually hating the entire school is going to come back at you. I'm prettysure Hermione hits a hell of a lot harder than me." -and walking quite deliberately back to his corner seat in the compartment. He didn't acknowledge anyone or anything, including the fact that he'd just punched Draco Malfoy in the face. It felt good though. and he sat a bit easier having done it. ooc:// Don't blame me. Ron was feeling insecure, and Malfoy was being a jerk. Plus, I've always wanted to punch Malfoy in the face.
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
7:39pm Jul 23 2011
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ooc:// Also, Kink, it's a bit different, since being a metamorphagus is hereditary, like Tonks and Teddy. So I could've, within reason, had Cece on as a metamorphagus, but I don't think it's polite to argue with the threadmaster over something so silly.
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9:05pm Jul 23 2011
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((xD And I guess, but they are both incredibly rare and everything. >.>))
9:16pm Jul 23 2011
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Eric loosened up, he couldn't help but, smile at her. Maybe it was her bright energy that lightened him up. She seemed quite odd but, Eric didn't mind. "Oh, is that so? I just can't stand them mean people. Their attitude just disgusts me." he said, meaning what he said. He played with his fingers in his lap, still listening to Luna carefully. He smiled at what she said, "It's nice to meet ya too, Luna. If they do, then I'll just simply ignore them. I was raised to just do like that. And, I promise you I will try and talk to them if they do use that term 'mudblood'." he grinned afterwards. "What house are ya in Luna? oh- and may I just say your quite beautiful.. y'know, for a first impression." he complimented. ------------------------------------------------------- Amaryllis was slightly embarrassed when she started to tease her about Ron, "Oh, I do not! and anyways if I did, he likes that girl, Hermione in Ravenclaw.. or that's what everyone's been saying." she lied, perfectly hiding away the red in her cheeks but, possibly not the lie in her tone. She smiled as she heard Eva go on and on about Fred Weasley, Ron's older brother. Amaryllis though, too giggled at the mention of 'red-hair'. "Seems like to me, you know a lot about Fred.. Please tell me more." she joked, ignoring her when she said Ron might like her. ||Fail XP. I'm back anyways.||
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
9:21pm Jul 23 2011
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ooc:// Which is why I knew better than to argue. ;3 Imma wait to reply until everyone has properly reacted to Ron punching Malfoy in the face (corr, I love saying that) before I post, Yummi. Until then... Ulzzang...
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
9:25pm Jul 23 2011
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||Okie pokie :).||
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10:05pm Jul 23 2011
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Draco growled in Ron's direction, unconsiously rubbing the spot where he'd been punched. Damn, for a weak-looking Weasley, Ron had a good arm. He had actually whimpered a bit when Hermione had her wand at his neck, which made him curse himself under his breath. Bloody git he was, scared of a girl, a Mudblood, no less. "Listen, Granger, I can tell you're pretty pissed off," Draco said after a while, regaining his cockiness, "So, you know, I think for now, I'll take back what I said." Really, he shouldn't be saying these things. He was a fool, just like she had said, for being afraid. What a coward. "But my Father will be hearing about this," He added in his famous threat with a sneer, stretching his neck away from the wand that was still pointed at him.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

5:43am Jul 24 2011
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Name: Genevieve Corrine Hewitt Age: Fifteen years old Gender: Guess. Personality: Though not always perfectly witty, Genie has an above average sense of sarcasm and an above Ravenclaw average intelligence, attending private school before Hogwarts. She has an intense passion for books, but Genevieve can’t draw. Genevieve CAN’T draw. Genevieve can-not draw. All she does is read books, she can’t draw. Even if she’s reading a how-to-draw book. (If you caught my reference, A+) I was lying, her artistic ability is normal, not anything particularly special though. She becomes infatuated easily, though never stays long after the chase, a fact that she hopes to change. House: Ravenclaw Quidditch position: Chaser Wand: 10 ¾ inches, dogwood, feylin whisker core, pliable. Pet: Cecelia, her brown tabby cat with green eyes. Owns two large dogs at home that often are the cause of her sneezing (http://pandorascube.deviantart.com/#/d41ghlz) Other: Goes by her full first name, V, or Genie, with no preference to what others call her. She loves Cecelia, but not her dogs, and she will talk about it if the subject rises. Genie is very adept in her classes and is most excellent at transfiguration. Hopes to one day become a feline animangus so she can chat with Cecelia. Half-blood. (Muggle father, witch mother) Looks/Deion: Genevieve has long hair, just past her bust, in a deep purple-y auburn color. Her bright green eyes are offset by the contrasting colors, and she often wears black liquid eyeliner, though prefers not to use it on her lower lashes. With naturally long eyelashes, she doesn’t need to wear too much mascara, but likes the way it feels, and can be seen experimenting with false eyelashes. Full lips complete her oval face shape, and her brows are near perfect, but slightly lighter than her hair color, so Genie colors them in. For her athletic build, Genie’s bust is a bit larger in proportion, a genetic trait from her mother’s side- her little sister (Evangeline) is the same way. She stands at 5’7” and 126 lbs, mostly muscle from playing beach volleyball when she stays the summer at her mother’s apartment in San Francisco. Her shoe size is 10, rather large, giving her hope that she might grow a little more to match her feet. Her attire varies day to day, but her favorite clothing color is teal or grey, absentmindedly choosing things in those categories. She loves jeans and yoga pants, finding comfort in the way they always feel the same. On girlier feeling days, she wears skirts that are usually accompanied by white v-necks and a waist-accentuating belt, if the skirt is a-line instead of the pencil style. While her hair doesn’t like to commit itself to one particular texture, for the most part Genevieve straightens it, though most of it just needs smoothing down. She’s tan relative to a vampire and pale relative to the year-round California girls, but has more of a medium skin tone. Has a double piercing and a small nose stud (right side), and plans on piercing her cartilage and belly button sometime in the next year or so. (A good-ish representation of Genie: http://pandorascube.deviantart.com/#/d3d98lz) -- Name: Solange Daphne Mileson Age: Fifteen years Gender: Female Personality: Solange is rather bubbly for Slytherin, losing herself in daydreams and doodling hearts with initials on the borders of her parchment. Others often tease her because of her oddness, equating her to Luna, the ditzy Ravenclaw, but Solange knows better. She has a bit of a mischievous streak, one of the things that drove her to pull off the Devious Deed, a fond memory for the airheaded girl. She likes to think to the extremes and can be found wandering into class late because she was napping in the courtyard or wondering if flying was like being in a convertible car. Solange considers herself very lucky, for one being a pure blood so the Slytherins don’t entirely hate her, and for all of the sticky situations she’s managed to avoid over the years. Recently, (it may be puberty) Solange has found herself getting more and more irritated with the other houses, and beginning to fit in with the Slytherin crowd more. Hey, she even went on a few dates once! Something is changing in the ways of sweet looking Solange, for better or for worse. House: Slytherin Quidditch position: No, though she goes to all the games. Wand: 12”, Cherry, Phoenix feather, Slightly springy Pet: A small white dove named Veronica. (See Deion) Other: Solange isn’t the perfect fit for Slytherin, in fact if she hadn’t done the Devious Deed the morning of the sorting, she probably would have ended up in Hufflepuff, and though they were awfully good finders, she’d much rather the Slytherin house. Looks/Deion: Solange has honey colored hair that curls slightly at it’s ends. She has light brown eyes and the faintest hint of freckles along the bridge of her nose, though from a distance they’re not noticeable at all. Her favorite color is mint green, which leads her to believe It was a good thing she was placed in Slyterin, since most other house colors didn’t match that. She’s 5’5” and still growing every day, wearing usually light touches of makeup. Often Solange will curl her hair with rollers, wanting the springy style to match her mood, but when it’s too much of a hassle, she sticks with her natural hair. She carries a variety of band-aids with her in case she trips, but likes the plain ones best. Slender built, she’s rather boyish in shape, but likes to add girly touches like necklaces. Veronica nearly always travels on her left shoulder or flying overhead. (An accurate depiction of Solange Daphne Mileson: http://pandorascube.deviantart.com/#/d41gwcy)
school's out and I'm back for the summer~